Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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vox xlvi THXX Hsna i UMt aapfcg tree frees I withes which zathoati andy a lesnU order al ovutiHa I DeeU sate toa Lstju S' lO CO Bo tea Mat dfoti lh lAeei 1 5D Bthfe jtu foal bud partial dropsy' Lor4ra4 PUBLISHED GALES SEATON TERMS: nnr Pat a Corirrav Paran $6 a taa Payable la advance mweriMra bcfera IWa all 2 m7 Mirrrm by law bq exdadad ear hands this Itch day ef April ISM 4 AM KB LAWKKSSOS I MeLAIN "eru laradfaj rienoa a am doubt leuralgfe 1 the vatur Mtarattri Ml to eeiaU is of gentle tghast No 599 Notice for the restoration of certain LANDS toMARKETINTHESTATEOLOUISlANA rrant of land made by th act of Congress approved laa 3 15 Stat of Louisiana to aid in the contrao eattain railroad! therein mentionadj having been so ta JJated to authorize the release from withdraws! of the ud hereinafter described notice Aereiy given that all the ZLi orcedlanda heretofore withdrawn from aaleor locationa the routes of the roads the Texas line in the rat of Louisiana west of the town of Greenwood via Green Lad Shreveport and Monroe to a point on the Mississippi rimr opposite Vicksburg" and New Orleans by Spdeusaa to the State lino of Toxas" which lie outside ofmr ssiLs oa oocA side" of the said roads situated in the nfiermen tinned townships which have not been selected in nrtae of raid grant or any other grant made by Congress or Lsslly claimed by pre emption and which were subject entry at the date of withdrawal will be restored to entry oa the days and at the places hereinafter speci et the ordinary minimum of one dollar and twenty lire mats pr acre to wit At the Land Office at MONROE on Monday the third day if May next en th road frosn the Texas line' via Grera l)ri Shreveport and Monroy to a point on the Mississippi lirar opposite Vicksburg vis forth of the base Irwe awd cost of the principal meridian Townships 15 16 19 and 20 of range 1 Townships IS and 20 of range 1 Township 15 and IS of ranges 5 and 6 Townships 14 15 and IS of range 7 Townships 14 and 15 of range 8 Tcwnships 14 15 14 and 18 of ranges 9 and 18 Tcwiships 14 15 1 Id and 19 of ranges 11 and 12 Townships 14 15 17 IS and 19 of range IX Townships 14 IX 17 and IX of range 14 forth ef tha bass lite end vert ef the principal meridian Townships 1516 19 and 20 of ranges 1 and 2 Taenships 15 18 17 19 and 39 of range Township 15 16 17 and 29 of range 4 Township 15 16 17 I and SO of range 5 At the land office al NATCHITOCHES on Monday the third day of May ncxL oh the road the Texas line" no GresnwfiodvShreveport Monroe to a point on the jfasisnppirirer opposite Vicksburg vis yprtj of (he 5o Ifa aad meet of the principal meridian Townships 15 IX 17 1 22 23 of range TownshipelX IX IL J' a1 2S of range 7 Townships IX IX 17 9 0 3L 22 and 23 of range 8 Townships IX IX 17 19 2 and 21 of range 9 Tuwsships 15 IX IX 21 of range 19 Townskips 14 15 IX IX 2X and 21 of mage 11 Townships 14 IX IX 29 21 and 22 of range IX To wash ips IX IX IX 19 29 22 and 23 of range 13 Tewsskip 14 IX IX IX 19 20 21 22 and 23 of ranges IX IX sod IX On the road Now Orleans by Opelousas to the State En of garth of the hare line end treat of tie principal meridian Townships 1 2 and of range 4 Townships 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 of ranges 5 and 6 Townships 1 2 3 5 7 9 and 10 of ranges 7 and Township I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 and 12 of rang 9 Township 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 19 11 and 12 of range it Townships I 2 5 73 9 10 11 and 12 of range 11 sad 12 Township 4 5 I 18 12 and IX of range 13 Tow a ships 7 9 IX 11 12 and IX of rang 14 Townships 10 11 12 and 13 of rang 15 Tewnehrp 11 IX and IX of range 16 Give wader my hand at the General Land Office at the city of Washington this twelfth day of March 1358 TH OS A HENDRICKS mar lawtds Commissioner Ard ejl th toss line and eoat of tha aixth principal meridian raetisea! townships 7 and 8 of range 15 Tuwnjhip 7 and fractional townships 9 IX and 12 of nag Ik Irwnshixs 7 8 9 10 11 and IX and fractional to wuhin neg IX Tewasmp 8 9 IX and UL and fractional townships 19 lad IX raag 1 2 lowasbrp 7 9 10 and I suxd fractional township 13 sf raag 11 Iswdhhips 7 9 10 and 11 and fractional townships 12 11 sad lXof rang IX Tewaahip 7 and 13 and fractional townships 14 15 sad IX of range 9 AT THE LAN OICE AT OMAHA CITY commencingMtndey tbe otistA Oey hf September next fr the disposal the publie lands within the foUuwing nnaood townshipoTix of the hare line and rant of the rixth prisripal meridian frsrrional township IX 14 IX and 16 of range 14 Metienal townships IX Ik 15 16 and 17 of rang 13 rrwtieaal townships 12 and 13 township 14 15 and 16 atofraetincal townships 17 IX 19 and 29 of range IX mctieaal township IX township 13 14 15 IX 17 and Hand fractional townships 19 and 90 of rang 11 netiaaltowaahip 12 IX and 14 and to we chip 15 16 II 11 19 and of ran IX ractional towubpo 14 15 and 16 and townships 17 18 sad 39 rf rang 9 lead appropriated by law for the aae ef schools military tad Other parpooee will be exeladed fro the ealee The ilonng ef the ab Ta lands will be commenced os tbeys appointed and will ptoeeed is tbe order in which they advertised no til tbe wh le shall have been efferrd and A tales that eksad bet ne sale shall be kept open longer weeks and no private entry of ally ef the lands will tonitud unt3 after th as pi ration of th two week dr my hand at the city ef Washington thistbir jn9yrf March anna Detain! aae thousand eight bun twd 04 tfry gbt JAMES BUCHaNAN By Ae President Taos A Hannscxs Commuricner of the General Land Office NOTICE TO PRE EMPTION CLAIMANTS iTtTY Mestas A 3x a mjf of 5 raeao vUhin the tovachipe aed paru of UHnwhiH Ttoed is repaired to establish tbe same to the ee tomscioa of the Register and Raeeivor ef the proper Land and mnha pnjment therefor or seen pvnetieahla of thia notice and before the day appointed for the cm le psMM sale er use lanee easarocieg ue herwise such claim will be rfeited TH OS A HENDRICKS' Ccutmirsicner the General Land Off pa DU4J the Removal of the Surveyor GeneraTt hrtuha City in Nebratlea Territory accordance with the previsiens of the IXh ooetion of mM ES MaXeelael as set to establish tha elbee of surveyor gwaerai of NowB1 Ntbraka" Ae it is hereby declared Alowu that tbe adfio the aarveyor general rTZ1 Nebraska will be removed from Lecompton in Nebnuka City in Nebraska Territory as ao arly practicable astir cf the precise time of removal will be issued 'vyir general for said Territories a '4 aadcr my hand at the eity of Washington this 12th MM Byrderef to President: THOMAS A HENDRICKS I Commissioner of the Genera! Land Office To C1IVE NOTIC Ad that the sabscribers obtained from th Orphans' Court of Waehtogtoo to he District of Columbia letters of adminis of Ei perrons! estate of Lawristoa Hardest eSa toingion eoaaty deceased Ail persons having tk deesmsed are hereby warned to exhibit the Voucher tharaoC to the subscriber on or tth A as I iwawf (Law Kv npau BSwJam nw aara rj aXJ beneftt of th haadf th 17th day of April ISM GEOROE OITLE WILLIAM JOHS3T0J wW A ZT 1 A A zMxnate A NOTICE that th subscribers hav tw2 3 0 vrpuM' vosrt Mfimgwa th Clnmbix letter of adninicmxios wg wKar nr Aw fm aisuA CT xajab MM AB persons having claims against No 602 Hy the President of the United States IN pursaanec of law I JAMES BUCHANAN President ef th United States of America do hereby declare and nske kaown that public sales will be held at the undermen toned Land Offices in the Territory of NEBRASKA at the poriods hereinaftar designated to wit AT THE LAND OICE AT BROWNSVILLE com "Bcnring oa Monday tbeririA dap of September next for the dupaoal ef th public lands within the following named township vis ef the hare line and earVtf the eirth principal dirieion That part of township ewe outride of the Sac and ox suiJ Half Breed Nemaha reservation of rang 17 The pert of township 1 X3 and 4 outride of th Sac and ox and Half Breed Nemaha raaervauoa and fractional townships 5 and 6 of range 16 That part ef township oa outside cf the Sac and ox re rati on tewoshrp she parts ef township and 5 owt ad of the Half Breed Nemaha reservation and fractional toveahipXef range 15 Thu part of township ewe outside of the Sac and ox ra kmaa townships 3 3 and 4 that part of township 5 1 ewteOoMthe Half Breed Nahama resei vation an township A of racy Ik Townships 3 4 5 and 6 of range IX Tsvnshifi 12 3 4 5 and of range IX Toraskipo 1 3 4 5 and 6 of range 11 Tswuhips 12 34 5 and 6 of range 19 Townships 1 3 4 5 and of range 9 ATTH2LAND OICE AT NEBRASKA CITY eom nosriog Monday the eixlh day of September next for the dwpooai of the public lands within th following named town td iawJ yeerihasf lesm I I ALLAJ haa ii i th U0ij the AM KWtest or i rp toome im bog" Ixwtds week 1 ikirb? raX5o Im JitriJg khrg sp 4 ffi rater 1 i I i 1 Ary Mt to miiJ 4 ii I I ll ad a bere GbaiJ ro eoraiE th osrut pL LJ' A atxjcmal WASHINGTON: WEDNESDAY MAY 12 1858 SALES AT AUCTION SALES AT AUCTION By WALT ds BARNARD Auctioneer Corner ofOth street and Penn avenue SALE A HTOUK GROCERIES AT AUC tlon On Tuesday morning May Ulh at 10 o'clock wi will sell in front of our auction rooms a stock of prim Groceries Liquors Cigars Ae such as 25 barrels Crushed and Brown Sugars Boxes Spann end Adamantine Candles Chest! fine Green and Black Teas Brown Chemical and Olire Soaps Salad Oil Maccaroni Pearl Starch Rio Coffee English Walnuts Sardines Buekvte bras bound Boxes Mustard Hartley XX Tobacco Cigars different brands Brandies Whiskeys and other Liquors in demijons and hotties 20 barrels and eaks Brandy 1 pipe Holland Gin With many other good in the Grocery' line all of which will be sold without reserve Terms: Over thirty and sixty day for notes satisfactorily endorsed bearing interest may dts WALL A BARNARD fS Tbe above sale is postponed on account of the rain until Thursday morning sain hour may ts WALL 4 BARNARD Auctioneers BY WALL BAKNAKD Auctioneer VAIUABLE HUIIDiNG AUCTION On Thursday afternoon 13th instant at 6 o'clock we will sell in front of the promises those beautiful building lots Nos 16 17 18 in square No 1628 fronting 350 feet on Maryland avenne Also lets 10 and 20 same square with a front on 14th street east These lots ar in an improving part of th eity and are worthy th attention of persons wish ing to build or invest a the sale will be positive Terms: One third eash and tbe balance in 6 12 and 18 months with interest and secured by deed of trust All conveyancing at expense of pdrehassr may 11 (Star) WALL A BARNARD A not By c7w7bTELEH AucUnneer HAN I ER SlLE VALUABLE REAL Estate By virtue of a decree of he Circuit Court of tbe District of Columbia sitting in Equity for tbe eounty of Washingt made In the cause wherein James Burdine and wife ar complainants and Geo'SheeklI Mary Ann Sherkell and Rosaline Sbeekell ar defendants the subscriber trustee appointed by said decree will sell at public auction on th premises on Thursday th 4th day of June 1858 at 5 Lot No 6 in Square 576 with the improve ments This lot is most eligibly located on the south side of Ma ryland avenue immediately opposite th Government green houses eontaiai 12169 square feet of ground more or less fronting from 125 to 130 feet en Maryland avenue The improvements are admirably calculated for an extensive boarding house Terms of sale One fifth in'eash tbe residue in four equal payments of 6 12 18 and 24 months with security to be approved by th Trustee and on full payment of the whole amount a deed will be made by the Trustee conveying such title as the Court vested in him at the expense of the pur chaser If th terms ef sale be not complied with within three days tbe property to be re sold at the cost and risk of th Asst purchaser JNO A LINTON Trastea BOIELER may It 2sw3w Auctioneer IB BOTELER Auctioneer INTENSIVE SALE SUPIJStlOR HOSE 2j wood Plano orte Cabinet urniture Gilt rame IM hrorSiIk and Damask Cur aius Velvet and Brua el Carpet Ac On riday morning May 14 at 19 o'clock and cor tinning daily at that hour until th whole is disposed of I shall sell by virtue of a deed In trust from II reeman dated March 31st and recur Jed April 19 1858 all and singular the goods and chattels household kit chen furniture enumerated in the schedule annexed to said deed and embracing every article household and kitehen furqitur contained in the Eb bet House situated on be tween 13th and I4th streets consisting of a very extrusive collection of superior Parlor Dining room Chamber urni ture de sueh as Elogant Rosewood seven oetav Piano orte by Chickering Elegant reach plate gilt frame Mantel Pier and Oral Mir rors of Varkas sises and styles Superior resewAod and walnut crimson plusb eorered rench tete a tete Sofas Saito of rosewood Parlor arnitura Lnisbed in crimson and gold brocatelle comprising two tete a tete Sofas two arm Chairs and eight parlor Chairs Suites of handsome nlnnt figured damask eovered Parlor Purnitore consisting of two Sofas two arm Chairs Rocker and four parlor Chairs Handsome walnut Jhatnots Etagares and Bookstands of va rious patterns Beautiful msrble top centre sofa and side Tables in rose wood walnut and mahogany Elegant brocatelle damask and laee Curtains tRronghont tbe house with gilt Cornice Cords Tassels Ac com plete Superior Velvet English Brussels and Throe ply Carpets throughout th house Brussels and Ven! tian hall and stair Carpets Oilcloth Rags Stair Rods and Eyes Splendid rosewood walnut and mahogany marble top dress ing Bureau and Wash tends Ward rob Jenny Lind and ru teh Bedsteads ine painted Cottage Seta with and without marbles Solid cherry Bedsteads Wardrobes and Washstands of supe rior make Paiatod Wardrobe Bedsteads and Washstands Superior carted hair Mattresses it feather Eelo Bolstera and Pillows Vary extensive lot ef superior Blankets Marseilles Quilts Comforts Bedspreads Sheeting Bolster and Pillo Slip rench China maiblel and grange Toilet gets Mahogany hair spring Sofas Hockers arm and side chairs Bookcue! Writing L'esks Arm Chair Stiver plated Castors Waiters Tea and Coffee Urao Spoons and orks Walnut and mahogany extension breakfast card and side Tables Superior oak cane seat dining Chairs rench china acd granite Dinner Deert and Tea Berriee Block tin Urns Chafing Dishes and Dish Covers Radiator open grate and air tight Stoves Together with a general assortment of every article in th hewsckeepi line Terms 359 and under cub rer $56 and not exceeding $IM and 99 days ever 8109 1 2 3 and four months for approved endorsed nctesbearfng interest JOHN A LISTON Trustee may 7 dts BOTELER Auctioneer BY BOTELCK Auctioneer PURSUANT TO THE Provision a Deed of Trust executed by George Dyer to the subscriber bearing date tbe fourth day of September 1855 and record ed in Liber A No 104 folios 148 149 159 and 151 one of the tend roeords of Washington eounty in the District of Columbia I shall sell at publie anniion on the premises on riday the 14th day ef May ISio at fi Lots numbered 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 19 11 and 12 tn sub division aqanse sooth of square numbered 15 si tssated at the interweetiop of Maryland avenue and street north The terms of sale One third cash ths balance in two equal pay west st six and twelve months for note bearing interest secured by deed of trust on the property All eon vy seeing at tbe eoat of purchaser IL SPALDING Trustee may 7 BOTELER Auel snver Ry JAM EM iMeGUIK Auctioneer pIIAMJERY SALE VALUABLE REAL Us tare on street nortn net ween i ctn ana sam street wed Under and by virtue of a decree of the Cir cuit Court of the District of Columbia sitting a a Court of Equity duly passed on the 29th day of Janaary A 1858 in certain enas (tending in said court wherein Alphaus Williaset si aro complainants sod Samuel Wise et si de defeadauta I will proceed to sell at public sinetion in front of th premises on the 25th day of May A 1858 st 6 o'clock all that part of tel No 4 square Na 296 in the eity of Washington District of Columbia contained with in the following mates sad bwuads beginning for the same at th south wool corner of said lot and running thenee north 88 feet Siaeha thenee east 14 feet 11 inches thane north 70 feet 6 tnebes thenee east 23 feet bi inches thene south 79 feat 6 inches and thenee west 4 feet I If inches thence sou 83 feet 6 inchea and thenee west 33 feat 4 inches to the pise fo beginning together with the frame building on the rear part of said lot Terms ef sal Ona third in eash and the residue In two equal instalments ax six and twelve months far which the purchasers' uote bearing inlcreot and secured by deed of trust en the praonises wilt taken If tbe terms of sale be not complied with within five days frem th day ef sale the right is reserved to resell said pro mises at Jh cost and risk of the first purchaser All conveyancing ax th oast of the purchaser WM STONE jr Trustee ap 22 MeGUIRE Auctioneer By A GR EEN Auctioneer AUCTION' HALEO THIRTY THREE BEAU tlful VI I lx Lot a varying In aixe from one to ten acres each Tea nnderrigaed respectfully rail publie at tention to their rate ef Villa Lets which will take pteeaat A ax ex' 3 auction rooms corner of 7th sad streets on Wed nesday May 19 1858 at 5 o'etoak These lots adjoin Uniontown on th south side of the Esst Branch or Anaeostia river near the Navy Yard Bridge are high and healthy with an abnadanea of fin shade trees and good water orad esmssaad a auikiagly beautiful aad di versified view of the Anacostia and Patomac rivers Wash ington Georgetown and she surrounding country Th lo cation is plesoant quieo and retired free from toll er city taxation and yet within convenient wafting distance of th omnibus stxn ehnrohe school market heusas Ae Tbe undersigned are now making handsome improvements en two of these site for their wn residences and will offer great induce men ts to those who wish to participate in the en joyment of a eoomtry house the great advantage ef which should ba particularly appreciated by parents raising children and parson who owpsrtinn isef aconllned and sedentary character whose health aad comfort would be greatly im proved by th Invigorating exercise and rural enjoyment in cident to a residence in the suburbs of tie eity Term of sate or snta under $409 one fourth cash bu tene in six twelve and eighteen months and for all toms ever $400 ooo fourth cash balance in cna two and three years All conveyancing at pnrehaaer' ex perse TrUe in disputable lats can be sera and farther infer aatian obtained at A Gerr1' oiara or at the Union Land Office 499 Seventh street beiow street where appointments can also be made to go and avamtaa th lata with the proprietor OX A VAN HOOK A GUEN eodAds (Star) Arti i By A GREEN Auctioneer Handsome new hree mtoky frame House and Lot on lltti street at Auction On Monday the 17th instant Ishall sell in front of the premires at bi o'clock a handsome new Three story rame built of the brst materials containing eight conveniently ar ranged rooms and passage and the lot en which it stands being port of Lot No 8 in Square No 238 fronting twenty feet on 1 4 th street next to th torner of 8 street north run ning ninety feet to an alley Terms: One third rub the balance in six twelve and eighteen months for note bearing interest from day of sale A deed given and a deed of trust taken Title Indisputable may (Star) A GREEN Auctioneer ByA GREEN Auctioneer PUBLIC KALEr By authority of a deed of trust dat ed the 10th day of August 1857 recorded in Liber A No: 139 folios 413 414 415 and 416 I shall sell at auction to the highest bidder on Saturday the 15th instant at 5 on th premises Lot No 19 in square No 724 also all of Square No 829 also all ofSquaroNo 909 except so much of tbe said square No 909 as has been condemned and la now occupied by the Railroad company The sale will commence with Lot 19 in square 724 Termar One fourth of the purchase money in eash and th residue at 6 and IS months from the day of sale for which the note will be taken with interest se cured by a deed of trust on the lot or lot Deed at the pur coat If the terma are not complied with within three days from the day of sale the lot or lots will be resold on five public notice at the risk and eoat of the default ing purchaser or porch astro MeKENNEY Trustee may dAds (Star) A GREEN Auct By A GREEN Auctloueer IT 1) ST By virtue of deed of trust to I the tubscriber dated on the 10ih day of December 1855 and recorded among tbe ItnrUfecorda of tbe eounty of Wash ington in tbe District of Columbia in Libor A No 102 folio 446 447 443 and 449 I shall sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder on Thursday the 1 Oth day of June next in front of lhapr cm Ises at 6 Lot No 7 in square No 452 being on th east aide of Seventh street west between North I street and Massachusetts avenue containing 6798 squre feet or thereabouts lying and being in th city of Washington District of Columbia and as Jail down and designated on the plan of said city Terms of sale One fourth of the purchase money in cub the remainder in three equal instalments payable in 6 12 and 18 months with interest from the day of sale Notes to be given for the deferred payments and to be secured by a deed of trust on the premises Conveyance at tbe expense of th purchaser On a failure to eomply with the terms of sale within five days the trustee reserves tho right to resell on giving ton notice st the risk aad expense of the defaulting pur chaser JAS ADAMS Trustee may 11 2awAds A GREEN Auctioneer BY A GREEN Auctioneer MALE HIGHLY IMPROVED aiid Valuable Real On tbe first day of June at 5'o'elock by virtue of a deed of trust bearing date on the 2 2J day of December 1851 and duly recorded in Liber A No 88 folio 433 and 434 one of tbe land records for Washington county in the District ef Columbia I shall sell st the request of tbe parties interested in front of the premi ses st publie auction to the highest bidder therefor that valuable property being the west half of lot No 22 in square number two hundred and fifty three (253) on the plan of said eity together with ail the buildings and improvements there on eonsirting of two three story new briek buildings with eight rooms each fronting on street between 13th and 14th street Terms of sale: One fifth of th purchase money to be in euh the balance in 12 and 18 months with interest on the same A deed given acd a deed of trust taken Title be lieved to be indisputable If tbe terms of sale be not com plied with within five days the property to be resold at the risk and cost of the first purchaser ORME Trustee ap 21 eodAds A GREEN Auctioneer By A GREEN Auctioneer PUBLIC MA By authority ofjn deed of trust from David A 1111 and his wile dated the 18th of March )O56 recorded iu Liber A 8 No 1 13 folio 14 I will sell at auction to the bighert bidder on riday tbe 14 th of May next between the boors of 4 and 5 In the afternoon on the premises Lot No 8 in square No 493 in tbecity of Washington i Term Ona third of the purchase money in eash and the residue at 6 and 12 months from tbe day of sale for which the purchaser's noteswill he taken with interest secured by a deed of trust on the lot Deeds at the purchaser's cost If the term are not complied with within three day from th day of sale the lot will be resold cm five days' pablie no tice at the risk and cost of tbe defaulting purchaser TI LG fl MAN Trustee ap tds A Auctioneer Itv A GREEN Auctloueer CHANCERY male By authority of a decree of the Circnit Court of the District of Columbia passed in a cause wherein Belden Wither and Co are complainants and the widow and heir of tbe late Major A Niriiulson are defendants I shall sell at anetron to the highest bidder 1 on Monday the 3tst day of May instant commencing at 5 in the afternoon the following very valuable Lot in tbe eity of Washington namely Lot No 1 Square No 573 Do i 19 do 795 Do 1 2 8 do 814 Do 4 6 7 do 719 Ds 23 do 296 Terms: One fourth of the purchase mooey in eash an the residue in three equal pay menu of six twelve and eigh teen months from tbe day of rale the deferred paymenu to bear interest from the day of sale and to be secured by the purchaser's bonds with aurety to be approved by the trote If tbe term Le not complied with althin three days from the day of sale tbe trustee reserve the right resell upon five days' publie notice inserted in the National Intelligenfsr aad Krening Star Tbe sals will commence at Lot No 1 Square No 573 and proceed to the others until all are sold IV REDIN Trustee A GREEN Auctioneer jaay 5 3taw3wAd Krening Star By A GREEN Auctioneer Handhome Two Htory rame House and Lot on North between ITtU and 13tli streets at Auction On riday tbe 14th instant I shall sell in front of the premises at 6 o'clock a good I wo a lory rame House containing six conveniently arranged rooms and rhe lot on which it stands it being west half of lot 24 in square Ne 2s2 having a froat on North 12 feet between 1 2th and 13th streets west running back 99 feet to an alley House No 455 Terms: One fourth cash balance in 6 12 and 13 months for notes boaring interest from day of sale A deed given and a deed of trust taken Title indisputable may 8 (Star) A GREKN Auctioneer BY A GREEN Auctioneer Handhome TwMToRY brick cottage HOUSE AND IA4T on north I between 14 th and 14h streets fronting ranklin Square Piano orte Household and Kitchen urniture at Anction On Monday tbe 17th instant I shall sell in front ef lb premises at 4 part Lot No 24 in square having a front' oa North I of 19 feet by 79 feet 6 inrhea tv a wide alley with tbe freprovetnents which are a handsome two story Briek Cottage Huns and baek buildings Thi property is handsomely located on north I between 13th and 14th streets west free ting ranklin Square Terms at sale Also en Tuesday the liHthtnstsut I sball sell In tbe same beteg No 365 at 10 o'clock all the urni ture in the house vis Handsome Mahogany Case Plane orte of line tot nad touch Walnut Tete a tete Spring seat and Mahogany Chairs Mahogany Secretary and Writing Table Gilt aad other Mirrors Mabngany Bureaus Tables Washstands and Bedsteads ite Window Curtain Pictures in frames and Statuary Brussels Stair aad other Carpets Oil Cloth and Matting eather Pillow Bair and Shuck Maltres and Badding Chin Glass and Crockery Ware Cooking and other Stove And many other articles which we deem unnecessary to enumerate Term or furniture under $25 cash over $25 a credit ef 69 and 99 days for note satyfartorily endorsed bearing Interest A GREEN may dee (Star) Auctioneer By A GREEN Auctloueer nOUSEIIOLD AND KITCHEN URNITURE at Auction On Thursday 13th instant I ah11 sell at ten o'clock A at the residence of a gentleman declin ing housekeeping on 20th street No 394 between and streets an excel ent assortment of Para iter vis: Marble top Sofa Tabid Mahogany and Walnut Chairs and Lounge Bureaus Walnut Arm and other ear seat Chairs Walnut Whatnot Book and Semstary Extension Dning Table Card and other Table Iron Hatrack and Cottage BdateaJs Can aad hu seat Chair Clock Refrigerator and Looking Glasses China Glass' and Crocksry Ware among which area good rench Chin Diener and Tea bet Bruise! Stair and other Carpets Oilcloth Ivory handle Knives Bailers ILur and Sbnek Mattrawe To haadsome painted Cottage Seta Cooking Airtight and other Stove With a goed assorcasrat of Kite be Requisite Terms: All sums under $25 cash over $25 a dredit of two and fner months for netatiafatorily aadornad bearidg interest A GREEN may Aaetianeer By A GREEN Auctioneer VALUABLE BUILDING LOTH ronting on 10th street treat aad Rhode Island avenue at Aur tioa On Thursday the Ifidtsnatant I shall sail in froat of th premises at 6 Lots 0 and la subdivision of miss half of qaarJ7337 This pro 3 perty is handsomely located soma of which froat on lth street west Letwann north street and Rhode Island avenue and soase fronteaa Use avraa Terms One third eash in six twelve eighteen aad 24 moaths tba purchases to giv ante for the deferred payments beartag intercut fromday of sal A deed given aad a dead ef treat take Title iadisputabi ay (8tr) A GREEN Auetionr SALES AT AUCTION SALES THIS DAY CITY NOTICES By JAMES MeGUIRE Auctloueer SALE of VALUABLE BUILDING Lot in Printing Ollice Square On riday after noon June4th at 6 o'clock on tbe premises I shall sell by virtue of a deed in trust dated May 7th 1857 and duly re corded in Liber A 8 No 13d folios 184 et seq one of the land records for Washington county Lot No 18 in subdivision of square No 624 fronting 24 feet on north street between irst street west and north Capitol street run ning back 175 feet 3 inohes to a 30 feet alley and containing 420 square feet more or loss Testa One fourth cash tbe residue in one two 'and three years with interest secured by a deed of trust on the premises THOS ISHER Trustee' JAS MeGUIRE may 12 2awAds Auctioneer By MeGUIRE Auctioneer QI CtrRPORATION WASHINGTON 1 Stock at On riday afternoon May 1 1th at 6 at the Auction Rooms 1 shall sell in suina to suit $1500 Corporation of Washington half yearly 6 per cent stock with interest from January 1st Terms cash may 12 d3t JAS MeGUIRE Auctioneer By JAS MeGUIRE Auctioneer SALIC RAME HOUSE AND Lot on stli street wert between and street On Tuesday afternoon June 15th at 6 on tbe premises by virtue of a deed of trust dated July 21st 1853 and duly recorded io Liber A 8 No CO folios 91 95 and 96 one of the Land record tor Washington county Ishall sell Lot No in subdivision of square No 424 fronting 16 feet 111 inch: on 8th street' west be tween and streets north running back 95 feet to a 10 feet alley with the improvements consisting of neat and welUbuilt rame Dsrelling House Terms One half cash the residue in 6 and 12 months with interest secured by deed of trust on tbe property JAS WJLSON Trustee may 2ewAds JAS MeGUIRE Auct BY MeGUi Auctioneer riHANCERY HALE VALUABLE REAL IiS tate and quantity of Brick kuuwu a tbe National Theatre By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of the District ef Uoluml ia for Washington county be tween James A Lenmsn and John Denman as complain ants and Wm II Winder and others a defendants the sub scribers will sell at publie sale on Tuesday tbe 8th day June 1858 at on the premise the whole' of Lot No 4 and all that part of Lot No 8 in Square No 254 not heretofore conveyed to Allieon Nailor The whole property fronting 88 feet 10 inches on street north be tween 13th and 14th streets west with a depth of 159 feet I situated in one of the most central and business portions of the city adjoining tbe Union Buildings Also at the same time and place by virtue of said decreebe subscribers will sell at public sale ail the brick contain ed in the burqt walla of the old National Theatre on said lota consisting of many hundred thousand trick suitable for build ing Ball brick will be sold subject to measurement by sworn meesurers as they stand in the walls and to be removed by the purchaser within thirty day from day of sale Terms of sale as prescribed by said decree will be: Ono fourth of tbe purchase money in cash and the balance in 6 12 18 and 21 months with interest from day of sale secured by the rurehasers' notes with security to be approved by the Trustees and a lien upon the lots to ba retained by the Trus tee a an additional security and if not complied with in six diys lifter the Salo the property will be resold upon one notiee at the risk and expense of the purchaser All conveyancing at the expense of the purchaser CH AHI WALLACH WALTER DAVIDOE i JAS MeGUIRE may 12 3tawAds Auctioneer JAMES MeGUIRE Auctioneer VERY EXTENSIVE SALE SUPERIOR Rorawood seven octave Chickering' Piano orte Cabinet vulture gdlt frame Mirrors bilk and Damask Curtain Velet and Brussel Carpets 4kc On Monday morning May 17th at 19 o'clock and continuing from day to day until the whole disposed of re shall sell by virtue of a deed in truA from II reeman dated No vember 4th 1857 and recorded in Liber A 8 H6 folios 152 et seq all tbe urniture and effect of the Eb bitt Hou" situated on street between 13th and 14lh streets embracing every variety and style of Parlor and Chamber urniture Bedding Ac Elegant rosewood reven oetav Piano orte by Chickering Elegant rench plate gilt frame mantel pier and oval Mir rors of various sixes and styles" Superior rusewobd and walnut crimson pluh corerod rench tete a tete Sofas Suite of rosewood Parlor urniture finished in crimson and gold brocatelle comprising two tete a tete Sofas two arm Chairs and eight parlor Chair Suites of handsome walnut figured damask covered Parlor urniture sens i ting of two Sofas two arm Chairs AMJCKCTf UU lUtlf VtlffilE Handsome walnut Whatnots and Bookstands of variaos patterns jseautiiui mutue top centre seta aad SIU Tablas in rose wood walnnt and msbogaoy Elegant rotate Lie dauiaak and lace Curtains throughout the house with gilt Cornice Cords Tassels Ae com plete Superior Velvet English Bru seels and three ply Carpets throughout the bouse Brussels and Venetian hall and stair Carpets Oilcloth Rugs Stair Rods and Eyes Splendid rorewood walnut and mahogany marble top dress ing Bureaus and Washstands Wardrobes Jeuny Lind and rench Bedsteads ine painted Cottage Seta with aad without marb'e Solid "cherry Bedsteads Wardrobes and Washstands of su perior igake Painted Wardrobes Bedsteads and WashstaaJ Superior curled hair Mattresses ine eather Beds Bolsters and PDIoof Very extensive tot of superior Blankets Marseille Quilts Comforts Bedspreads Sheeting Bolster anl Pillow Slips reech China marbled and Granite Toilet Sets Mahogany hair spring Sofas Rockers arm and side Chairs Booko WriUag Deeke Arm Chairs Silver plated Castors Waiters Tea and Coffee Urns Spoons and ork Walnut and mahogany extension breakfast card and side Tables Superior oak ean mt dialog Chairs rench Chita and granite Dinner Dessert and Tea Service Block tin Urur Cbafiog Dlrhes and Dish Covers Radiator open grate and air tight Stove Together with a general assortment of every article in the hourckeping line Terms: $39 and under eaeh over that snot credit of 1 2 3 and 4 months for satisfactorily endorsed notes bearing interest ERDINAND MOULTON A CAVE Trusteer JAS MeG (JIBE may eodtsAdtf Auctioneer GREEN Auctioneer SALE OP URNlTUKEand ahey Grad at Auction On Thursday tbe I8ti instant I shall gil by order of the Trustee in front of ray Auction Store corner of 7th and streete commencing at 10 a general aaaortment or Household and Kitchen urniture and the entire stock of a retail axey Store Terms eaeh A GREEN may 6 to Star Auctioneer BY A GREEN Auctioneer PU11HUANT to the prevision Of two 1eel of trust executed by James ill iama and wife to subscrib ers the one bearing date Jone Slat 1851 and recorded in Liber A 8 No 59 folios 1 69 to 1 73 one of th land re cords for Washington eounty in the District of Columbia tbe other bearing date January 26 1854 and recorded in' Libor A 3 No 75 folio 109 110 lit 1 18 and 113 one of the land reeords of Washington eounty in th District of Columbia we shall sell at public auetfon on the premises on Tuesday th I Sth day of May 1858 at ail the title and estate of said James Williams and wifi in part ef Lot No 1 in square No IM situated at th intersec tion of Seventeenth street and Pennsylvania avenue and fronting 59 feet on Penn avenue and running back 80 feet containing 4000 square feet more or less together with the improvement consisting of large and substantial Brick Butldtrg and being one of the most eligible locations in tbe eitv Terms: One third eash tbe balance in three equal pay ments bearing interest at 6 12 end 18 months and to bese cured by deed of trust SILAS HILL SMITH ap 17 A GREEN Auctioneer PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE KEPRIGKRAT0R8 The paLKc tr invited to oil and examine the surerb Re frigarators jut received patented by Charles Winrbip New Haren Conn A part of th ad ran tag of this article are a perfectly uniform temperature so that every portion of the Refrige rator can be used at the same time the tom of tbe provision chamber being so constructed that every portion of it ean be Used with equal convenience and articles of strong and un pleasant odor ean be placed together with most delicate substanea without any possibility of comssanieating their flavors one with eeother Afro the Dr Kane Upright Refrigerator and tbe Hori soatal dm A eall is solicited to examine thi large variety at JAS Washington Stove Manufactory southeast Corner Penn are and 11th etq Washington may eo2w TJANCROnS 7th HINTDRY of the 1 United State being vol 1 of the American Re vote lion Uniform with the previous volume Prie $225 Postage 40 Ceuta Just rwoeived TAYLOR 4 MAURY may 3 Bookstore 334 Pa ar PROPOSALS will be received at the Mayor's office by the nnderaigned until Thursday the 13th of be pre sent month at 12 for grading and gravelling Massachusetts avenne between 14th and Ifith street west the gravel to tie nine tnenee seep tna centre off to four inches deep at the go tier Use to be well rake i of all atonea ot improper sis and well rolled with a heavy roller th sur plus earth to be deposited as Cemmisrioaer msy direct JOSL RAWLINGS Commissioner 1st and 2d WuLs VIlAAuLo lUCTldy DUNAWIN may 4 Assistant Commissioner JAS McGUIRE Auctioneer SPLENDID INVOICE SILVER PLATED Ware at Public Auction On Wednesday evening May 12th at 4 o'clock on the second floor of the auction rooms I sball sell without reserve a large and valuable in voice of Silver pUted Goods from a celebrated manufacturer in Philadelphia comprising Assorted pattern and style of Tea and votlee Beta Urns Kettles Ice Pitchers Waiters Castors Vegetable Oyrter Chafing and Butter Dishes Cake Baskets ruit Stand Card Recoivers Jewel Holders Salt Stands Bouquet Holders Goblets Wino Cups Communfon Services Spoon orks Knives Ac The whole forming ope of the most attractive sale ever made in this city The Good will be on exhibition on Monday the 10th instant Tern $40 and under cash over tl at sum a credit of 80 60 and 90 days for satisfactorily endorsed notes bearing interest d3t JAS MeGUIRE Auctioneer JtY A GREEN Auctioneer rnwo STORY frame ikh se and lot at JL On Wednesday tbe 12tb instant I sball sell in front of tbe premises at 5 clock a good and near ly new two stbry frame House containing six conveniently arranged rooms and tbe lot on which it stands being part of Lot No 12 fin square No 559 This property is hand somely situated fronting on 1st street west between and streets north Terms One fourth cash balance in 612 18 and 24 months for notes bearing interest from day of sale A deed given and a deed of trust taken Tide indisputable may sod Star A GREEN Auctioneer By McGUlRIL Auctioneer SALE BY TRUSTEES IN of Valu able Heal Under and by virtue of a decree of th Circuit Court of the District of Columbia sitting in Chancery supplemental to the decree heretofore passed by raid Court in a cause (No 1066) whrein Agnes MEsaby is complainant and Horatio Easby John Eashy Wrn Emidratid Wilhelmina hi wife Henry King and Ma rian hiswife and Cecelia Hyde are defendant tbe undersigned trustees appointed under sai decree will pro ceed to sell st eufitien to the highest bidder on Wednesday the 5th day of May 5 on the premises Lot No 8 in square 631 This loti opposite to the Railroad Depot and is very ad vantageously situated The terms of sal are as follbws One fourth of the per chase money shall be paid in crah and the balance in equal payment in 6 12 18 and 24 months tbe purchasers to give for said deferred payments their bonds satisfactorily se cured bearing Interest payable quarter yearly from the date thereof If the term of sale are not complied with in three days after said sale th trustees are empowered to resell at th risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser All conveyancing at tbe cost of th purchaser WILLIAM BWEBB RICHARD CLARKE JOS IL BRADLEY Jr Trustee ap 7 JAS MeGUIRE Auctioneer ysfr The above Sale is postponed until Wednesday afternoon Msy 12th tame hour and place By order of the Trustee apr JAS MeGUIRE Auctioneer 5 A KEEN? Aucttoiiecrc VERY VAIUABLE BUILDING ItiTH ON New Jersey and Maaaachuaetts avenue and 7th street nt Auction On Wednesday the instant I shall sell in front of tie premises at 6 o'clock four handsome building Lots fronting twenty live feet each on New Jersey avenue being A and in subdivisions of fats 1 and 2 in square Ne 565 This property 1 beautifully situated at the intersection of New Jersey and Massachusstta avenues and north street and considered the most desirable property now for aale in that section of th city And ou Thursday th 13th instant I shall sell in front of tbe prem ses at parte of Lots Nos 13 and 14 in square No 419 This property is handsomely situated fronting 42 feet 5 inches on 7tb street west to the corner of street north with a depth 11 feet The pfata of the above described property can be seen by calling al the store of the subeeriber Terms: One fourth cash balance in 6 12 and 18 mouths for notes bearing interest from day of sale A deed given and a deed of trust taken Till indisputable" may 4 A GREEN Auctioneer 1 zu LAW NOTIC WALTER 8 COX baa taken office in Washington tn Building No 40 Louisiana avenue one door east of Cth street mar eo2m 17MSK RENT A most desirable furnished 'residence one mile above the Heights of Georgetown Apply on th premises near the Churah of 8L Alban's may 7 eo3t rf3hVO NEY ANI HANDSOMELY I NT Reeldcnrc on I street between IJth and Ith xt recta aad valuable building Lot on urn th street between lltti and 12 th street west at private stale the subscriber ha for private sale two new and handsomely finUbed three stery and basem*nt brick dwelling Houses 23 by 50 containing about 13 rooms tach with marble mantle gas fixtures hot and cold water ci tern in th yard Ae com prising every requirement for comfort and elegance Also part of foit No 9 in square No 320 fronting 25 feet on north between 11 and 12tb streets running flack 160 fee Term liberal JAS McG HIRE Auctioneer Quay eubt Star and Com Merchant fW GENTLEMEN Irom the 1 UREY street back of the National Hotel ha for sle an accomplished servant who wishes to go South a first rate coachman and house servant and bandv at anv work ap 20 dtf A PO1XOHALL LSJTfur sale This valuable piece of property is now for sale on very accommodating term A small amount of cash will be required at the time Of sale and a long credit will La given secured by a deed of trust on the property fur the balance or further particu lars apply to ALEXANDER PROV EST mar 29 tf Ws Executor 1MK KENT a three story Brick House with baabmsnr on Second street Georgetown tbe late residence of de Bodisco Containing 16 or 17 room The bouse and lot are large and in complete order having all tbe necessary out buildings baths Ac It one of the most commodious in Georgetown and well for coutfort nnd elsgane Apply to I may tf BROOKE WILLIAMS Georgetown ROANOKE RIVER LAND OR SALE WILL be offered at public sale on Thursday May 29 the Level estate lying On Roaco*ke river four miles below th town of Halifax This estate eonI of about 1000 acres of alluvia laud of 'bph about 209 acre i low ground of the choicest qualify the remainder fine ehocolste colorpd alluyixl so' Th land a intrinsically inferior to none far the Atlan t'e State (though their selling price is not half that of imi lar fends in Virginia) a net only being ef a very superior quality but a producing equally well both Wheat and Cot ton Tobacco and thirty bushels of wheat per acre and 1290 ptran of cotton per aere net being an extraordi nary yield Th estate is about four mile from the depot at Halifax and about tea miles below Garysburg wfaare there are two depots one on the road to Norfolk and one on the road to Petersburg Inquire further of the subscriber who would else refer to Messrs Saana A Wobtuiwotow Baltimore may dl BUKGWYN A INE ARM ObiMI ACRI OA That valuable property knoifn as fth Union buxlivan county Tenneuee containing 800 acre mure or leas nearly one half cleared and in cultivation the balance heavily timbered with hickory walnut and white oak and well suited for tillage It la well adnpte4 to (he eultqre of wheat corn and the raising of stock for thee purposes'll is perhaps unsurpassed (th admirably situated dirtetly ou tbe great ralfruad from Richmond to Memphis ten ran from tbe eity of Lynchburg a few miles from Bristol within a few hundred yard of Union Depot and Immediately on Holetou river It baa two comfortable farm houses and out houses orchard an 1 several excellent springs Also a number one sailLeeat on the river so pronounced by eompratent judge Price 825 par acre one third eash the residua in equal instalment on 612 and 18 months With interest om date note with two acceptable endorsers will be required and a liea retained upon th property until the purchase money it paid Possession given next Sep tember A plot of the estate may be seen by applying to tbe agent WILLIAM HOLIDAY Broker No 2 Marble Building aprlll eollt Washington 3 VALUABLE REAL IA TATE IN GldGRG town fop Male Tbe undersigned offer at private sal th following valuable nrcterty assigned to them by A A ft Dodge: Large Warehouse and Wharf corner of High and Water streets occupied by Howell A Stribling Large Warehouse Burner of High and Water streets op posit the above occupied by Ede Do Storehouse on Water street adjoining occupied by Howell A Stribling Warehouse nn High street hear Water street Storehouse sod Dwelling oa High street adjoining the last Two frame Taaeaaonta on High street adjoining the above Vacant adjoining lot eeeupied by Essex Largewharf bear Jefferson street fronting 86 feet 6 or 8 inches on Water street and running to the river about 490 feet Small briek tenement on Jefferson street west side on the eanal Tdu story frame dwelling on east side of Jefferson street below the canal rame Cottage and lot corner StodJert and Washington staeeta Vacant lot adjoining on south tide rame heaee aad large lot a Stodder street MATTHEWS may o4w ED CHAPMAN Trustee BALTIMORE 1JE 1NMUKANCE COMPANY Incerporatswt 1m3o JOHN I UON A LDSON President A Ji COliLTBR Secretary THIS Company Insures Lives and Buys and Grants An nuities Ac Descriptive pamphlet may be obtained at th Cptnpsuy'sAgency for the District of Columbia office ef Lewis JohnsunACot Banker Tenth street 'and Pennsyl vania avenue 't MAGILL Agent Th tUHaana It Medical Examiner mar 13 lawtf 4 Masonic There will be a special com municatioo of Dawson LodgeNo 16 this (Wednesday) even ing at 4 All brothers of the fraternity in good standing are respectfully invited to attend BARRETT Secretary fiSr" lrat Baptist Church loth street for Union Prayer Meeting Services also every night at before 8 erThe great drawback to person emigrating to tbe extreme Western country is the groat fear they have of the ever and Ague tbe most direful of all diseases Every day we hear of perrons attacked by this disease aad made balplos in a short time without any means of affording relief In view of tbe great demand for a remedy Dr JIoIrxtiZB La presented hie celebrated "Bitters" whose curative powers for disease of the stomach have been universally acknowledged The prepared after a lung experience and deep study have received 1 be encomiums of the most eminent phy sicians a well ns all rlassos from every part ot our country To those who doubt their many virtues all we can say is to try them and judge for themselves respectively or sale by Druggists and deals: generally every where msy 10 eo3t fB Messrs Editor: Announce John Purdy as an Independent Citizens' Candidate for the Mayoralty who will £0 supported next June by MANY CITIZENS apr I Buslnera Prayer Meeting Change of hour The prayer meeting which ha been held at 10 o'clock during the past week will beheld daily until farther notice at 12 o'clock in the irst Presbyterian Church our and a half street ap dtf ar Dr llarria invite tbe attention of sufferer to the following remarks Having devoted hi entire attention to the successful treat ment of all Chruulc Com plaint for twelve years giving relief and effecting cures highly satisfactory to many beg to state that no consulting fee wil be required Call and state your case A thorough examination will be made and if re lief ear: be afforded and a cure effected a candid aye or no will be given Pines AtTnut Rweimatisw Stsictubk or th Ubc tbra Grxvcl Dromt Irritatiow or th BnanniR and all diseases or derangement of the genital in both aexea Call upon or eddrras HARRIS National Hotel Dr will visit Washington every week during April May and June remaining Wednesdays Thursdays and ri day of each week Can be consulted from 9 AM lol and 5 to 8 Itooms No 68 National Hotel Washington ap tf special Notice or Perfumed Breath White Teeth and Beautiful complexion use of 1009 low er" or dressing Ladle Hair uae Woodland Cream" a new pomade it eausea Hair to mrl beautifully Price 59 cents each PETRIDGE A CO Proprietors New York Wholesale and retail agents for Washington Ta rxon A Maory Booksellers and Htationors Pennsylvania avenue between Oth and 10th streets nov 17 tf MIND YOUR STOPS! And stop at who lives" and can be found at No 53 Louisiana avenue between 6th and 7th streets and examine specimens done at Lis establubment Then leavp your orders which will be prompter attended to for JIiuse and Sign Painti GrainingCud Glazing He would eall special attention to Decorative Paint ing in all ito branches and would name in part BannersWindow Ehades Odd and other Regalias Gilding on Slass Ac Prices moderate Don't forget the number 53 Louisiana avenue mar 18 eo3i KEC El 500Olb choice sugar cured Hams cured expressly to order 1 1000 lb smoked Beef mildly cured for broiling '600 do do do for chipping 25 chests Black Tea a nice article at a very low price With a large assortment of goods which will be sold low for easb or to punctual customers or sale by RICHARD RYON apr 16 eolm Corner 9th and street 1' NUKNITURE VA RNTSIHNG REPAIRING Ar No 1I6E str eet near 1th jrtreet Cabin urniture of all description handsomely repair ed and ver nished Sofas Chairs snd Lounges recovered Mattresses re stuffed or made to Order Persun who desire prompt attention In such matters and work wall done by leaving their orders at the above place will nut be disappointed eo2w WALMSLEY RERIG ER ATORS Ice Pitclier WaU Coolers Ac arson's Universal Stone Jar Refrigerator with Waterman's Patent Ventilator attached eon ceded by ail who have used them to be decidedly the best Refrigerator known Patent Ice Piteber Water Coolers Ae Also on hood a large stock of Cabinet urniture and Housekeeping article generally BOTELER General House uraiahing Ware Rooms apr eod4w (Star) Iron Hall CQ TO THE LADIES rQ fJO I AM NOW READY OR THE SPRING eJO Trade and would bo pleased to have you call on Louisiana avenue at toy establishment No 53 between 6ih and 7th streets and leave your orders for the painting of parlur or other portion of your dwellings with the best China Gloss or enameled White or the usual mode and would call your special attention to tbe repainting of old cottage urnite' and ornamented with Scroll Work Landscapes lowers of the richest hue Remember the place 53 Teouisiana ayenue ap eolm PARKER A BEAUTIUL HEAD RICH GLONN HAIK Completely Preserved to tbe Greatest Age A ND who that is gray would not bay it restored to for XJu mer color or bald btft would have the growth restored or troubled with dandruff Mid itehing but would have it re aaevod or troqbfod with scrofula scald head or'other erup tion bat would he cured or with rick headache (neuralgia) but would be cured It will also remove all pimples from th face and skin Professor Hair Restorative will do ail thi See circular and the following Ar akbob Nov 1856 Professor 0 sir I have heard much said of the wonderful eifects of your Hair Restorative but hav ing been so often cheated by quackery and quack nostrum Hair dye Ae I was disposed to place year Restorative in the same category witlj the thousand and one loudly trum peted quaek remedies until I met yon fn Lawrenoo eounty some months smee when you gave me such assurance as in duced the trial ot your Re torative in my family first hy my good wife whose hair had become very thin and entirely white and before exhausting ona your largo bottles her hair was restored nearly to ito original beautiful brown eolor and had thickened and aad glossy upon and entirely over tbe head She continues to us it not simply because if it beautifying effect upon the hair but because of iu healthful in finer upen the head and mind Others of my family and friends sre using your with the happiest effect Therefore my skepticism and doubt in re ference to its character and are entirely removed aad I can and do ao: cordially and Confidently reeoinmoad ite wee by all who would bare their hair restored from white or gray by reason of sfeknes or age to criwinsj color and beauty and by all young persons who would have their hair beautiful and glossy Vgry truly and gratefully yours SobonoH Ma bibmp Woon: It was a long time after saw you at Bliss field before I got the buttle of Restorative for which you gave me an order upon your agent In Detroit and when I gat It we concluded to try it on Mrs hair a the surest test of its power It has done all you assured me it would do and others of toy family and friends having witnessed iu effects are now using and recommending it use to others as entitled to tbe highest consideration you claim for IL Again airy respectfully and truly yours SotteMo Max Carltlk (Itp)Jcs 28 1852 I Lava used Professor 0 Wood's Hair Restorative and have admired its wonderfal effects My hair was beooming as I thought prematurely gray but by the use of hl Re storative it ha resumed its original color and I have ao doubt permanently ao 8 Baxssa bentor 0 WOOD A C0 Proprietors 312 Broadway New York (in the great New York Wire Railing Establishment) and 1 14 Market street St Louis Misraori and sold by all good druggist fob 17 Sm Office Georgetown Aprd 1858 SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to this office are invited until noun of tbe first Juno next to keep in re pair the public pump of Georgetown for on year from the ninth day Of said June tbe bidder to specify th cost of wood and iron when new pumps are required also ae far a practicable to name the price of each article that may be used in the repair of pomps Proposals should be endorsed Proposal for th repair of the pablie pump in aP tJl CRAWORD Mayor OR RENT'duriirff the wara season My rerilensc miles north wet of George town with the furniture Ae may dtf II LOUGHBOROUGH Grassland PIIILIIARMONIC HALL INMC CELEBRATED PANG raiua of the Bible will open for exhibition in the above hull in fKffltne may dtf 8JORTE The greatest variety JL1 or sale at New 333 Penn avenue between 9th and 1 fltb street ap 20 Untoe A State GUANO NO I Peruvian of direct Importation African containing Ammonia and Phosphate in larg proportion Columbian iu bags and barrels Mexican AA and A In barrel of Lime fn bag and barrel Bene Dust iu berrel All ef tbe above fertffixer ar warranted ef tbe best qualities under a offered at th lowest market rates at our warehouse in Alexandria and by rar agent fa Georgetown Mesm Qj Wataga A Co OWLS A CO tut aodSa Thomas Birth Hriri Wm Noeklric IjOewouNtciu A Wallace Wm Brangfa Jl JUtVOI flranxHfela bUaftkld I llarknois JftiijeA CootiiLiJ Henry Bouts Wlltya 0aHh Jeanie Plowman LavU Kxtert Jam Crandell alconer Wro Phillip Wui Tuckur 9 Doogta Chmrltm Lan Jarno John 11 Clarvo Htiry Curmney A HJtfarkn John Haiid Bebk Cbatle Colt man And many other Washimqtom Mtr 8 1888 Gewtlfvfwi Your rqnet ha been received and io thinking you for the xpreaaioD of your confidence I beg foay that after nature deliberation I har decided to meeept the nomination and to become the People' Candidate for the Meyondty Trained In tbe school of Uber and working my way i lowly up through tbe variou stoge which mechanic ha to in literally working hi paaaago by unaided industry I trut I tare learned that it a wrong 'to be wasteful of public property a to be extravagant with private earning In the government of a eity neither religion nor politico should be allowed to outweigh honeaty and fitnos If it be tbe pleasure of the people to elect me 1 ean only pledge myself to give the same attention to public buvloa which I have hitherto been accustomed to beitoir upon my mechanMMbl and mercantile pursuit With great retpect your very truly JOHN PURDY To Meeara WUIiem Deale Stanislaus Murray Charles co*kman Thomas Young and others may Jacob Vineheart Qoorjce Miller John Underwood John If co*ckrell A Jlinm Wm Ward I Barron John 1 Kjdnor I Mkiubri Bien hard Ix'wi llaTeraaak i George EJnolf 1 Alex Hcblillng Jr Gerck WGcrcke i Jame Gt lib David Maaou NwlIo John Bprlngman Static Murray I homan Young John liartel Nwritf Wyvill John liraabear Jiu AntlujjiyJ AHer J'rauuiffi Cord John Emu John Lange ieidiii Acer 8 Lamb INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE OR MAYOR WE ihe undersigned citisen of Washington fa favor of law and order snd opposed to partisan misrule deem this no time to prate of polities but of self preservation mostrepectfally solicit Mr Jonv a plain bonezt sen ftible and unassuming man who is a mechanic and wore to be the Independent Candidate for May ai we believe he will be tha riend th People' Guardian end tbe People Choice: BmU llnn) John Bontz JL HW Hartpi Robert Aiihby George Cartiuul William Carr iJemdf'TMm owler Hiram Brewer Robert White ('hrl White Genrgp iiercu 0 Hror Jlfe Vina Harvey A Garrett IL Brrwvr Hall A Co thtnnlngham Wm nym JjuiPw hMrihj tlwrgv II Given Janie Koddle r'KarlcH Tntvin Jas Thomjieon Jamee Barray Thoma Kelley Kaub ThntnM Hummer Lenman Joseph Kugitt Jmmc Hill McDonald ghammer (Notary Public) Attorney and Counsellor at Lw No 15 north Second street SL Louis mer 26 3ta6a NEtV PERUME tor the Season Kas 4 I faQUI Distill ed from ragrant Tulip DUPUY Chemist I 609 Broadway New York Di rur Is th only whole! agent fa th United State for Peesae A Lubin jjarfaqtery actor at London rau gipanni in all its compounds Periacbio Nut Preparation always ou hand apr 6 3taw3m CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital 2500000 Annual Dividend Over 500000 Annual statement of the company ean ba had 6f RED CALLAN Agent No 2IX street Washington Dr Town examining physician peer eotf LOUIS RANZB ARTIST IN REBCO PAINTING ur tbe decoration of Churches Banka Public Edfe Dee and Private Bulldinm JVb 823 Ji street North Capitol Jfill Refers to Rector and Vestry of tha Church of the Epiphany street between 13th and 14th Tsylor 4 Maury 384 Pennsylvania avenue mar cost and 1 1 1 ii ranshi i WAGNER Carver and Glide No 255 Pennsylvania avenue Washington mar 39 eolm WASHINGTON INSUKANCE COMPANY 'Capital 200000! Htoekholder Individually liable Til only company fa Washington having each a clause in its charter i Risks on buildings merchandise farnitura Ao taken the lowest rates Besides tbe actual capital of the company the individual Ifability clause of tbe charter renders th private fortune of each stockholder liable for lueses Office comer of Pennsylvania avenue and 19th street Director! Benj Beall James HaB av Wm Orn' Bryan SI ER VANIN og MALE A Woman and four Cbi 5 dren Th woman Da good house servant coak and waahef and Doner steady honest and industrious and 1 sold for no fault of hr own Tbe family will be sold with the condition tQfthey are not to taken from this District Call st office Ndtfi buildtag No 499Bevebtb street between and msy 6 ITUsH KENT three urblaiMwl Reoma eu Bth tween and streets No 411 Tar ma moderate apt eo2w PHO INI ERING AND The undersigned offers hit services as practical Upbal atersr and Paper hanger urniture arranged carpet neatly cut fitted and laid and curtains and shade bung and all Other Work appertaining to interior decorations Having followed the burineia for many ysan in Paris and NW Turk he feels confident in hi ability to give stitfaetian aad hie charges will be very moderate VALENTINE Order may bo left at Mr CuaKua Kvsmss'i eolm No 414 Beventh street between aad IL rpo PHYSICIANS AND OTH I hvo Jtut re eeivrd a fresh supply af Tildens A Co' pur luid aad Sulid Extracts and Sugar frosted Pills together wi'h a fresh supply of pure Medicine to tbe dfopensingof which I bo tow my constant personal attenUen MOORE Drnggist and Phsnnaeeatiat No I IS Pennsylvania avenne west end Jpfff Bedford Blue Liek and Saratoga Waters always to be had frosh as above ap 26 6t Just received another supply of Hanford's Patent SelLVentilaling Arctic Refrigerators Three sizes for sal at Metropolitan Stove and Urate actory No 318 Pennsylvania avenue between 10th and 1 1th streets Also a large stock ef all kinds of Haase urahhlng Ar ticles Bronzed Iron urniture Cookfa*g Store de may oodflt HANCBOTn NRH' VOLUME THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION rjlHIS volume while it form th auntiuualion ef the Ills I tory as already published 1 the first of four volumes embracing the period of th American Ri volutin from the blockade of Boston to tbe treaty of Peace et Paris fa 1752 and wn eon In a great degree from aranuacript and un published sources the bUtory of the nalioa during tbe first portion of thi eventful period Including the Blockade af Boston harbor th general organisation ef th eonntry the alteration of the Charter of Massachusetts the resistance of the people of MassaebuaeUa tbe spirit of the Routh the Congress of 1774 tha progress of measures fa England ranpe and elsewhere th Battles ef Lexfogton and Con cord the siege of Boston the Congress of 1775 th choice of Waahiagton a Ommander ia Chief lU baute of Busker Hill Ae Outer uniform wkh the previous volumes price $2 25 par volum Complete Site of Baecroft's History or rale by BLANCHARD A MOHUN 3 oorner of 11 th street and Pena evasree Wm Baybfc raads Monua Hudson Taylor Samuel Bacon Galt No charge mad for Policies GarroeT JAMES MeGUIRE Preside' ArT0W ao Secretary July 3 1 TM" ERECTING TO tbe eonrro Of human events ladies and gentlemen Jose one of their greate natural a fine head it become a matter of serions iasportanee end the question is Wbst shsll we do to stop the hair from falling off and restore ite vigor and beauty In reply to this query we beg to say try Dr Harris's Hair Promoter and Improver A tew applioa tions will sU the hair falling or breaking remove dandruff keep the scalp elean and white and impart freshness aad vigor to the hair and although you may have been bald twenty years tbe continued us cf it two months will insure you a luxuriant bead of hair Call and get a bottle aad if not satisfied after the aecond application return it and get tbe price paid Ak for Dr Hair Promoter and Improver Bold fa Riebmond by PETEIiBON Druggist Corner Main and 12th and Main and Wall street Sold fa Washington by GILMAN Druggist Penn sylvania avenue near 7th 1 tree and CLARK 4 street snd Penn avenue may 8m RONENKHANTZ PIANOS our of our own impor tation direct from Germany of those celebrated Pianos Two have Juit arrived and shall be in receipt of the oth er next week Call and see them we ean sell them cheap Also now in Store a vaty fin Piano of Boston make war ranted been used only during the winter efist $409 now ana one usea about tn same Uuse $300 now offered for $225 Also six Melodeon for eale or rent Highest price paid for old Pianos fa part payment for ones A large and varied assortment of fine Piano Cover Stools very low Music bestir bound All kinds of musical instrument repaired or exchanged Two old Piano one for $M) and one for $75 Munc sent by mail free of postage i JOHN EI LIS 1 Piano snd Music Dealer 306 Pa ar bet 9th aad it th st may II 3t three doors from Corner of It th 1.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.