Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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MR £1 4 taati WASHINGTON: WEDNESDAY APRIL 7 1858 NO'll VOL XM I SALES AT AUCTION SALES THIS DAY CITY NOTICES SALES AT AUCTION SALES AT AUCTION a ard Rra4 hu Ihtke th The bed lag to wality '1 and ituted tailed a 1 Ml in livery Mm mar 22 eo6t GUANO jal piAoJt bn 1 them egulaT 1 in rille it the i reej Nec any sri mar 30 id I a april 1 mar 23 eota Apta dy11 person and 18 on the 11 be th 00 00 50 00 00 i eiahed i will such Thoma Amory Peter Harvey Jams Dunn Samuel May ilder palwi iril Xed ereof 0 I tfcle th rack Term cash 1 1 right and 1Ual 1 be au mdefl sttaci op on id on lth good inrrela fear I I6lh 001b bL to al medi th nriag 5a sh 1 Rev John Pierpont Thoma A Dexter II Kendall MD tand oe torn laneb 1 well nd th oatidn ii fblk ED BOACH Beglstar of Will DESIRABLE RESIDENCE OR BENT The well known house on Delaware avenue adjoining the of Mm William Brent and near the Capitol Pot session given on the 1st of April next Yer term apply to ohm Brkt Attorney at Law No 30 Louisiana avenue or to Mrs Wm Burnt Delaware avenue war 3 3Uwtf By WALL BARNARD Auctioneers STOCK BONNETS MILLINERY ANCY Goode Ac On Tuesday morning 8lh instant at tan we will sell at store No 520 Pennsylvania avenue near Express Office the entire stock and fixture of a Millinery and ancy Goods Store Toywlc as By WALL BARNARD Auctioneers (Corner of Penn Avenue susdOth at) SALE of the urniture of a Large Boarding Oa Saturday morning the 10th instant at 10 we will sell at the boarding house of Mr Lane on street between 12th and 13th streets a stock of fine Carpels parlor chamber and dining room ur niture Ac By order of ROBERT HUGHES Bailiff WALL A BARNARD Auctioneer PUBLISHED BY GALES SEATON TERMS: Suit Pars $10 a Cocnrar aria $8 a mi Pmhl tn arlvvtfAk 2 2 1 JOHN SAUL 396 Tth street corner street Washington OAK WOOD straight and dry for sale by I BURR i Dealer ui Coal and 'V ood corner 7th street and Mas avenue By JAS McGUIHE Auctioneer STOCKS AT AUCTION On Thursday afternoon April Sth at 5) at the Auction Rooms shall 371 shares Patriotic Bank Stock on which 10 per share has been paid in Terms A credit of CO O'1 and 120 days for approved en dorsed notes BY McGUIRE Auctioneer SALE of TWO VALUABLE LOTS on Capitol On riday afternoon April 9th at six on the premises I shall soil by virtu of a deed of trust dated August 19tb and recorded in Liber A 8 No 140 folio 216 Ac one of the Land Records for Washington county I shall sell Lots Nos 1 and 2 in Square No 723 situated at the corner Of 2d str' et east and Massa chusetts avenue having a front of 199 feet 7 inches on Mas sachusetts avenue running through to north street This property i beautifully situated in a commanding position ana me ssio is wormy or me niionu oi who wish to make an investment Onerfourth cash the residue in 6 12 month with Interest secured by a deed of trust premises AU convevancimr at the sokt of the purchaser THOS ISHER Trustee JAS McGUIKE apr 5 Star Auctioneer PATENT CHAMPION IRE Proof Safety with Patent Powder Proof laMdrn th same that wore awarded separate medal at the air London 1851 and the air New York 1853 and are the only American Safes that were awarded medals at the London air These Safes form the most perfect security against firo and burglars any Safe ever offered th public and can only bo had of the subscribers and their agents who have on hand and make to order all kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vaults Vault Doors and Money Boxes or Chests for Brokers Jewellers and private families for plate dia monds aud other valuables And are also patentees (by purchase) and manufacturers of Jones's Patent Permutation Bank Lock 8 HERRING CO Nos 135 137 and 139 Water street and No 251 Broadway corner of Murray street A I Knowles Richmond Vv Rowland A Bro Norfolk Va II Thompson A Co Lynchburg Va Bell Pren tiss Co Savannah Ga Moange A Co Mobile Ala Twltty New Orleans La feb 8 d2m Virginia Military lairi Warrant No 6437 for 290 acres issued to John Baskerville a sergeant In the Virginia State Line on the 17th day of eb ruary 1821 for three years services as sueh in the Revolu tionary war nd the said warrant was by him lost Notice is hereby given that I have oVtained duplicate of same and will make application at th expiration of three month from this date to the Commissioner of the General Land Office for scrip in liu thereof JAMES SUTTON Jr Attorney for the Proprietor January 28 1858 Jan lawgm By JAJ1ESC McGUIRE Auctioneer IP XECUTt SALE IMPROVED AND Unimproved Real Th urdersigned Exe cutors of the last will and testament of William Easby de ceased iu conformity with the reetion contained in said will and under and by virtue of the decree of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia sitting in Chancery sup plemental to the decree heretofore passed by eaid Court in a cause No 1066 wherein Agnes Easby is complainant seeking an admeasurement of dower and other relief iu equi ty and Horatio 27 Easby and John Easby Henry King and Marian his wife Cecilia Hyde William Smith and Wilhelmina his wi'c are defendants will proceed to sell at auction to the highest bidder in front of the premises on Thursday April tth at4) o'clock the following parts or parcel of real estate to wit Loa 9 in iqnare No 20 Lot 2 in square No 591 Lot 2 in square No 44 Opposite Observatory Lot 3 and 4 in square No 143 Lot 6 in square No 57 Lot 6 in square No 104 Lots 2 3 4 and 5 in square 63 lying between Water street and the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal These lots are well situate! for wharf purpose Lot 6 7 and in square 63 improved by three small frame bouses Lota 9 10 and 11 In thesame square fronting together 66 feet on Water street and the same on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal with the improvements consisting of valuable lime kilns known as the Hamburg" Lime kilns The term of sale are a follows: Ono fourth part of the purchase money shall be paid in cash and be balance in equal payments In 6 12 IS and 24 months tho purchasers to give for said deferred payment their bond satisfactorily secured bearing interest payable quarter yearly from the date thereof If the terms of the sale are not complied with in three days after said rale the executors are empowered by th de cree to resell at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser All conveyancing at the cost of purchaser HORATIO EASBY JOHN EASBY AUNES GJASBY Executors JAMES MeGUIRE Auctioneer IjtOR A handsome House situated on street west end between 19th and 20th streets contain ing thirteen rooms with bath room and all the modern im provement To a good tenant it can be rented for 2500 per year Refer to No 86 Six Buildings Penn avenue mar 29 OR RENT in Georgetown two first class new tbree story brick Ihut tuated on Wait street eon twining fourteen rooms each with bath rooms and gas throughout both Apply to OUTT No 49 Hfgh street Georgetown ap 3 d6t CHOICE GARDEN AND LOWER SEEDS flIIE undersigned has again the pleasure of offering his I extensive stock of genuine GARDEN SEEDS which are this seawn of excellent quality warranted pure and fresh His facilities of supplying all articles of finest quality and correct to name from England and the continent as welt as those of domes tie grow th i unsurpassed if equalled by any bouse in the trade Market Gardeners armers and others will find these Seeds a cheap a they can be purchased in the United States cither wholesale or retail in bulk or packages and unsurpassed as to quality viz: Esrly York Large York rench Ox Heart Premium lat Dutch Largo Drumhead and other Cabbage Blood Turnip Beet Early Short top Radish Round Purple Egg Plant Lsrge Smooth Tomato Peppers Salsify Carrot Parsnips extra early Peas Beans Ae With every other Vegetable and Herb in the trade LOWER SEEDS of the choicest kinds selected from his extentive collection for any latitude in the Union are offered prepaid by mail at ths following low rates' tbe Lest collections have! several varieties included which sell separately at 12) to 25 cont per paper a English Pansy 1 ICOWl i luwSp AiUUKUI AMbCfi Gv papers choicest varieties 25 ICO second choicest varieties 50 choicest varieties 50 second choicest varieties 20 choicest varieties PERUVIAN SIRUP or Protected Sol utiou ol Pro toxide of Iron combined having sucreutally passed the ordeal to which new discoveries in the Matarto Media are subjected must now bo received as an established medicine! It efficacy iu curing dyspepsia affection of the liver dropsy neuralgia bronchitis and consumptive tendencies disordered state of the blood boils 'scurvy and lb prostrating effects of lead or mrreury general debility and all diaeasea which require a tonic and alterative medicine Is beyond question The proofs of its efficacy are so numerous so well authenti cated and pf such peculiar charsicter that sufferer cannot reasonably hesitate to receive the proffered aid The Peruvian tsirup doe not profess to be a oure all bit it range is extensive because many diseases apparently un like are related and proceeding from one cause may be cured by one remedy The class of disease for which the Sirup provide cure 1 precisely that which has so often baffled the highest order medical skill The fact are tangible the witness neecs sible and tbe safety and efficacy of the sirup inoontruvertible Those who may wish for an opinion from disinterested per sons respecting the character of the tiro eanuot fail to bo satisfied with tbe following among numerous testimonials in the hands of the agent The signature aro those of gentle men well known in tbe community and of the highest re spectability 5 CARD The underrigned having experienced the beneficial effect of tbe Peruvian Sirup" do not hesitate to recommend it to the attention pf tbe public ront our own experience us well as from tbe testimony of others whose intelligence aqd integrity are altogether unquestionable we bare no doubt of its efficacy in coses of incipient disease of tbe lungs and broe chlal passages dyspepsia liver complaint dropsy neuralgia' Ao Indeed its effocls would be incredible but from the high character of those who have witnessed thorn and have volun teered their testimony a we do oars to It restorative power ARM for SALE A beautiful Residence an arm wstsining 416 acres situated on the Seventh street road ike: eight mile fem Washington The farm i in active sfentwiU ifell stocked with every requisite the dwelling oc ilegjjht family residence new and supplied with alljdern hoptaremsnt ueh a baths water clsset hot and Vater ini bed rooms range and pump in kitchen con rvty fur: ace Ae The farm house is also a good eoun kjhcti Lrge and convenient The whole en be had furnished and stocked as it now stands or it ean be fivWcd to suit th views of any party desiring a beautiful eoeatry residence further particular please address 1 BATCHELOR dtf Cottage Post Office Montgomery eo Md DEATHS On Good riday in Christ Church of disease of the heart Mrs MARY ANN DAVIDSON wife of Joint Davidson in the C5th year of her age In the sudden demise of thii catimablo lady a clr5 of relative and friend have met with an Irrepara loss In full health and joyful spirit he had gone to the sanctuary of God to commemorate the Calvary and there win touched by the hind of del and in a moment translated to tho rest which in her she had desired and lived for None knew her but to love her Kind to all a faithful wife and ther she ha left in the memories of those who loved her a bright example nnd in their hearts a cheering hope They mourn her loss but not a those without hope memory of the just is On the 5th instant of chronic croup Leah Ward eldest daughter of and Asia Thomson aged two years eleven months and eleven day Tbo friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from No 40C Seventh street between Gand II PROPOSALS will be received by the undersigned until Wednesday the 10th day of April at 12 for grading and gravelling New York avenue from irst to Se venth street Proposals will state the price per cubic yard fur grading and the price per square yard for gravelling the gravel to bo nine inches deep in tho centre knd taper off to four inches on tho gutter line to be well raked of all stone of improper size aud to ba well rolled with a heavy roller tbo surplus earth to bo deposited where the Commissioner may direct Notice is given tbat one price only will bo paid for that which measures most OWENS Commissioner of th 3d and 4th Ward NAYLOR WILLIAM BATES Assistant Commissioner Proposals will be received by the undersigned until the 12th of ApHl et I wing Mid gravelling street outh between fithjpnd Mreets east Proposals will state tbe price per iquare yajd including tbe trimming and gravelling the gravel to benine Inches deep in tbe centre and taper vff to four inches at the gutter line: to be well raked of all stone of Improper size and well rolled with abeavyroll Commissioner of the Sth and 6th Ward JAMES RHODES THOMPSON Assistant Commistionen Tree win ortod rpo THE A boy of nine years of 1 sge tractable and of good habits desires to obtain a Lnae in town or reentry preferably tho latter Hi mother ii left wfih a large family and unable to provide for him Apply No 396 oarth itreet between and eo3t I RUSSELL HOUSE Detroit THIS HOTEL tecently remsdeled enlarged and fitted up with every modern improvement and appliance by the Hon William Hale is now open for public service It i the largest i Hotel in Michigan furnished richly and appropriately and will be conducted by the subscriber in such a manner a shall give it a prominent position among the leading Hotel of'tbe tt RUSSELL Proprietorep 29 wly Late of Capitol House Madison Wi REAL 'ESTATE The under signed purchase and sell real estate bn commission He has much desirable property for sale nnd 1 prepared to purchase good real estate on fair term I wish to purchase immediately a good brick bouse aud ground JOS KENNEDY mar 27 eo2w '470 If street between snh and 10th McISINALD GRAM3IER (Notary Public) Attorney! And Counsellor! at Law No 15 north Second street St Louis 8 taw 6m i WAGNER i Carver and Glider 255 Pennsylvania avenue' Washington tr 3 eolm i mar 2tawAd DAILY EXPECTED a Cargo of A No Red Ash Store Coal for cooking purposes Also a cargo bed Atl Bgg Cool a prime article which will be sold low if Ultra from the reseL dr sale by BURR i I Dealer in Coal and pood corner 7th street and Maes avenue APOLLO HALL LOT for sale Thia valuable p'eee ef property is now for sate on very accommodatingarea A small amount of eash will be required ah tbo time! and a long credit wUl be'givcn secured by a deed ofut in the property for the balance or further partioc nsprlj jo ALEXANDER PROVEST xBr jf 1 Executor Highly IMPROVED PROPERTY for Itet The well known residence of the lte Major hi hclson hear Dmldington is offered for sale or rent Th koa is ta good prder ha the modern improvements the grounds are large and tastefully ornamented ur terWapply to JOHN CARROLL BRENTtll cotf No 30 Louisiana avenue NO I Peruvian of direct importation African containing Ammonia and Phosphate in large proportion Columbian iu bags and barrels Mexican AA and A in barrel Phosphate' of Lime in bags and barrel Bene Dust in barrel All of the above fertilizers are warranted of the best qualities and aro offered at the lowest market rates at our warehouse in Alexandria and by our agent in Georgetown Messrs Water A Co OWLE'A CO mar eod2m i Alexandria Va Columbia a Chapter No A dated communication of thi Chapter will be held at their Hall corner 9th Jand street th (Wednesday) evening at half pMt teven clock A in regular Blanding rdially halted to attend By order of the II I ifcCLERY Secretary The member of the Aeeoetatlon of Moldiero of the War of 1812 of the District of Columbia are requested to attend the uneral of Judge Bxxj Ridoatk at hi late resideneejNo 197 west street opposite building to day (Wednesday) at 4 JL with their badges aud crape on the left arm By order LAURENSON Sec sar Tlie services nt the sheet Baptist Church on the occasion of tbo death and obsequies of the late LichardG Hyatt will oommenoe at 3 o'clock this afternoon Public The HonS Si Cox of Ohio will lecture before the Metropolitan Literary Association at the lecture room of the Smithsonian Institute on Wednesday evening 7th instant nt 8 Subject Irish Humor The public ire respectfully invited Lecture free 6 d2t Exhibition and Concert of the Sunday School of the irst Baptist Church Tenth ttreet between and on Monday evening April 12th The exercise! will be va ried and interesting including several piece prepared for the occasion riends of the children and of Sunday School sre invited to attend Admit ance 25 cents children 10 cents WM RHEES ap TuThSAM4t Superintendent STPubllc Wednesday next the Tth in etent at 4 o'clock is tbo time of the monthly meeting of the Board of Trustee of the Public Schools apr 2t ROBERT RICKETTS Secretary HuaincBs Prayer Meeting Change of hour The prayer meeting which ha been held 10 daring the vast week will be held daily until further notice at 12 in the irst Presbyterian Church our and a half street I ap dtf lectures A course of Interesting Lecture a will be delivered in the Methodi Protestant Church of Georgetown DC commencing on Thursday evenleg the th instant and will bo continued on each Thursday evening until completed 1st Lecture by Iler YkAtxs lixrsr DD 24 by Hon Cox of Ohio 3d by Rev Geo Buaiar DD 4th by Rev Joni Monnis DD pr 3 eod Union Prajer Meeting at the Thirteenth street Baptist Church every afternoon at a quarter to five and closing at a quarter to six The exercise ere e'inducted clergymen of different denomination There ha been already a large attendance and much interest The meeting are opened to all and all ate invited 13 tf Special Notice 1 or Perfumed Breath White Teeth and Beautiful complexion use of 1000 low ers" or dressing Ladies Hair use Woodland a now pomade it causes Hair to curl beautifully Price 50 cento each! A CO Proprietor Now York "Wholesale and retail agent for Washington Taylob A Mauuy Bookseller aud Stationers Pennsylvania avenue lietween 9th and 10th streets nov 17 tf TRUSTEE'S By virtue of a deed of trust from Daniel William to me bearing date the 6th day of June 1857 and reeorded in Liber A 8 No 135 folio 238 Ac oae of tbe land record of Washington county I shall sell at publio auction upon the premises on Wednesday the 21t day of Apnl instant at 5 part of lot num bered one (1) in square five hundred and fifty nine (559) be ginning for the same thirty feet wet from the southeast corner of said lot at a point on tbe line of strecg and run ning thence wet fifteen (15) feet thence north eighty (SO) feet thence east fifteen (15) feet thence outh eighty (SO) feet to the beginning Tbe property i improved by a dwell ing house The terms of sale are one fourth of the purchase money cash and the balance in six twelve eighteen and twentyfour month the purchaser to give note satisfactorily endorsed or secured If the term are not complied with iu three day the property to be resold at risk and cost of default ing purehaser after one week's notice All conveyancing at cost of purchaser WEBB Trustee? ap 7 dAd B0TELERr Auctioneer BY A GREEN Auctioneer WATCHES SILVER WARE EW ELRY' tine Regulator Toole nnd ixture of Jewelry Store nt Auction On riday morning the 9th instant at It o'clock I shall cell at tbo store of orrest on Tth street between I and streets hi entire stock of Jewelry and Tools such Gold and silver Duplex Patten and detached lever i ine Regulator independent 'pecand hand and repre seated to be an accurate time piece Bracelets Ear ringe Breastpins Set of Cameo Mosaic and Gold Stone Gold and silver fob guard and vest Chain A large and complete of Tools fine Rolling Mill and urnace Iron Safe Ae Term eash in current funds A GREEN Auctioneer All persons who have left watches or jewelry to bo repaired will please call and get the Same before the sale ap a ORREST Plano Manufactory and Warerootns oerieeaiA Ntreet aud Tkird Avewee Nttf York IT HORCESIER offers for sale a large assortment of 21 ehoice PIANO ORTES from six to seven and a 2lulr octave in elegant Koeewood cases all of which under hi own supervision and are for ale on i fiy derotiag hi personal attention to the toneh and lone of hive hitherto been considered unri hepm eulaavor to maintain their previous reputation ION Tbe copartnership heretofore exist ing under the firm of Toon A Co is dissolved by mutual WmB Todd retire from tbe concern All iadebt to the late firm will be settled by either of the nnder The baiiness will be conducted at tbo same place Daws WM TODD I dlw i JAS DAVIS BALTIMORE lIE INSURANCE COMPANY Incorporated 1H3O JOHN I DONALDSON President 11 COULTER Secretary i I Lives wd and An A naitiss Descriptive pamphlet may be obtained nt Agency for the District of Columbia office of Bankers Tenth street and Pennsyl avenue if A I A gent Hscvra Medical Exam tear lawtf IUtuOR EUROPE dispatched by 'every TAYLOR A MAURY Booksellers and St a areuae near 9th street offer to mu? Pet facilities in tbe importation of foreign books aT Ac By their arrangement with European bouse to expedite all erder committed to their Io riU inporttion prices Court March 30 1858 cu5 H'aeA ingion (vunty to wit of Talken administrator bf Na taut Walker deceased administrator ij the approbation of the Corfrt of Wash xt appointed Saturday 24ih of April tocte reU1ment and distribution of the personal ttr of the assets in hand far as the same Dita dm nl turned into money when and wherettfcnd eir ewid deceased are notified to i Nid) a Conrt of Washington county afore i 1 properly vouched or they may otber 'nt ex'lud frem all benefit of said I Uk Lra a Wjof thi order be published once a ta st three week in the National latalltofinenr rrevlrma aid 24 1 8 dav of tnril Tree I wlw Brick presses and clay' tempering Wheels manufactured by 8 MILLER ap 1 Stood 309 South ifth street Philadelphia To all Lovers of Choice ruit Trees aud Admirers ot Extra fine Roses Ornamental Shrubs Plante Ate I HAVE OR SALE twonty five thousand of the most new and celebrated Rose known in Europe aud America comprising Bourbons Hybrid! Perpetual Mo Peretual blooming Mos? Noisette Tea Bengal Striped Provins and Climbing Rose Also a good collection of Dwarf aud Standard Pears Apple Cherries Pcache and Apricot Trees Orape vines New Monthly Raspberries New Cur rants English Walnut Ornamental Tree and Shrub Climbing and Tarter Plan's Ac Tho collection comprise the most valuable kind known in Europe and America All Plant and Trees warranted true to A JARDIN lorist and Nurseryman Corner of Connecticut avenue and street mar ellm URNISHED House forwent very desirably lo cated containing seven rooms and will be rented on my moderate terms i lit well constructed to accemmodate gentlemen who pre apartments separate from their boarding place Apply at Room 240 National Hotel ap 3 3t ROOMS TO Superior room to let from and after tho 7th of April next On 15ih street No 424 be tneoNew York avenue and street at present in posse nen of Hon Senator Bat an eotf MRS LEV ELY respectfully announces that her home No 1216 Chestnut street Philadelphia etill remain open for tbe reception of Btarders 'where she will be bsppy to eeeber friend sadjratron a formerly ap 3 eolsr STORE OR The Storeroom lately occupied by Wm Cripps as a grocery store is now for rent situated on Louisiana avenue six doors eat of 7ih street in of the most business part of the city Inquire of Chas Bradi ky at Patriotic Bank feb eotf 1TIOR SALE OR RENT a comfortable Two tory Brick House with back building containing nine room situated on the corner of and 26th street west with about five thousand feet of ground attached will be sold or ex changed for a small farm within a few miles of the city or rented to a good tenant nt a very moderate rent Apply to MIDDLETON nov eotf corner of and 12th street OR LEASE for a term of That large Brick Building on the corner of an 13th streets for several year occupied" ns a bonrding house There aro three house in juxtaposition available cither fur a large hoarding house or three distinct tenements The buildfog is situated on 13th street about one hundred feet from Pennsylvania avenue and front directly opposite an iron oncloed and ornamented public ground shnped in a triangular form by Pennsylvania avenue cutting eircet obliquely toward the west The bouse ha all the advantages of a situation on Pennsyl vania avenue such as the facility of obtaining omnibuses hacks and other mean of ready conveyance without tho noise the bustle and tho dust necessarily incident to a Iocs tion on the avenue Thia home occupies a prominent position in the vicinity of tho mansion and publio grounds and is very con venient to the several Department of tho Government the State Treasury War and Navy Departments The buildings are susceptible of great extension or enlargement of altera tions and improvement and any alteration additions and improvement manifestly required to give additional ace 'in modation and comfort to the tenant or bi boarder will be promptly made to meet tbe wishes or the taste of the occu pants of tho whole building feb eotf TH LAWSON St Army I7H The Houiw No 312 New York ave 5 bus between 9th and 10th streets now occupied by CoL Charlo Thomas will be for rent and possession given on the 1st of April Apply to Joseph Bota'S No 359 New York avenue I mar 'eotf IpOR SALE OR RENT every desirable residence on Capitol Hill irst street north between and streets No 377 a two story Brick Home with fine basem*nt and attic rooms having recently undergone thorough repair with stable carriage house sheds for ooal and wood ail entirely new with a large garden containing some fine fruit fronting 150 feet on irst street and runnisg back 206 feet to an alley Apply to Mr Richard Yousu folding room of thoSeuate or at 867 street between our and a half aud Sixth st 1 mar eotf ALSO 26C0 Corporation of Washington Quarterly Six Per Cent Stock Term cash in current fund ap 6 JAS McGUIRE Auctioneer By A GREEN Auctioneer SALE HOUSEHOLD AND Kitchen urniture at Public Auction On Mon day tbe 12th instant I shall sell by virtue of a deed of trmt bearing date tho 27th day of ebruary 1850 and recontedpn Liber A 8 No II folie 469 to 472 one of tbe land re cord for the county of Washington in tbe District of Colum bia at 10 A at the reridenceof a lady declining housekeeping on tbe east side of street between north street and Louisiana avenue No 6 an excellent assortment of urniture We mention in Mahogany and Rosewood Sofs Ditans and Ottomans damask covers Mahogany and Rosewood Arm Castor Gothic and other Chairs damask cover Mahogany and Walnut Marble top Dressing and other Bureaus Mahogany and Walnut Extension Dining Breakfast and other Tables Handsome rench threw week Mantel Clock and Mantel Ornament ine largs rench plate Gilt frame and other Mirror Walnut Whatnot Cabinet and Mahogany bide board Mahogany Marble top Centre and Side Tables Walnut rench Cottage and other Bedsteads eather Beds Hair and other Mattresses and Bedding Wrlnut Cano and other Chair and Wash Closets China Glass and Crockery Ware among which are rench China Dinscr and Tea Sots ine Damask Window Curtains Cornice and Ornaments Plated Castors ork and Spoon Ivory handle Knives Iron Hatrack Large Gilt Gas Chandelier and Burners Painted Cottage Chamber Set Velvet Tapestry Brussels Ibree ply Stair and other Carpet Hearth Rugs Passage and Stair Oilcloth and Matting Coal Airtight and other Stoves With a good lot Kitchen requisites and many other artistes which we deemlnnneeessary to enumerate Terms: All sums uader $25 cash over $25 a credit of two and four months for notes tarisfactorily endorsed bear ing interefU HENRY QUEEN Trustee ap 5 6t A GREEN Auctioneer Millinery and ancy Goods Store Toyjilc as Straw Silk Lawn and other Rentals lat Millinery Goods nnd Trimmings ns Straw Braid Velvet Silk lorence Artificial lowir ringes ko Toy Hosiery Gloves and other ancy Hoods I Also the ixtures sad Good Will as Counters Shelving Counter Cases Gas ixtures Ac I With other articles not here mentioned I Term All Ruma bdiI under $20 caji'h nvflr thftt amount a creditor SO and 60 dny? fdr notes besring interest wall a Barnard Auctioneers SSr Tlie above sale of Siillluery aud ancy Goods will be continued on this Wednesday morning April 7th at 10 when the balance of tho stock will be sold pe remptorily an without reserve apr 7 WALL 4 BARNARD Auctioneers By McGUIRE Auctioneer I LUM ER SASH doors SILLS at Auction On Wednesday afternoon April Tth at 3 at the Post Office Extension I shall sell Lot of Lumber Sash rames Door Posts Stone Sills Ac Ac Terms cash in current funds apr (Star) JAS McGUIRE Auct mar 17 By MeGUIRE Auctioneer SALE of a three story Brick House ou the west side of Tenth street west between north and streets On Tuesday afternoon April 20tb at 5 on the premises by virtue of a deed of trust dated August 17tb 1852 and duly recorded in Liber A No 44folios 66 and 67 one of tbe land records for Washington county the subscriber will sell nt public auc tion to tbe highest bidder part of Lot No 17 in square 318 a tbe said lot i designated on the publie and recorded plot of said city beginning for the same at a pointon the line of 10th street west about twenty eix feet south cf tbe northeast corner of said Jot No 17 a running thence south to the southeast corner of said lot thence duo west the whole depth of said lot thence north on the baek of the said lotto a point about twenty six feet distant from the northwest corner of said lot and thence east to the place of beginning' on Tenth street together with the buildings and imprevements con sisting of a three story Brick Dwelling house and baek buil lings with a store attached Terms: One fourth cash the residue in 6 12 and 18 months with" interest secured by a deed of trust on the premises i If the term of sale are not complied with within five day the trustee reserve the right to reseU at tho risk and ex pense of the defaulting purchaser after one notice All conveyancing at the eost of the purchaser CHAS MOSS Trustee mar JAS McGUIRE Auctioneer SAIE of Valuable Ilouae aud Lot in Georgeto By virtue of a deed of trus from George Rhodes jr and wile bearing date the 2d day of March 1857 and recorded io Liber A No 129 folios 409 Ac of the land records of Washington oc*ntv in tho District of Co lumbia the undersigned will (at the request of the parties secured in said deed) sell at public auction on the premises on riday the Jd day of April next at 4 in tbo after Wobn the following valuable property near tbo Market house in Georgetown in the District aforesaid and described as follows as part of Lot No 36 in the original plan of Georgetown aforesaid which raid pieee is included within the following lines to wit Beginning for the same at the south west corner of the intersection of Bridge street and Duck lane or Market street and running thenee southerly with Duck lane or Market street 1 10 feet to an alley then westerly with the said alley 60 feet then northerly and parallel with Duck lane or Market street 110 feet to Bridge street and then easterly with the line of Bridge street to the place of beginning with the feriek Dwelling and other improvements there? Terns of sale: One fourth ef the purchase money to be paid in cash on the day of solo and the residue in three equal inrtalmenta of 6 12 nod 18 months tbe pnrehaeer to give notes for tbe deferred payment A deed will be given and a deed of trust taken to secure the punctual payment of the said note All conveyancing to bo at the eost of the pur chaser If the said terms of sate are hut complied with in five day from the dsy of sate the trustee reserve the right to resell the said premise after one notice in tbe Na tional Intelligencer WM WOODWARD Trustee mar 2awAd EDWARD WRIGHT jv The above sale la at the request of George Rhodes Jr and wilh the eonrent of the parties interested postponed until Monday tho 3d day of Mayext (1858) at tho same hoar and place WM A 117 iruiiW EDWARD SWRIGHT By JAMES McGUIRE AucUoneer IAURNlTURE AND HOUSEHOLD EECTS at Public Auction Oa Monday morning April IZth at 0 at the urniture Store of George A Davit in the old Union Building on street between 13th and 14th streets shall sell all hi stock of urniture and Household Effects Mahogany Sofas Divans Rockers and Parlor Chairs Marble top tentre and sofa Tables card Tables and Workstaads Gilt and mahogany frame Mirror Clocks Curtains and Shade Cane rush and wood seat Chairs Mahogany walnut and maple Bedsteads Drossing and plain Bureaus Washstands eather Bed Bolster nnd Pillow Hair aud husk Mattresses unterpanes Quilts Blankets linen Sheets Slips China Glass and Crockery Togethtr with a large assortment of article In the house furnishing lino Terms: $29 and under cash over that mt a credit of 1 2 3 and 4 months for satisfactorily endorsed notes bearing interest JAMES McGUIRE ap 7 (Star) Auctioneer ByJC McGUIRE Auctioneer SALE BYTRUSTEE8IN CHANCERY of Valu able Real Estate Under and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of tho District of Columbia sittiug in Chancery supplemental to the decree heretofore passed by said Court in a caue (No 1066) wherein Agnes Easby i complainant and Horatio Easby John Easby Wm Smith and Wilhelmina his wife Henry King and Mt rian IL hi wife and Ceeelia Hyde are defendants tbo undersigned trustees appointed under said decree will pro ceed to sell at auction to the highest bidder at the Auction Rooms of McGuire on Tuesday the 4th day of May next at 5 Lots No 4 and 26 in rquare 5 Part of Lot 2 in square 1 1 Part of Lot No 2 in square 12 Lot No 7 in square 61 Lot No 3 in square 88 Lot No 6 in square 55 Lot No 3 in square 89 Lots No 1 and 6 in rqnare 57 Part of Lot No 4 in square 730 Lot No 9 in square 70S Lot No 20 In Square 743 Lots No 6 and 13 in square 1(28 Lot No 7 in square 1031 Lot No 5 in square 1034 Lot No 20 in square 702 Lota Nos i and in square 1121 Lot No 8 in square Ii22 And on Wednesday the Sth day of May at 5 ou the premises we shall sell Lot No 8 in tquaro 631 This lot is opposite to tbe Railroad Depot and is very ad vantageously situated And on Thursday the fith day of May at 5 o'clock ou the premises we shall Lot Nos 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 and 12 in square 925 The terms of sale are as follows One fourth of the pur chase money shall be paid in cash and the balance in equal payments iu 6 12 18 and 21 months the purchasers to give for said deferred payments their bond satisfactorily se cured bearing interest payable quarter yearly from the date thereof If the term of Bate are not complied with in three day after said sale tbe trustees ore empowered to resell at tbe risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser iAH conveyancing at tbe cost of tho purchaser (vlljIjlAiU Jj IT all I RICHARD CLARKE JOS BRADLEY Jr Trustees JAS MeGUIRE Auctioneer By IV ALL A BARNARD Auctioneers SALE SMALL ARM ABOVE By virtue of a vised of trust dated No vember 7 1855 and duly recorded in Liber A 8 No 107 folios 348 349 350 and 351 one of theland records for Wash ington county in the District of Colombia we will sell at publie auction on Tuesday the 30th day of March 1858 at 1 o'clock at the auction rooms of Wall Barnard in the city of Washington all that piece of land situate and lying in Washington county in said District and being a part of tho tract of laud called Alliance" and being de scribed as follows: Beginning at the most northwestern cor ner of raid tract it being a stone marked I and running thence south 23J degrees cast 42J porches thenee north 67 degrees east 4 perches thence north 41 degrees east 18 porches thence north 31 degrews east 13 perches to the se cond line of riendship theucs with Said second Imo re versed south S7J degrees west 36 perches to the end of the first line of riendship and thence westwardly 87) perches to the beginning containing and laid out for 10 acres 3 rood and 11 perches of land more or less together with all the im provements which are good Terms of sale One third in cash the remainder in six and twelve months to be secured by deed of trust to the sa tisfaction of the trustees Term of sate to bo complied with within five day after dsy of sale otherwise the trustees re serve the right to resell at the risk and eot of the first pur chaser All conveyancing at the cost of tbe purchaser RANCIS M0I1UN WILLIAM WARD Trustees WALD BARNARD mar 19 eodld Auctioneer JKT The nbove sale is postponed until Saturday May 1 same hour and place by order of the trustees WALL BARNARD mar eo Ad Auctioneer By A GREE Auctioneer SALE vl Valuable Country Garden 1 By virtue of a deed of trust from Michael Byrnes bearing date 1 6th November 1855 and recorded in Liber A 8 No 117 folios 216 et seq one of the land re cords for Washington county in the District of Columbia the undersigned will sell at public sale on the promises at 3 o'clock on Thursday the 5th day of April 1858 all that certain tract of land in the said county and district designated as tbe south half of Lot No 13 in the plat of re survey made by Itewi Carte ry and formerly known as Bay Purchase containing twenty six oeres nnd fourteen perches more or leu Tho said tract is eligibly situated about a mile beyond bridge on the roud to Marlboro contain about nine acres of altered land the balance in wood and is im proved by a good frame dwelling marmot garden and or chard of young fruit trees Term: One third cash the balance in 6 and 12 month with inteiut to be secured en the premises Unless tho term are complied with in five day from the day of sate tbe trustees reserve the right to retell at the risk and cost of tho defaulting purchaser All conveyance at tbo cost RICHARD CLARKE DANIEL RATCLI Trustoas mar 2iwid A GREEN Auctioneer By WALL BARNARD Auctioneer! of Pentuflvania aesHue and 9th tlrtel SALE VALUABLE IMPROV I ed Navy Yard Property at Auction By virtue of a deed of trust given on the 16th day of March last and duly recorded in Libor A 8 folios Nos 461 462 and 463 iu one of the land records uf Washington county I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder on riday tbe 5th of March at 5 on the premises Lot No 3 in square No 952 being the immediate corner of 31 and Ninth streets east with the improvement which conrist of a good Brick DweUlng with Store attached Terms at rale WALL Trustee feb 8 WALL BARNARD Auctioneer The above sale la postponed until Wednesday March 24 same hour WALL BARNARD mar 6 2wAda Auctioneers The above tale 1 postponed until riday afternoon April 9th same hour mar eodXd WALL BARNARD Auct NOTICE It is well known that the medicinal effect of protoxide of iron is lost by even a brief exposure to air aud that to main tain a solution of protoxide of iron without further oxidation ha been deemed impossible In tbe Peruvian Sirup this desirable point la attained by combination in away before unknown and this solution may replace all the proto carbonate citrates and tartrates of the materia Medico A A Haves Assayer to tbe State of Massachusetts 16 Boylston street Boston A CLARK CO Proprietors Boston or sate in Washington by Gilman Special Agent: Nairn Palmer Jno Schwartae Smith Harbaugh II McPherson 8 Walsh Joseph Busy Jas Stone Lovejoy Dr Clarke Ridgely and in George town by 8 Cissell and Jno Kidwell feb 6m LOTTERIES The Lotteries of Samuel Swan Co aro chartered by the State of Geergia and have sworn com missioners appointed to superintend their drawings and car tify that every thing connected with tbe same is done in strictly honorable manner They offer to the publio a fair opportunity for investment the interest of parties at a dis tance being as well protected as though they were present The Managers would respectfully call attention to the feet that all persons have a legal right to send order for tickets to Georgia as the lotteries of Samuel Swan Co aro autho rized by the Legislature of that State A lottery will be drawn every Saturday throughout tbe year Uairder re ceived being filled in the drawing next to take aoe after the came come to hand According to tho schem sone ticket in every ten must draw a prise Ticket are $10 halves $5 quarter $250 No ticket sent uniosi tho money acoompa nies the order The drawings arompon the principle of one number on each ticket and are so simple that none ean fall to understand them There is no combination of numbers to mystify the buyer Prises vary from $20 to $60000 very prise being drawn and result cf drawing forwarded to aH purchasers A list of the numbers that are drawn from tho wheel with tho amount that each prise is entitled to will bo pub lished after every drawing In the following papers: New Or leans Delta Mobile Register Charleston Standard Nashville Democrat Atlanta Intelligencer and New York Weekly Day a Book Write your address plainly and direct to 8 8WAN CO Augusta Georgia rises paid In fulL No par oontage deducted frem pr in ether lotteries AH communications strictly oonfidentlaL cep 28 ddwly I ANO4 PIANOS AT GREAT A very fine Rosewood Piano of A Clarke's cele brated make been used only a short lime will bo sold at a sacrifice for $225 Ono very much like the above cf allot Davis A Co Boston renowned makers beau routed out all the winter to a private family and will be sold for $200 really a good bargain I will warrant and guaranty ths above pianos a firmly as any kind I have ever sold Alvo a very beautiful fine finish rosewood ease superior tone Piano used but a few years for $150 a fine 7 octaves upright Piano with rosowcoi case made by the celebrated manufacturers Zeitter and Ch Th Winkleman cf London a great bargain for $158 A second hand auo by Conrad Meyer of Philadelphia for $100 7 1 One Piano by Dubois Stoddart for $50 Gilbert $30 Chickering very good $69 Two by Astor Co of London for 10 each A second hand Melodeon for $5 These planes are really and truly very groat bargain They have been taken in exchange for fine now pianos sold by us We wilt sell them on very easy and aeoeminodating terms long credit with good security as wo are compelled to make roompr oar new stock now nearly due Also always on hand the largest stock ot new Pianos ever offered in this city at prices to suit the times Everybody in want of a piano should by all means eallon us nnd examine our large stock and hear our terms Also Music Melodeons Guitars Violin 1 lutes Aber deen? Banjos Ao No 306 Penn av between 9th aud 10th street ap 3t Extensive dealer in Pianoforte Ae flJlE HROCSR1E9" fur kODTIIERN ACTNJ? XKXRJlLh cb Snetmort to THOMAS HOPE CO No132 Chamber treet New Yurt kotahliohod 1820) IMPORTERS and Dealer in al! descriptions of rare Old MsJrir Sherry anl Port Winefi nest Old Brandies nit Jamaica St Croix and Anturua Rum Old Hol Qi nd every variety of fine Imported and Domestic i Max Sutaine Moot A Chandon and Mumm's Inperiali Cabinet and Verzenay Heidreick and other Brands Claret and Including Chateau Margaux Cha Wan Lafitte Looville Larose Margaux and St Julien Chateau ud Hast Santernea a i Vl A A 2 Ijii KjH Waw infjtev ui joumnewocrgcr jiiArvooniiiECfc itcawusp LZe ner Hockheimer Sparkling Hock and Moaello I Of all the choicest varieties Elegantes Regalias II Opera Pressed and Commune rruil VI All MUUO SMStaiUC XYllMVMtso a a Teas and Coffee AU of the finest qualities Huns and Tongue Barlington Virginia and Westf mail ff ma Rmoked and Pickled Tongued Ge ben Hutter In firkins tubs and stone jars sitlp Piekle Saucps Sardines Capers (fires Aoj Preserve! East ud West India and Domestic j( fall and general assortment of' every variety of ine eyriM mar 3 ly IMPORTED HINES GROCfeRlKS GEERY 203 Canal street and 21J Broadway New York (ZotaUuhod 1804) IMPORTERS and dealer in first quality family groceries I I ttfer to trad private families aad all whe it choice in their twte and derire a genuine article a large ftte Green and Blaek Souchong ouehong English tr? Oolong Imperial Hyson Gunpowder Young Hyson Ae in chest and half chest A Mocha anfl Java Madeira Sherries Hocks ke very old sad high grades in original paekagee demijohn mag 1 'Bum and bottles I Bzrtra and Claret I Chis' pagnro Meet A Chaadon Cabinet ImpT Venenay I Do Beideick do do do I Brandl Rums Whiskey Gin Arrack Absinths i Kirsch I0 a original packages also Curacao Maras sbino Anisette Noyeau Bitters Ao I MltUquors Lohdon Brown Stout Booteh and English I Alta i I A variety of Choice Brands I English and rench I or ish Currie Game Meat ko I Stilton Cfiedder Royal Victoria Prinee Albert I Parmerea Grayer Eapeago Dutch ani American I Loaf Crushed Pulverised St Croix Ae ta barrel I sad half barrels 1 I Westplalta and American I (HtoOlive Sperm and Whale I OarEquors are warranted unadulterated and of oar own I hteriati a oct nEALTlI REfeTORER or Marsapanua Lzoruiaiw The Life of the ltthis in the Blood Prepared by Chemist Restorer of Health and tbo best Blood Purifying Cr mnound in World! It doe not contain a particle of Jercnry THE above preparation i suited to the impaired and weakened condition of the human race it invigorates tbe whole constitution removes all pimples and eruptions from tbe tkia gives bloom and freshness to the complexion and is pa: ticalarly adapted to the weakening complaints uf tbe rex It is a perfect cordial in taste and acta like a charm upon the feelings spirits and energies of the weak and debilitated from any cause Quart bottle $1 small bottle 50 cents sold by Charles Stott 8 Wait McPherson Kidwell A Lawrence or A Brother and Moore Otar MIND YOUR KTOPH! AND STOP AT who still lives" and can be found st No fi3 Louisiana avenue between 6th and 7th atreets and examine specimens done at his establishment Then leave your orders which will be promptly attended to for House and Sign Painting Graining and Glazing He would call special sttention to Decorative Paint ing in all its branches and would name in part Banners Window Shades Odd Masons' and other Regalias Gilding on Class Ac Prices moderate forget the number 53 Louisiana avenue mar eo3m A RRI ACl'lM GIGS We have now on hand the most complete assortment of Wagons Gigs and Perambulators for children that was ever before offered ia this market all of which are now for sale st the lowest cash price JOS SAVAGE Sign Of tho Gilt Saw Pennsylvania avenue between 10th and 11th st mar 26 6t StatcsAStar AIR SUPERIOR CARRIAGE HORSES for A pair of handsome danple gray Carriage Horses perfectly kind in single or double harness or undcr th saddle They aro sold because tbo owner has no further use for them and not for any fault Apply to JAS McGUIRE mar 11 9wlmo Auctioneer and Commission Merchant uirad ia tbe rary eat lo ap3 Saw A Is BY JAMES McGUIRE Auctioneer SALE of Valuable Improved Real Estate on Pennsylvania avuue near the corner Gtb at Wet By virtue of two deeds of trust duly exe cute! aad recorded the subscriber will sell at publio sale on THURSDAY April 15th at 5 on the premises part of Lot No 1 in square No 461 22 feet on Pennsylvania avenue near tho corner of Oth street west runningback with that width to north street with the im provement which consist of a weH and substantially built brick building covering the entire lot containing a large and capacious store room and comfortable dwelling house with all the modern improvements Ac The above property is among the most valuable in the eity being in the immediate vicinity of tho National and hotel and the most business part of Use city and pays a largo interest on its value and offers one of the beet opportunities to capitalists for investment Terms of sale: One third cash tbe balance in 6 12 18 24 30 and 36 months for notes bearing interest from day 1 of rale secured by deed in trust upon the property and if not complied with in five days after the sale the property will be resold upon one notice at the rifk and expense of the purchaser Title indisputable 8 WALLACH Trustee mar 1 sod Ad A3 McGUIRE Auctioneer CHANCERY SALE Extensive and valuable property tor Sale virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of tbe of Columbia for the county of Washington made in the cause of tbe United States re Schwarta Livingston et aL No 1065 equity I will offer for sale at publio auc tion at the auction room of James McGuire onWodnes dy the 14th dayof April next at 5 o'clock the fol lowing valuable property on the Island vii The whole of square four hundred and sixty eigbt four hundred an 1 six ty nine four hundred and seventy four hundred and ninety eight and lota 82 83 and 84 in tho subdivision of square four hundred and sixty five Terms of sale One fifth of the purchase money to be paid in cash and tho ireeidne in four equal instalments at six twelve eighteen and twenty four month respectively with interest to be secured by approved notes or bond and the right reserved to resell for payment of any note unpaid Purchasers must comply with the terms of sale withw one week after sale otherwise tbe property may bo resold at tbe rlk and cost of tbo purchaser after one notice On fall payment of purchase money and tho riliicaUun of the sales I will convey at the cost of the purchasers vrf rP VwTj JwfT TwMoiaa JAB McGUIRE Auctioneer 7R SALE ON RILASONABLE our Building Lots on 14th street immediately north of the residence of Charles Hill Eq Three Building Lota on street north between let street and New Jereeyuvenue Also Lot 46 feet fronton 23d street west between and etreet north of the Circle Apply to JOHN ENNIS eo2w No 29 Louisiana avenue OR RENT Tbe dwelling part of a three story Brick House with back building lately repaired and psinted ou Pennsylvania avenue nearly opposite Hotel oc cupied below by Mr Robinsun Jewelkr alo two two atory Brick Houses in tbo rear of tbe same on Canal street and two small houses near Georgetown To good tenants the rent will be moderate Apply to CIIR GRAMMER Attorney at law north side of street between Sth and 6th street mar '6teod HOUSE TO LET A firat clas House situated at tho corner of ayette and ourth Streets Georgetown Inquire of Mr Ashe IL (Nxai next door or to 11 SwxKsr Esq at the Banking house of Messrs Sweeny Rittenhouse ant A Co oct eotf OK HALE a neat and pleasant Cottage Residence situ ated on 8th street (Georgetown Heights) between rederick and ayette etreet The bouse contains ten rooma There I swell of fine water oh theprcm're a stable cow house and other necessary out buildings Tho ground contains more than half an acre and are embellished with fine trees shrubbery Ac Inquire on tbo premise mar eod 2 OLD GAS WORKS LOT OR Tbe very desirable property known as the Uhl Gas NVorks" being lot seven in square 382 at the corner of Louisiana ave nue and Tenth street is now offered for sale There" are "0100 square foot of ground with a front on Louisiana ave nue of 109 feet on Tenth street of 69 feet nnd on Canal street of feet or all manufacturing purposes sueh as a foundry machine shop coach factory Ac no more desira ble location can be found in the city Inquire of the undersigned at the office of the Ga Light Company BROWN mar 13 eotf Secretary in charge OR SALE a very desirable three story Brick Residence eontainiog all the modern improvement and every requisi te necessary to make housekeeping eay situated about two square from Pennsylvania avenue convenient to tbe Capitol City Hall and Trinity Church a neighborhood that is rapidly improving by the erection of good dwelling healthy and possessing a highly respectable and pleasant socie ty By the payment of one third of tbe purohase money a long time will be given on the balance if desired ta annual payment sueh as cannot fail to be satisfactory or further particulars inquire of JL CATON at Con gressional Globe office Pennsylvania avenue jau eotf STATE CALIORNIA Th law pro riling for funding the! bonded and other specified in UtSdMM of tbe State of Califoraia require that the old trad? and certificates forwarded to Sacramento dur i ysar to be cancelled and replaced by new ones we rill act as agents in this business and request an early do tusry of th bonis i tf CHUBB BROTHER SHOW CASES! lrot Premium Show Case Ware rooms corner of Reade and Hudson Xreet New York Storekeepers ia want of Show Cases eay description will find at this establishment a large and consisting of Silver plated Rosewood ffitegaayud Blaek Walnut bhow Cases at prices to suit tki tones? i Show Ckse packed and shipped with care Orders per xnipramptly attended to feb 2m By JAS McGUIRE Auctioneer Chancery sale of valuable real es tate on street north between I2th and 13th streets west Under and by virtue of a decree of the Cir cuit Court of the District of Columbia sitting a a Court of Equity duly passed on the 29th day of January A 1858 in a certain cause pending in said court wherein Alpheu 8 Williams et al are complainants and Samuel Wise et al de fendants will proceed to sell at pnblio auction ia front of the premises on the 12th day of April A 1858 at 5 all that part cf lot No 4 square No 290 in the city of Washington District of Columbia contained with in the following metes and bounds beginning for the same at tbe southwest corner of said lot and running thence north 88 feet 6 inches thenje east 14 foot 10 inches thence north 70feet 6 inches thence east 23 feet 5) inches thence south 70 feet 6 inches and tbonce west 4 feet 11 inches thence south 88 faalB inches ami thence west 33 feet 4 Inches to tbe place of beginning together with the frame building on the rear part of said part of lot Terms of sale One third in cash and the residue in two equal instilments st six and twelve month for which the notes bearing interest and secured by deed of trust on the premise will be taken If tbe term of sale be not complied with within five days from tbe day of sale the right is reserved te resell said pre mises at the cost aud risk of the first purchaser All convey ancing at the cost of the purchaser WM STONE jr Trustee mar 17 3taw3wAd McGUIRE Auctioneer By JAS McGUIRE Auctioneer SALE By virtue of a deed of trust ex ecuted by Ann Smith dated 13th September 1855 re corded in Liber A 8 No 105 folios 448 449 450 and 451 among the land record? for Washington county ta the District of Columbia I shall sell at publio auction to the highest bidder in front of tbe premise on Wednesday the 31st day of Marsh 1858 at 4 tbe following property to wit Lot 8 in Square 73 with the improvement thereon consisting of a small rame Building Said lot fronts on street near the Circlo fifty aeven feet Terms cash and conveyancing to be at the expense of tbe purchaser If the term of sale are ndt complied with within five day after tbe sale the trustee reserves the right to re sell at the risk and coat of tbe first purchaser JONES Trustee feb 26 2awAds JAS" McG UIRE Auct The above sale la postponed until Monday May 3d at 5) on the premises JONES Trustee mar 30 2awAds JAS McGUIRE Auct By A GREEN Auctioneer SALE HIGHLY IMPROVED I and Valuable Real On Saturday after noon April Zl 1858 at 5 by virtue of a deed of trust bearing date the 18ih of October 1854 and duly re corded in Liber A 8 No 87 folio 67 68 69 70 71 and 72 one of the land record of Washington eity in the Dis trict of Columbia I shall sell in front of ibe promise at publio auction to tbe highest bidder therefor the valuable premise formerly owned and occupied by Wm II aulk ner situated nearly opporite the United States Hotel being Lot No 25 in square A beginning kt thi alley on tbe west ern side of raid lot running thenee with lhe line of said alley southerly 127 5 1 2th feet thence easterly 25 feet to tbe line of Michael McCarty thence northwardly 127 5 1211 feet to lhe line of Pennsylvania avenue and thence 25 feet to the place of beginning together with the improvements thereon consisting of a new substantial and well built four story brick dwelling houae with back buildings finished in tbe most superior manner throughout Terms cash: $100 to be paid to the trustee by the pur chaser upon the immediately after lhe property is bid off otherwise the said properly to be immediately thereafter resold uptn the sama spot and upon tbe same terms at the risk of the purchaser the whole of the purchase money to bo paid within five day after tbe sale otherwise to be resold at tho risk of the purcltMer THOMPSON Trustee mar 19 2awdds A GREEN Auctioneer By JAH McGUIRE? Auctioneer By virtue of a deed of trust ex ecuted by Benjamin Green dated on the 27th day of March 1845 and duly recorded among the land record of tbe county of Washington in tbe District of Columbia in Liber No 115 folio 827 328 329 and 330 the un dersigned truitee will aell at publie auelion to tho highest bidder on Wednesday the 17th dayof October 1855 at 4 PM ta front of the premises tho following describ ed pieee of land situated in Washington in square seven hundred and twenty nino that is to say all that part of lot numbered thirteen in said square beginning at the distance of eighty one feet seven inches from tbo southwest corner of said square and running thence on a line with irst street east north twenty five feet eleven inches thence east ninety five feet ten inches thence south twenty two feet five inches thence west forty seven feet eleven inches thence south three feet six inches thence west forty seven feet eleven inches to the place of beginning Also tho following pieee of land consisting of lot number ed fourteen and part of thirteen in said square and bounded as follow Beginning at the distance of one hundred and eeven feet six inches from the southwest corner of said square and running thence north on the line of irst street east sixty four foot two inches thence east ninety five feet ten inches thence south sixty fonr feet two inches tbenee west ninety five feet ten inehc to the place ef beginning with the build ings and appurtenance thereunto belonging This property fronts on irst street east between East Ca pitol and A treets south facing tbo Capitol square and is improved by substantial three story brick buildings The terms of sale are One third of the purchase money to be paid within five day from tbe day of sale and the ba lance in four equal instalment of six twelve eighteen and twenty four months with interest from the day of sale Notes for tbe deferred payments to be given satisfactorily endorsed and to be secured by deeds of trust on tbe pro perty The conveyances to bo at the expense of the purchaser If the teripf of sale are not complied with within ten days after the sae the trustees reserve the right to resell at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser JOHNSON HELLEN JAMES ADAMS Trustees JAS McGUIRE Auct sale of the above described property hav ing been postponed from time to time until tho 17th day of December in the year 1855 when it was then sold and tho purchaser at such sale having failed to comply with the terms of sale it will be again exposed to public sale at hi risk aud loss on Wednesday the 9th day of September next at 5 on the following terms and condition of rale Ono third of tho purchase meney in cash five hundred dol lars of which must be paid on tbe ground immediately after the sale and in default of such payment on tho ground tho property will then be resold and the delinquent bid will not be agkin received the balance in three equal in stalment on note at six twelve and eighteen months after date bearing interest from the day of sale A deed to be given and adecd of trust to be made to the undersigned trus tees to secure the payment of the notes Deeds to be at the cost of the purchaser If all the above named terms of sale bo not complied with in ten days after such sale the property will bo again resold at the risk and cost upon such terms of sale and after such public notice thereof as tbe trustees shall prescribe and direct 8ale to be in front of the premises JOHNSON HELLEN JAS ADAMS aug 17 2awdds Trustee The above sale is postponed until riday after noon October 9th at 4 o'clock on the premises JOHNSON HELLEN i JAMES ADAMS Trustees JAS McGUIRE sep 2awtds Auctioneer ST The above sale I further postponed until riday afternoon January 3th same hour and place JOHNSON HELLEN JAMES ADAMS Trustees JAS McGUIRE oct 9 2awtd Auctioneer The above sale is further postponed until Mon day afternoon ebruary 15th same hour and place JOHNSON HELLEN JAMES ADAMS Trustees JAS McGUIRE jah 2awAds Auctioneer yay The above kale is further postponed until Saturday March 20tb same hour and place JOHNSON HELLEN JAS ADAMS Trustee JAS McGUIRE feb 2awd Auctionter The above sale la further postponed to Thurs day tbe 15th diy of April 1858 to take place at half past five on the premises JOHNSON HELLEN JAMES ADAMS Trustee JAS McGUIRE Auctioneer iremen' machinists and other aro inform ed that tbe subscriber is manufacturing at hi actory' No 33 South Kutaw street Baltimore near the Camden Sta tion Leather Hose and Bolting from the very best quality oak tanned leather and Copper rivets warranted equal to "any made ta tho United States Tbe leather is prepared under my own supervision and none but the very beat used All order promptly attended to jan eo3m JOHN HASKELL GAS1 IITING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES executed with dispatch at low prices and in a satisfactory manner Orders left with Botelsr Iron Ball will ba thank fully received and promptly attended to GAS IN THE COUNTRY Having been appointed sigent for the sale of Portable Wood Gas Works and having established them in Maryland and Virginia and witnessed the works in success ful operation for tho test throe years I cheerfully recommend them as being decidedly superior to any other work now in use on the score of convenience and economy Every house in the country or suburbs of the city should have one put up The work can be examined at the bouae of Col Naylor near lhe city and Rev Mr Marks Navy Yard I wouhl also refer those interested to tbe following gent emeu who have the works now in use Clarke Winchester Virginia Stephen Stackhouse i do do Kennedy jr near Charlestown Va Col Joseph Tuly Clarke county Va Geo Kearsly Charlestown Va Central Hotel Charlottesville Va Granite Cotton actory Mills Mil Addrers I ED BOTELER mar 19 Washington EAR EXPERIENCE by the Author of Dr Antonio Being a now edition under a now title of The Pnnigreens in Paris" Illustrated by John Leech (of the London rico $125 or sale at TAYLOR A ap 3 Book and Stationery Store 334 Pa avenue ANNUAL CflNVENTlON Of the National Musical Association THE Board of Management of the National Musical Asso ciation having secured the service of Messrs Gaouaa Root and Wm Bbadbvht as conductor of their next Annual Convention would cordially invite ladies and gen tlemen interested in the progress of mtuical knowledge to meet in Convention at the Smithsonian Institution On Monday Morning April 2th Thc session will continue during the week closing with a Concert by the whole body The eminent fitness of Messrs Root and Bradbury and their experience in such matters warrant tbe declaration that tbe set sion will be one of unusual interest and profit to all who may attend and will bring together a larger number of musicians than ever before assembled in our city It is earnestly desired that the neighboring cities of Balti more Alexandria and Georgetown may bo largely repre sented and that the musical people will giro tho movement their earnest support by an early nnd constant attendance at the daily sessions Delegates will report themselves as soon as possible to the Treasurer Magrvdbb to Mr Jon ClUeb or to the President or Secretary in order that tho ntcessary arrange ments may bo made for their entertainment during their stay in Washington 1 Those desiring circulars of Invitation to send to their friends can be served on applica ton to either of tbe above named gentlemen I Tbe plan pursued at previous Conventions will be adopted for the coming session ns it hns hitherto been highly satis factory 1 GURLEY" President Glkwroy Secretary 1 mar 16 law tl 9 A Ad ISToRICAL SKETCHES of North Carolina from 1584 to 1851 by John Wheeler with illus tration Price $3 BLANCHARD MOHUN i Bookseller an! Stationer mar Union Corner 11th street and Penn av rC i II i 1 Hi 5 i J' I I i i I ribod i 'h a ttrag mJ lagf.

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.