Mecklenburg County Mugshots July 27th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (2024)

WCCB Web Staff,

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    Jorge Acosta-Lopez – Driving While Impaired

  • 3/47

    Precious Aeby – Domestic Violence Protective Order Violation

  • 4/47

    Trinity Aguilar-Escobar – Driving While Impaired – Civil Revocation Of Driver’s License

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    Patrick Andrew – False Imprisonment – Injury To Personal Property – Assault On A Female

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    Jaylen Biggers – Fugitive, Extradition Other State

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    Joseph Brooks – Possess Stolen Motor Vehicle – Resist Public Officer

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    Judy Brown – Driving While Impaired

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    Hercules Cardozo –Driving While Impaired

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    Yesenia Castellanos-Sierras – Fugitive, Extradition Other State

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    Nikkinba Council – 2nd Degree Trespassing – Communicating Threats

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    Rafael Cruz-Gutierrez – Assault On A Female – Crime Of Domestic Violence

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    Jamario Darden – Obtain Property By False Pretense – Conspiracy

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    Dezmon Doster – Assault On A Female

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    Curtis Gayle – Assault On A Female

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    Anastasia Gutuleac – Simple Assault

  • 18/47

    Charles Hall – Possess Stolen Firearm – Carrying Concealed Weapon, Gun – Resist Public Officer

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    Donald Harris – Possession Of Firearm By Felon

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    Jostl Harrison –Possess Stolen Firearm – Carrying Concealed Weapon, Gun – Resist Public Officer

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    Nathaniel Heath – Probation Violation, Out Of County

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    Clement Hope –Possess Stolen Firearm –Carrying Concealed Weapon, Gun

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    Joshua Lester-Harris – Larceny – Larceny Of Motor Vehicle

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    Chloe Lusk – Simple Assault

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    Elmer Maldonado – Driving While Impaired – Hit And Run, Fail To Stop Property Damage

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    Hamilton Martinez-Gonzalez – Breaking Or Entering – Injury To Real Property

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    Christian McCoy–Possession Of Firearm By Felon – Carrying Concealed Weapon, Gun – Flee, Elude Arrest With Motor Vehicle

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    Joe McCullough –Breaking Or Entering A Motor Vehicle – Resist Public Officer – Probation Violation

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    Yisel Montoya – Simple Assault – Communicating Threats – Crime Of Domestic Violence

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    Kareem Moore – Larceny – Conspiracy

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    James Pugh – Resist Public Officer

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    Wesley Ramsey – Assault With Deadly Weapon, Intent To Kill, Inflict Serious Injury – Domestic Violence Protective Order Violation, Deadly Weapon

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    Jose Rincon – Assault On A Female – Crime Of Domestic Violence

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    Juan Carlos –Breaking And Entering To Terrorize, Injure –Assault With Deadly Weapon – Crime Of Domestic Violence – Assault On A Female

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    Lonnie Rogers – Larceny

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    Jonathan Smith – Simple Assault

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    Savoy Starr –Breaking And Entering – Larceny After Breaking And Entering – Possess Stolen Goods

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    Austin Stewart –Common Law Robbery

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    Tyler Stewart – Carrying Concealed Weapon, Gun –Contributing Delinquency Of Juvenile

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    Sade Thornton – Driving While Impaired

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    Juan Torres –Assault On A Female – Resist Public Officer – Assault By Strangulation

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    Matthew Trammell –Possession Of Firearm By Felon –Possess Drug Paraphernalia –Carrying Concealed Weapon, Gun – Assault By Pointing A Gun

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    Jonathan Vaguchay – Resist Public Officer – Driving While License Revoked, Impaired

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    Brenten Williams –Breaking Or Entering A Motor Vehicle

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    Salahuddeen Williams – Larceny

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    Canell Woods – Possess, Manufacture Fraudulent ID

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Check out the Mecklenburg County mugshots from Saturday, July 27th.

*All are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Mecklenburg County Mugshots July 27th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.