The West Briton from Truro, Cornwall, England (2024)

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THE WEST SRITON AND CORNWALL ADVERTISER civil war On the Hit ultimo a pro tarnation wav and by tb- Mvc'atui-ni arqsaistiug Hi jieopk I hat the el-sriont for the forte1 vnmid eomswncc on the 9l4ltof this umuth It wav accompanied by a plan drwriptirr of the quaiificalioov for rtreror! thr uuobcr of representative See According la money withoni the nutbomy of Parliament aurf' order Mr Craven to state that she has never enters taiaedariubULat the King' ifleft to the ginlaiv of his ourn sound judgment aud honourable ML'i ingi would at once lj1en to the clj upou his ju'tire and to the united prayer of loyal A mvt of the Want of was a 00 Monday Alderman Cox in the elmir addrrjs C4ngratultion was voted to her jestv On the day a meeting of the narLuI English ministry by Ihe ftnrinS of a government not as yet so entirely assimilated-as might he wished lo those of which tbeytheifi-stlvcs are at the head thv feel at the same time that a crisis is arrived at Which decimve measures can no longer be deferred: and having been assured by Count Munster that he jmnSelf as the adviser of the King of Hanover will assist to his utmost fft nV endeavour to put down the mischief by force of arms they now want a security for Ihe consent and assistance ot the King ol England towards tbe same end Of his corfsent they are assured and ot his assistance they arc arc assured aim 01 FTie It appear that a fccMe altcmpt a fonntrr revolution was made at Aliva on (tie 6ih instant by who at tbe brad of tbifty soldier proclaimed tbeabo-lition of the Cortes Oa the Ttb iBforma 1 ion rtas received at Madrid that Count ght and had measures to pur-story was circulated of a body of cavalry having appeared in fa Mancha in support of a MHinter-retolution hot it was contradicted as an invention of the disaffected- The King remaiwed at the Kscurial on the 14th ipstant It apears that there were some popalar dftUirkances at Valencii wliere lhe people prehendiu some aUernplS at a JOURNAL Agricultural JnlsUig lire FV'f Markets be titMIvm TurBv Triv Althputfi ikcrr life tj-eo pretty pto uptte of WlwBt til nrtRf yet the bviuf if mttrd hr ttraiti ift ivmviinvrT of ihe ftram of ibe (talricl brio gitg reward Itair prattler fjvrh Ur iraporiMi oH from lrfMd liw bcm tale" olfb1t i unit tW market we BIC att-cthtt on Mbrtitof to 3d prr butte I amt hi Oat fully Id prr butte! fr thy price of day Inferior Waton-at for ferdint wio -nii fc'iuri4 FJtttttt fair (temarnt In oili-r vrtkir of Ihr trad there not mme buttle dime on a moderate cIe to qanity biitwllfcui any watrrial aXcratiuH lo yolue IV 111 vi i in Not It Flee When! It met dull wy 1 11 an-'V price-- mldllln i and inferior aua-litle renwla ottti Hired ttioojh offered at "-auction of to 1 per quarter the Wheat Ir on the former brio only amall and fie arrival of grain up the river arc very tridint though the etork OB bnttd arc folly eipif to the demand The beat aamplea of Mridog Bariev hare been taken off at 31a to 31 fid end in amt inatwt' mire money bat been obtained In Oata there ha been little doing but the ttfmini for Nbrliitir haw been very briaii and an advance iff fid to la per load but been idHained Kean and Peat are alcadj the latter ratter more In renuett No icn Nov 3- Our market am erv well attended plenty of aamplea ait were about I' per coomb bener than iaat market Bariev and flat atood a Wheat Vlt to 31 flat UK fid to lit nd Harley It to Ida fid oer coomb jj Tina trrev CVerte Mr Anew Nov 33 can Stock of whielt there waa nbcodance fa ratherlooh-- lag ttwnwrdand not murha peoa taere Mi aa utiKlaitd Sheep iiffridul lower price hut alnwrfow Hoeonw ffea fleff fi to 5a per atone at ttefi niton 3d to Bdi Pdrk Sd to 7d I add Vented toSd Perth Ilaia" Nor BcefSJd to 64d s' Morton Sdtohldt end Pork td tohd prr lb lakinr offal MacToh Nov mi to (Rd Pork Sd tflfids and Veal did to fid perlh price fur fat Pin 1 64 tier (one with head anil fret atiipoed for railing pa PreaH Butler 15d per lb Suit ditto 4is fid jM'r firkin Irwi a fine 2S Our market to-day waa well applied it there we little or no alteration in prices peon Jrwl rah (Icneral currency a follow Wheat 31 to flfiny Barley 90 to 9i Bean ntdSSa to 30a ditlo tiew Hr to31t Peal to 31 and tint to Pr quarter IJoaio Mannter Wo well aupplied with anmpleaof fb-iilo heat wnabrlak in leniupd and wild a follow i from S3 to 63a per hoarier Oat from IS to St net quarter Roivtoc Nov 43 -The Cvio trade here (with the eyci ptlon of Mnltmq Ijarlej i very dull mid tttpqdh the lopplf by no mean It appeoTa quite 'Siiirie 6h the demand! -Beat Whent from (i fid to 6 ditto Barley-3- fid to dd KioUnitdUtoS3d 8 3 i Beau la to tin Oaf to 3 JUI4 Malt Sr- to 7 per battel Hour brat Seconds from II to 43 per bay mer statements It seems to be certain that the propriety of occupying Naples by the Austrian troops aud or restoring the ancient order of affairs in that Kingdom has been discussed the Congress of Troppau The discussions ot the Sovereigns are still eontiniied'at Troppau All accounts from Germany concur in stating that tbe subjects of consideration are of the highest importance A Courier has been it is said dispatched from Troppau to Naples to apprise the Government of the definitive resolutions of the Sovereigns A Flanders Mail has brought Papers from Brussels to the 25th instant The following are extracts Vi ex a November 12 It is generally considered a certain that Austria in concert with it Allies Russia and Prussia will occupy kingdom of Naples with military force no immfdiate co-operation is now expected from England in this measure however there will be an Laigtish squadron of observation in ihe Golf of Naples to guarantee in case cf need the safety of the Royal Family Some persons think that if the Austrian army advaures against Naples there will be a counter-revolution there in fiavour of the ancient system at all events important changes may be expected in the course of this winter There is a report of a new note presented to tbe Sovereigns by die Ajnhassador of Great Britain and by the Ambassador of another Bower relative to tbe uKairi of Naples and the contents of which are stated to have given rise to a long discussion Prince Mrttcynlcfi was had several private confer-xences with Priitee Hfiteentrerg Letters from Vienna say that lbti Austrian army in Italy ftas Keen 'doubled since the commencement of the conferences at Troppau and is still receiving large reinforcements Brian The following is an extract of a letter dated Lubec Nov 1 3 Gaptain of a merchant vessel which performed the voyage from Cronstadt hither in the short space of five days relates the following incidents to have taken place in just befffFe his depar-Jure The regiment of liorse Guards in garrison in that city suddenly and without order assembled in arms and marched towards the residence of the Colonel who however having received timely information of their motions and suspecting himself to be the object of them fled hastily from his bouse When the mutineers saw their expectation of seizing their Colonel defeated they wreaked their revenge on bis dwelling which was neatly rifled of all its coatcntsand much injured Meanwhile the alarm spread the other troops in garrison were called out and led to the spot where the work of depredation was going on They succeeded without difficulty in reducing the rebels to submission and thus stifled a spirit of insoburdi nation that might have proved highly dangerous to the Russian capital The mutineers were all dispatched to a fdrtress in Finland" Tukby An article in the Hamburgh papers dated Constantinople says Ffesh differences having arisen between the Schismatic and the Catholic Armenians the Sultan has appointed a Tribunal to adjust them Thi Tribunal 'has proceeded with great rigour and real barbarity Accusers aud accused guilty and in-aoccut were put to the tori ure -t-Three Bishops 4ne of them a venerable old man of 89 year ere beheaded two other individuals were hanged before the gate of the Patriarch three bankers banished rad their property confiscated by which from 20 to 30000000 of piastres have accrued to the financial operation has however excited iu OnstantinopleYreat dissatisfaction with a favourite of the Sultan because several Pachas ho had placed their property in the hands of these 1 bankers have lost their ah A son of Baba Pacha uh thr Turkish forces against AU ha has arrived here in a beautiful English carriage which his father had taken from All The Sultan received this young man very graciously anti Appointed him Chamberlain" A Paris paper says A report is in circu-Jation and has obtained a considerable degree of credit that the Grand Seignor bas ordered the assemblage of an array in the vicinity of again elect ioi ttepecnenfartre Israeli be laiiXed to send Depntie a- are the de-f pendenfiea in Aia Ac Ir nppear that rhee re-golaltonr which gee frame on the plan of the Spoil 1-1 FnoMhaitoo dtd not give votirfaetion some individual witting to have the Forte eleeted nc-i Hiding tothenid fono-aiid to leave thefornialimi of new eOnvtifntioo to (bat aivemhly tif ifciwc who are of tlm oplnion tverc four of the Memhers of the taoveenioent dimtjti ff'IieniaiocifyIiowever or ibe iviiveenioent rmtra i aemaioritvnowrver apprehending tlrnl by fifing the lev the oM wayil asdCftfiird prevent thr rxtetmon of popular privilege wliirh a etwnjre in rirf-tirnManer rrtiirl detrrairri1 ronvent the Cortes m-eordinjrtrbeKpatBlt form and rNtatdbh thr Spun Up Comtileitiori 4 leaving it lo that body to make any atferatians which the rircuuMtam of the country miht remler expedient On thellih imtantthe Junta otfUwernmrnt imft and their lUflVrence of opinion was carried to such a height that the majority determined to dilplace the minority of four ho wrre aciordrnly exprlted In order to insure the Mficew of their measure the majority ordered the troops fe hr akpn81ed and required the officer to (wear to up(Mi1 ihe Constitution pri-molirared by the on he plan of that of fcpain ruJjjec! lo jmicIi altcratioM the Corter might judge it expedient to make All the officers tok the oath required rwpt Sepulveda 'hd those of hil bivivam cormlinjr of eit Bat-tolions of Chasseurs who tok posse ion of the HlacJt Hone Stjuarr and prejrared to wxfet the orders of the majority of the Junta aad sopport the minority Thrngs were now come to a crisis which admtttrd of 00 delay the jjun of Fort St George were ordered to be depressed so as to bear our the square 1 and on all the heights that corromuided it nrt iliefy was planted cannon loaded with grape-shot were placed in all the streets leading to the square whiht the street called Cape list a and Pe-lurinho wgre filled with cavalry so a to cwt off ail retreat on the part the roalcouteuts Happily Srpulvedjfc perceiving that he had no chance of success ptevented an oseles effnsimi of blood and the rommeoceroent of a civil war by consent ing to tafce the oaths roqu ired The nest day the Government was censored most strongly by the editors of Ihe newspapers fiir infringing the rights and endangering the safety of the ct iens of Lisbon by calling out the military in such force These remonstrances Bad the desired effect and an hpology qraa offered stating the necessity of decisive measiwfcs tq secure to the people their just privileges Last night at nine an immense ctmrouirst of people amounting at least to 30000 collected in front of the overhment-Hoe and called for the Governors to appear in the great balcony This they complied with and accordingly nppeafed attended by men bearing flambeaux The populace thro declared that they were desirous of having the Spanish Constitution and that they wished that the exclud Members of the Go veniment should be reinstated The Governors signified their readiness to comply with both these requisitions and the excluded Aletnbers soon approached 4 in their rofcches escorted by numbers of the populace bearing flambeaux The square was illuminated on this joyful reconciliation and at a late hour the multitude peaceably relumed to their homes without committing any disorder So great is excitement which recentpoliticul event have caused in the public mind that on the 1 1 th Inst one paper The Star of sold 13000 copies in the morning and 9000 copies of a supplement published in the To-day all is quiet nor are any apprehension of disturbance Tlie follow Ins letter being transmitted by a private vessel reached us by I He London Lisbon Orrotmn 28 1820 On the 18th of this muhth it was announced in the public papers that the note of Beresfurd to the Government and their answer were forgeries Great pains are sold to have been taken to discover the author who i said to be a clerk in one of the public offices and ho was acquainted with his hand-w ritiug The ftoya! Decree placiug Ford Bcresford Marquis of Camp Maior overall the authorities civil and military in this country in fart putting the whole power of the state at his disposal continues to excjte the most lively indignation throughout the whole nation The Government has caused this famous Decree to bo circulated ith much industry and it is considered ns an additional and conclusive argument for diminishing the Royal authority Certainly though the eminent services of Lord liemford are ndniit ted his Majesty has given great offence to the Portuguese by conferring such unprecedented authority on an individual and that individual a foreigner It appears thit his Mjesty had not umoh confidence in the Regency here or he would not have subjected them to the control of an individual in a way that no men of spirit would submit to It should be observed that the Members of the Regency had 110 jury the inly emoluments arising from their situation being the prtsents they received from those to whom they granted favors certainly the very orst mode of renumcrating thcif services A variety of alterations have been made here nil for the public advantage The Jtdlicr soldiers leave no longer the power of taking up people at their pleasure as heretofore A civil officer similar to a constable in JBngland Must now attend those soldiers in apprehending arty individual and the perron taken Into custody must as speedily as can conveniently be done be takeo before a tivll magistrate when he i to undergo an examination Nimilar to that adopted In England before he is dBnitely committed press continues perfectly free and the number of newspapers is increasing weekly The Editors of these prints do utt now scruple to call the execution of Domex Frere sind Ilia companions ow the 18th of October a supposed cons piracy against the then (19V eminent a murder lip to ibis time all is tranquil hw Bw public ntteiMion i chiefly eo-groased by the expected meeting of the IelirTSof the 4ih ltisl via France slate that the Biu'll packet Captain Watkins reached Lisbon on the lt and that as soon aa the Captain had arrived he was arrested and put into pi ison and his mails taken from him The mails were opened on the pretext pf searching for contraband property No such articles being found the Captain was immediately released The packet was to sail again oiitbeGth for the Brazils with the Conde de Paimella but no private letters were tu be suffered to go with ber The MonUeur of Friday last which reached town' on Monday contains a ivoChambcrS for the 19th of December The result of lhe late elections is Mated to be decidedly in favor of the Royalists The heafth is understood to be improved as he holds courts and dines with hi family It mar be recollected that some persons were arrested in the south tff Prance in the early part tif the present year on a charge of being concerned in a plot against the life of the Duke of Angoulerac These individuals have nbt yet been brought to trial aud it is now assorted that they were engaged in a conspiracy for the dtrtruction of tho reigning Dynasty and the overthrow of the present The persons arreted in August last for another conspiracy against the government were it is said to be brought to trial on tbr 5lh instant jj ultimately how so loiig Hcy Lord at tlie lfad otuiir fori ipi alFuirs i 1 1 II 1 tu tv 2 11 his memorable declaration at ihe Congress of 1 Si 5' that popular ctmalilatwns were no longer suitable to the actual iitutalom of Europe being still fresh in their memories aud most consistently exemplified by his practice hut then coine the questions how is his lordship to be secured in his office Is ffie British monarch so absolute in bis prerogative as to say to his subjects it fs sir iTill tiiat lie remain and you shall have no other reason The sovereigns we are informed have allowed themselves be prr-Suaded under these circ*mstances that their mterfcrfence in bis favour would materially tend tetnvigorate their coanyilsat Treopau they have agreed therefore on liazaifUng a second ddmurcke (tbe first was in Juue last wheq Ministers pretended to-rosiga) expressive of the disappoihtment they should feel if any material changes should take place in the British Ministry This manifestation of their views has been confided by corunwra consent to Prince Rsterhazy directions to lay it in person before his Mujesty at a private audience We forbear for tbe presuit from such indignant remarks as an interposition of this sort most justly deserves Wc ask however in what times do we live when the King Closet shall be selected as the scene on which so gross au insult shall be offered to the independence of his people? What Ministry with the common feelings of English Gentlemen would submit to such support THE KING On Sunday his Majesty accompanied by his attendants in waiting attended Divine Service at St Chapel Windsor On Monday morning at half-past eleven the King arrived in his travelling chariot and four with outriders at his Palace in Pali-irall escorted by a party of the 10th Regiment of Light llorss fram Windsor THE QUEEN Her Majesty's intention to go to on Wednesday in order to return thanks for her late signal deliverance frqni the machinations of her enemies liasgiven ritetosomc unpleasant feelings between the City authorities and the Dean and Chapter of the me-tropolitau Cathedral At first the Dean quid Chapter felt disposed ttf give up the whole bf the church and choirlo the Corporation hut afterwards they retracted mid informed the Lord Mayor that the church should be thrown open to1 the public indiscriminately Serious apprehensions being entertained that her enemies would cxett tkem-sefve to ereate a on this occasion for the purpose of throwing odium on the Queen precautions were taken to prevent such aa occurrence At a meeting at tbe Tavern Great Queen-street it was resolved to form an equestrian procession to escort her Majesty from Brandenbtirgh-House: and Sir Robert Wilson was requested to take the command to which be has assented The Gentlemen residing West of Hyde-Park to assemble at nine tin Wednesday morning at Hammersmith there to be marshalled by members of th Committee tbe gentlemen residing east of de-Park to assemble at ten in Hyde-Park there to be marshalled by Sir Robert Wilson who with Sir Gerard Noel and other Members' of Parliament wav to The Walking processions to fall antes the rear of tfre horsem*n Th city committee met at Guildhall on Monday and sat from eleven until four o'clock for the purpose of making arrangements for the reception of her Majesty The Dean and Chapter had consented to admit 2000 special constables rnto tbe church atten o'clock and Alderman VYood sat at Guildhall from twelve to two ou Tuesday to swear them in The first 2000 lhal entered their names to be admitted into tbe church and the remainder to be stationed between Teinple-bar and St Paul's Placards were ordered to be posted cautioning the people to keep silence in the-church as attempts may be made to disturb the peace It was also determined that 60 ladies should attend her Majesty to the Archdeacon Bathurst son of tbe venerable Bishop of Norwich arrived in town on Monday morning for the purpose of preaching a sermon before her Majesty oa Wednesday hut the Dean aud Chapter resolved that no sermon should be allowed on tbe occasion The following is the order ofthe procession from Hyde-Park Three Trnuipeters Sir Robert Wilson Guvl ade six a-breast Three Buglrs Her MajeatyV Carriage dran a by sir Horses Thrre Trarapetem The c*ntmitlee luvvi' uudertaken lo defray all the thargr of the fend and other incidental expenses out of their own pockets- The tirtt division of the horsctfien to file off oil the south side of St thedroi The Hammersmith division to hall and face to the right about aa tolte the lead in the return oflJcr Maiestv to Brandenhurgh-House The Kastei division in fafl hi the fear amlac-coiniMmv her Majesty back to livde-Park--Comer where they take their leave Her Majesty was to arrive at SL Pauls at twelve The following is the notification to be read by the officiating clergyman before the thanksgiving at the conclusion of the Morn-mg Service -Caroline Amelia Ittzabeth Queen Consort of hese Realms desires to offer up her praise and jimnUn-m for the late iberey voochsafcd uato And in Hie prayer aDei- the unto ail to add the to her wha desire now to otk'r uo her praise aud thanksglvinj for thv lute mercy vouchsafed unto here List of visitors at Brandenburgh-house Saturday ind Sunday Mr Creevy Rev Edward French Rev Mr ins bold Ludy Wui Rossell Lord Durtcanim rt Dmkervtlle Udv Mary BarrattMr! and air Deninaa Wood Esq Mr and add Udut Her JWfastytfai directed Mr Craven her Vice Lparnbcrlam to rcqjTy to Lord letter declining to appoint any ofthe royal palaces for her residence hut offering to continue her present allowance unfit parliament meet for the dispatch to 8e direct rfmal to the offer of Lotd Lhcrpotd to supply her with St Bitolpb M'itliooi Aldgate was held in vestry and a C4ingmtnIatqry address to her Wa votrd A meeting of the parish if St also held at lbti AWjnWy-Riwnns in Brewer when a string of rtsoMUrm aud an A ddr lhrj1(Vjn venVpted An Address ti biS hiu 0 his jliriittfr riti agreed to and ordi-red to he preseote-j Tj Hpbbotue and Sir raucH Burdetr Sir Noel and Mr llo4hHte were hltarits of he parish of St Pan's ht-rf a In mfla at King-street Covent-C i 1 lord William Rnsset was ro chair of congratulation to the Queen aud a petitio King for the dismissal of Ministers were A requisition for eoitoty meeting on the 1 jeetof the late roereiting- ogaiusl the now in etrcalMuM in the county of Durham w-has already received tlie respei-tahle 6f Sear lamlitBn Beauiaont AtTlwb Mr Bcxinct hard Uu1tou aud Sir RE 4V Hi ley 1' The English at Paris are preparing a bsunuo in honour oP their Qoeeo at which Mr 1'hon- Muere the Bard of Fria Witt preside sT At Qliieherter pa Snnday se'nntghtin ath? noon when the Prayer ttr tbe Royal Famity was repeated withnut the Queen' name a great part of the congregation left the church This snddea departure caused sonie alarm severil femaes screamed aud Ihe confusion foe aw Idle was sad as cannot be described Ou Sunday last the Bivhop of Enadon about to preach a charity sermon for tlie benefit of the Paddington ScbeoU eapericnced a affront soiely to be ascribed to hfs fete conduce respecting her Majesty sooner had his Lord-ship ascended the pulpit than several of the mot respectable part of the congregation took their hats and quitted tbe church COURT OF KING'S BENCH Mondap November 27 THjfi KING SIR BURDETT This morning the Judges delivered thrir o-pinfaijt seriatim on tbe applirutiou of Sir Francis Burdet fora new trial Justices Best and HlroyJ a the Lord Cluef Justice wee of opinio that no promd was Inid for a urw trial but Mi Jastice Baytev stated that he thought the ip plU'ation shoifld be coii plied with Lordhip jave his reasons for differing from bis Learaed Brothers in opinion at gpvat length and with his usual ability lie considered the charge of tbe L-aroed Judge (Rest) to be erroneous where be presumed that tbe libel a published io Leicestershire though there yras net a tittle of evoce to support that puvtpliim it was the doty of tW prosecutors to have called Mr liickerseth4o Sr Francis gave the letter to shew uuder wliat i circmiih tances be had rereived if as they did m'n 1 the defeudint a entitled to tbe benefit af their -ojois i-ui The Learned jude-aidhc save no op uci as lo whether the mete fact of putting a sealed letter cinto the pa t-office was a publication this be coo-adered at leasts a doubtful point Publishing and vji 'tio was out entire offence and tire proof Rie writing on'y in lciccstershife was not suffi cint to a Jury (iat cmuty cowjzance of grknt-d Va' tllat a trial tbmild be After the opinion of the Court wav dctiverwii SoUcitor-Geueral said he should met call for iuite ment agaiost the defendaut until the Urst iiav'S teTln- Norzmber 93 THE KING 17 T(IOWS DAVISOV The Court having rejected the application of dm deteudant for a new trial which was made ot the prefund that the Jude before whom he ws tric Besf) had intimidated him and thereby prevented him from effectually defending bimself by smg three several fines on bini fir otPring raattex sa tas defance which dkpleased bis Lordship ttqs day proceeded to pass the sentence which was that lie be imprisoned in the goal oF Oakham in Rutland for two years and at the expiration of that term to give securities! for his good behaviour for live vears himself and two sureties in "20 eaci The City of London Grand Jury have Totmd a true bill against Franklin alias lie fc her for HM treason for issuing placards with in ten titjn of exciting the people to rebellion against (he Govern-mfn this person ill now be outlawed aud who knowingly harbour hit wiH be subject tt severe penalties FALMOUTH and BODMIN MR SHARP Organist of Falmoutft INFORMS the Nobility and Qeiitrt of tbs above Towns and Ihe-ir Vicinities that he has commenced his IVSTRUCTION-S on the PIANO-FORTE VIOLIN' ELUTt V10-ION CELLO Ac and flatter Jiimseir that his Professiopai atletUioa will raerit the putrojiage which he respecfully solicijs TESWSpff-tKtRBCTtOIV-rBa ASU Private Pupils Schools fl a Ladles ttiewnf anted un the I'ialin Piao-Fo-rtes tuned by Mr Assistant who will attend the neiehUourin-Towns quaffterlj Address to Mr at Mr Latte' Library Falmouth December I 1899 fSfyt SiSlrsif Britain TRURO rniDAr December i PPISCA li)E 'Fhe stale of Europe is at this moment most portentous in every quarter we per-tieive appearances which indicate a genera! and mighty" struggle between liberty and despotism the enlightened spirit of ihe age whioh demands for the people the securities of rational freedom and ihe anxiety of aur-tbority to preserve its power undituinishtir and uphold those abuses which the superior information of mankind has rendered itetolr ruble In Spain the priesthood and a portion of the nobility are evidently irndeaveuri" to induce the K-ing to make a fyiai and eftort to put down the and restore the lnlq'nsition tha DtonaAMN and tlie privileges of the higher orders which objecU tboy are ready to plunge already nearly ruined country roto all honors of civil war In Portugal 1 kIA a Cann hers tb oppose the imaginary danger They loud)? demanded the headof General Elio and threaten to inflict vengeance on the who was supposed to aid the plans of those whose otiject is to overturn the Some troops were sent to Valencia and tranquillity was The prorogation of the Cortes on the 9th instant presented a solemn and interesting spectacle After the reading of the roval pecch by the Minister of "the Inferior the Prasldenr announced that the Cortes bad closed their sittings A feeling of respect alone restrained the expression of the public fcoltog during ihe sitting hut a soon as the Deputies Entered the streets they were re-ei4rf with every token of ffgfrd and esteem id the evening the city war briflianlly iituniMaied to celebrate the happy close of the first sitting of the Cortes The Montague packet which carried out mails for Lisbon and the Brazils from Falmouth landed the former in the Tagus and then proceeded for the Brazils with Count Paimella and family on board After leaving the Tagil she encountered some severe gales and was compelled to put into Gibraltar where on examination it was found necessary that she should be hotoe down to get repaired In consequence of this Count Palmefht and suite are to proceed to the Brazils in an Austrian frigate in which Baron Wunnscr is about to take his passage supposed on an imporlant mission from the Allied Powers to the court of Rio Janeiro Three British frigates had arrived at Gibraltar where they received orders to proceed immediately to join the fleet in the Bay of Naples ft appears that the yellow fever is raging with great firry at Xeres and has also made its appearance at Alcala 18 miles west Of Gi brat tar The Favourite sloop of war from Newfoundland for England put into Gibraltar at the same time the Montague packet did The ath ices from Naples are of the -Of this month The Indeperdent newspaper of Naples contains the following article Our Government informed in a positive manner that the Government of Rome has demanded from Austria a corps of 16000 men to maintain the tranquillity of its States lias declared to that Government that if in violation of existing treaties a foreign power should infringe the neutrality of the Roman States the Neapolitan troops shall instantly pass the This piece of news appears in only one of the Neapolitan Journal but it is impossibly Snrh vUroa btx a provocation of war with Austria and would no doubt be gladly seized by the Austrian Cabinet as a pretence for invading Naples The Minister of War coitmiuuicated to the Neapolitan Parliament that the army amounted to 000 men mud that he had 2000 more men at his disposal He desired to knew whether the Parliament would wish to have them attached to the array but this was declined by the Parliament on the ground that war was stii! uncertain The Parliament has issued an Address to the people exhorting them to sacrifice every thing for the liberty of their country to he faithful to the King and to the constitution Letters from Palermo dated the 6th inslant have been rtTeived by the way of Genoff which announce that city to he then enjoying complete tranquillity They are generally silent on political events except in mentioning the nrrefct of several persons who had taken a leading part in the opposition to Naples The British squadron which by such singular chance assembled in Ihe Bay of Naples still continues there and will it is said shortly receive considerable reinforcements from England now consists of the following ships Ruchfort 80 guns Admiral Sir Moore Veftjaer 74 ditto Captnin Maitland Llffay 4 50 ditto Captain Dunran Active 46 ditto Capt Sir Ta (Jordon Rievolutionaire 46 ditto apt Fellew Spey 26 ditto Capt Baswal And the Express The French frigate 1 a Boutcy from Toulon arrived in the Bay on the 1st and was joined on the following day by another frigate of the same nation The latest advices from Sicily announce that every part of that island enjoys perfect tranquillity Letters from Naples stale that the British Minister 8ir Winr has invited the King to retire on board the English Ad-miraPidiip with his faintly and baa-pledged himself for his safety if he should think proper to take that sffCp A pamphlet has been recently published 011 the Continent containing two State Papers upon the political relations of the kingdom of Naples One of these documents is in defence of the origin and character of the Neapolitan Revolution The other is a Report presented to the Neapolitan Parliament by the Minister for Foreign Affairs enumerating the different Treaties made within the last five vears for settling the re- iations between Naples aud ihe several Powers of "thence proceeding to trace the Conduct of uach of them towards the Constitutional Government of the Kingdom on which point it 19 worthy of remark that the Minister complains of all the European Powers with the eiceptiou of Spain Swit-Zeriaud and Holland for having followed the lead of Austria and having refused so much as to Answer the fetter ominunicatinthe change of Government in which he had himself and for having aftcd with more or les9 coldness towards We regret to find Great Britain included in this charge The Report also communicates the important fact that fhe Duke de Canzano has been sent lo Madrid i to combine with the Spanish Government res of mutual defence The accounts given in the Paris papers fruiuTienua and oilier parts of Germany breathe nothing hut war and destruction against Naples but these denunciations seem to be merely tepetitlous of for lOJi'Dnv VJfIKErS CORN-KXt'HANOE Pain tv Nov Tie arrlvaWnf KntBtt 'fraio Ihi week are small hat there are (find ippjdle of Wheat and Oat from Ireland Wheat everpt very fine rltu heavily and is rather lower Hailey ta did! Bean arenol quite so brisk at oflate Oala rrniniu a lost quoted Motto i NoV37-Although the enpply of" heat ihi riKiri it aa hut mi iderate and chiefly confined in nrn ye aomple Prom Base and Kent the ante uere teeitioxl heavy a few fine aamplea rail in I tie uoimitij loot Monday prices ell other clescripllont may be qiuitad 3a per quarter ebon per Itnrifv hi from Is ft per quarter 1 wereven forlh finest aamplea wlilhrt the ordinary Iodide were nnaalpohl ot that redaction -Bean are per quarter cheaper (he supply from liwev heir (lint- come to tnarkat very fyrtyadiiix3Ner quarter in other ankle there is it- alteration I Perefp pr qr item Ksaekfil 60 I 4 fmeriean i Je iflliUtr 54 Dannie SI 62 fe (NdrlbHt ilil 54 Baltic Red Srve-V --M 96 MM Hurley Maii bite l-iiM i der) 0 42 d'ey itiUii S3 31 Sine'll Henna 33- 34 Tick ditto 80 Quit IVtutiie 93 30 Orrv ditto Poland 94 28 I Small Bean 37 14 St I BratvantRedN Bye Barley i vv Out Brewinr Feed White Fred 16 (per aarlvl 0 38 lo 40' per lust A I IT! ARK PaifhTS of TORN per (Ju-rter in (-- at Britain ftr (hr week r-mllny the JFth of November t't Fnrtan4 alid Walt I KtftHttd and Wales Wheat 57 llf Beans 138 4f live $3 I Pea 31 llarlcy 38 Oatmeal -23 4 Oats 20 I Kiis A FltVfiR PKirt' OF Stifi AR Coinputi'itfro-o the relic naanadeiu die week endlnjt of lb30a IN 7f per ott piurr of I'OITSk per Civt ill the )HftIJflH Movoa No Our much the an me but little duiny the Inquiry havlnq been coulitied tu go'l lion which brouyhl high prices compared to the middling ttnd tow quolitieB which are only wtleoMe at terv low pi ices estimidwl at allk50K 3w URt 'I 7W rneteta Krrtri 10 aft 4 Kent 10a 4 10 Sue 9 10 3 3 I Sunt at 9 10 14 le 0 0 0 0 1 Fanes (10 0 0 Yearling la-s Fanthaei 0 0 0 0 I Year! a Noir 93 -The Hop trade tonimue Just a last week i very few aoliwnre made and those I low itricesi WontistKW Nov 18 -lu our market thls dav S3 3 Bfiv Iinekrta and eleven old wore weighed average price AGs lo Rib Ills thouyl" that oar plantation ill pay as unicu ilutv at it did last ye 3F TAttOW S3AP Ac prr Cwt town Talhvw 57 6rf I Yellow Soap 89 tnrjr ditto Flour Atner prr 1 Yellow Russia 54 (Id White ditto Od Ibiap dittoi 0 Melting Stuff- 43 (V Ditto Rough- 0914 Od Mottlgd- rrd llm OraviH fwnvd I Ireg 94 SR 96 to PRICE AN I7LRB vnow TAix llAU Ptfer of Fondle per dinten9 Moulds 10r fid per doaen allowed ur ready money OF IKATIIFW 0 Units Aft Mitt each per IS 19 to 91 Ditto 36 to tit i each Dressing MMr Fine ('nub ttidi'S Drop miles 3 to d0 for alting Ditto tliatth -17 Falf Nkina to 40 24 Ditto SOtoTOrt 30 Dili) 7040 8 97 Tanned Home Hides 17 paoidt Dorse Hides 17 Small beats (tteecnland) 92 to 93 144 to 16 IS to 18 to lit) to 90 to 30 to 36 to 30 to 18) to 91 18 to 90 I urge ditto (per down) £3 10 to 10 FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE The Duke of Kent paeket ar rived at Fulinoulh from Lisbon on Saturday last having been six days on her passage The following actonuis have been transmitted by' Aittr Lisbon rut respondent from which it appear that things arc rather in an unsettled state at that place For the pre-s 'nt however tranquillity has been restored or rattier preserved by the adoption of the cnanih Constitution as the ground work of that of Portugal I be elections of Deputies is going on afler tine Spanish model Lnwet Nrv 18 13S0 We have been greatly agitated here during the last fortnight i and wr were at one time nppreheu-thrv that we bad arrived at the eaiuuteticem4nl ofn Madras Gazettes to the 25th frf June have reached this country They contain no intelligence of much public interest The news of the deaths of his late Majesty and of his Royal Highness the Duke of Kent had reached the Presidency on the 12th of the above By letters from India brought by the General Palmen iVom Madras we learn that some disturbance has broken out inKutch which though of little moment may eventually lead the Supreme Government to establish a position the Indus to keep the Scindiatis in order and to be a watch on tbe Russians and Persians: thongh any attack from that quarter must be fatal lo the invader Ry advices received at Madras from Trincoiaalee dated May 30 it appears that an insurrection had broken out the interior of Ceylon originating in the desertion of some Malays who had joined with a body of Cnndians Ihe? had intercepted the Tappauf and killed the bearers- To stop the progress of this insurrection a de-taenment of the 73d regiment under the command of Captain Owen had gone in pursuit of the rebels Subsequent advices however received at Madras state that the leader of the rebels had been seized aud brought in by the natives aud that tranquillity had in consequence been in the island BoN following is an extract of a hyterfrpin un officer just arrived at Portsmouth from fit Ileleuad9ted Portsmouth Nov 22 1820: I was at the Uousa now tastefully fitting op at Longwood for Bonaparte and I certainly think itbighly credible-to those who may have the direction of it The centre or receiving room is 36 by 24 feet there is a room at each end of it 24 feet square the apartments open into each other by doors opposite so as to form a promenade from one end to the other Every convenience indeed I may say luxury has been consulted as far as ft can be at St Helena 1 enclose you a Racing Paper of the Island Races at St Helena will appear to the public or at any rate to those who are aware of the hideous deformity of that barren rock rather a novelty The Cholera had greatly subsided on the Coromandel coaf but now and theu a Case occurred it had certavuiy of late assumed a milder character and was seldom fatal" INTERFERENCE OF FOREmW POWERS IN THE DOMESTIC dF FAIRS OF MEAT BRITAIN from the morning cuEoniclb: We are assured on authority which has never misled 9 that among the matters under consideration with the sovereigns assembled at Troppau the state aud condition of the royal authority in England form not only an essential but a fundamental article The ministers of those courts affirm it to be perfectly nugatory for them to engage their respective sovereigns in any measures forthc suppression of the revolutionary spirit in Europe while if remains a doubt whether that member of their body without whom no course of action could be successful be or be not sufficiently master at home to en sure his co-operation with them While they admit the necessity of making a liberal nllowattcc for the difficulties imposcd'bia an.

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