Timeless Wisdom Training (2024)


The Academy of Inner Science presents:

Timeless Wisdom Training (1)

Feb 2025 — Dec 2026

Free Introductory Session – sign up now for instant access to the replay:

Join a free Info Session on June 4, 2024


a global program with two "Hubs" - Europe and U.S.

When you enroll in TWT, you will choose to join either the European Hub or the U.S. Hub.

Each Hub will meet separately for in-person retreats:

  • The European Hub will hold its retreats in Germany. Thomas will teach in English with simultaneous translation into German. For German speakers who prefer it, Thomas will answer their questions in German with simultaneous translation into English. German language mentor groups and triads will be available.
  • The U.S. Hub will hold its retreats in the United States. Thomas will teach in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish. (Note: Spanish translation will only be provided if at least 20 participants require it). A Spanish language mentor group and triads will be available.

Attendance at the in-person retreats is required.

The two groups will come together for online retreats, which will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation into German and Spanish.(Note: Spanish translation will only be provided if at least 20 participants require it.)

The European Hub intends to include those who live in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia.

The U.S. Hub intends to include those who live in North and South America, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Asia.

European Hub Retreat Schedule

February 2025 — December 2026

Dates and times below are subject to change.


Online Retreat

February 20–23, 2025Thursday – Sunday

4 Days

In-Person Retreat

March 16–23, 2025
Sunday – Sunday

7 Days

Online Retreat

July 10–13, 2025
Thursday – Sunday

4 Days

Online Retreat

September 5–7, 2025Friday – Sunday

3 Days

In-Person Retreat

November 23-30, 2025
Sunday – Sunday

7 Days


Online Retreat

January 8–11, 2026Thursday – Sunday

4 Days

In-Person Silent Retreat

March 1-8, 2026
Sunday – Sunday

7 Days

Online Retreat

June 25–28, 2026Thursday – Sunday

4 Days


October 4-11, 2026Sunday – Sunday

7 Days

Online Retreat

December 5-6, 2026 Saturday and Sunday

2 Days

To see the U.S. Hub Schedule, click here.

Online retreat daily schedule: Thomas will teach both the European Hub and the US Hub together from 4pm to 10pm Berlin time with breaks, closing with a Toning Meditation. In the European Hub, the mentor/assistant team will lead meditation/movement and practice sessions from around 10am to 2pm Berlin time in which the content of the main sessions will be deepened. In between the morning and the afternoon session there will be a longer break.

In-person retreat daily schedule: Begins at 7am with movement session with Gary Joplin, followed by meditation led by Thomas, then a meal break, teaching, a meal break, dancing, teaching and after dinner, teaching and Thomas will end the day with a Toning Meditation. In addition, Assistants will lead mentor groups, movement, dancing and more throughout the week.

Retreat Location

The European Hub will hold its retreats at Hof Oberlethe in Wardenburg, Germany (near Oldenburg). The park-like, spacious grounds with lake, Zen garden, silence pavilion, forest and meadows invite you to linger and meditate. This place has been known for transformative work since 1986.

Over the years there have been organic expansions, so that a lot is possible here. The kitchen is happy to present varied vegetarian meals and warm guest service. Prices per person per night start from 68 € for Camping – from low budget in group dorms to rooms with bath. 600 m further on, the Lethehof has been built with another 54 beds. These high-quality rooms with a view of the greenery can also be used for the same price.

The costs of travel, food, and lodging for the in-person retreats are additional and not included in the program tuition.

See the prices and possibilities here

Hof Oberlethe, Wardenburger Str. 24, 26203 Wardenburg, Germany.

The closest airports are Bremen, Hannover, and Hamburg.

Please do not contact Hof Oberlethe at this time. When you enroll in TWT you’ll be given a special link to book your accommodations.

If your desired room is no longer available at Hof Oberlethe, you can look for alternative options in the area around the farm.

Tuition and costs

Full Two-Year Tuition:

9,300 €

Payment Options:

One payment of 8.928 €(4% discount)
Two annual payments of 4.650 €
24 monthly payments:
– First installment 575 €
– 23 installments 395 €

Application Fee:

62 €

Additional Costs:

The costs of travel, food, and lodging for the in-person retreats are additional and not included in the program tuition.

Financial Assistance:

A limited number of partial scholarships will be available for qualified applicants based on financial need.

The European Hub offers a 50% scholarship for full-time students who are 25 years old or younger. Validation of full-time enrollment at a college or university is required (must be a campus-based program).

Timeless Wisdom Training (2)

Timeless Wisdom Training (3)

How to Apply

Applications are now being accepted for both the U.S. and European Hubs.

Step 1:

Watch the Intro Session

Attend the Intro SessionTuesday, June 4, 2024

Before applying for the Timeless Wisdom Training we ask that you watch the recording of thefree Introductory Session with Thomas to learn more about the program.

Sign Up Now

Step 2:

Submit Your Application

To begin your application for the Timeless Wisdom Training program,fill out and submit an application form to tell us a bit about your background and interests. An application fee of $75 / €62 will be required.

Applications will be accepted starting on June 4, 2024.

To begin your application for the Timeless Wisdom Training program, you will fill out and submit an application form to tell us a bit about your background and interests. An application fee of $75 / €62 will be required.

Apply for the U.S. Hub

Apply for the European Hub

Step 3:

Schedule an Interview

Once your application has been received and reviewed, you will be asked to schedule an online interview with a member of the TWT Assistant team.

Applicants will be notified of their acceptance on a rolling basis.

Step 4:

Enroll in the Program

Upon your acceptance into the Timeless Wisdom Training, you will formally enroll in TWT by signing a Participation Agreement and making a tuition deposit to hold your place in the program.

Timeless Wisdom Training (4)

Timeless Wisdom Training (5)

Mentor Team

A team of Assistants and Mentors will support your journey through the Timeless Wisdom Training. All of them are skilled professionals who have completed TWT and other trainings with Thomas

Timeless Wisdom Training (6)

Markus Hirzig, Osteopath – Team Lead Assistant

Markus Hirzig has accompanied Thomas’ work since the beginning in many of his online and face-to-face courses. Originally coming from bodywork and body-related therapies, he has also incorporated more and more trauma-informed approaches in recent years. He lives in Berlin, Germany.

Timeless Wisdom Training (7)

Heidi Wohlhüter, Psychotherapist – Team Lead Assistant

Heidi is a certified psychotherapist (DGVT) and supervisor (DGVT), as well as a licensed child and adolescent psychotherapist. She has been working for more than 20 years in a psychiatric day clinic (University-Clinic of RWTH Aachen) for adults in individual therapy and with groups.

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Timeless Wisdom Training (8)

Gary Joplin, Choreographer and Bodyworker – Senior Assistant

Gary is a bodyworker, working energetically to more deeply access and bring into alignment the various components of the physical, emotional and energetic bodies. He works world-wide as a senior member of the transformational faculty for Mobius Executive Leadership, a mentor and faculty member of the School of Life school for life therapists in Holland, as well as leading his own workshops and seminars in Europe and the US.

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Timeless Wisdom Training (9)

Sucha Gesina Wolters – Alternative practitioner for psychotherapy – Senior Assistant/Mentor

Sucha Gesina Wolters has a degree in education and has been working with people for more than 40 years, including a long time in adult education, among other things as a facilitator for community-building processes. She is a “Forum” trainer (a ritualized form of communication for groups and communities) and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (trauma support according to Peter Levine) in her own practice.

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Timeless Wisdom Training (10)

Elke Pfister, Psychotherapist – Assistant/Mentor

Practice for psychotherapy (HPG), counseling, coaching, individual and couples therapy in her own practice in Icking near Munich. Since 2006 study of Transparent Communication according to Thomas Hübl. Since 2016 collaboration in the training for depth psychology-based psychotherapy in Munich.

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Timeless Wisdom Training (11)

Miriam Nelken, EABP, ILABP and Israeli Multidisciplinary Association for Psychotherapy – Assistant/Mentor

Miriam Nelken is a mindfulness-based body-psychotherapist and a systematic constellation facilitator and teacher. She started from body work: yoga, Alexander technique, and Rosenmethod and expanded her range of work by adding focusing, Hakomi, IFS, NARM, and supervision to her practice.

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Timeless Wisdom Training (12)

Britta Möckelmann, Graduate Psychologist – Assistant/Mentor

Britta Möckelmann is a graduate psychologist, in training as a behavioral therapist, naturopathic psychotherapist and has training in person-centered counseling, psychodynamic imaginative trauma therapy for children and adolescents (PITT-KID) and in breath and body therapy according to Stanislav Grof.

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Timeless Wisdom Training (13)

Jana Schmitz, Psychologist – Assistant/Mentor

Jana is a psychologist as well as a trained trauma therapist (NARM) and has been studying with Thomas since 2014. After having worked in a psychosomatic clinic for 6 years she opened her own private practice in 2021 and has since then also worked in different settings with teams, in workshops and online courses as a trainer and coach.

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Timeless Wisdom Training (14)

Claudia Goossen, Psychologist – Junior Assistant/Mentor

Claudia is a psychologist and a trauma-therapist (NARM and Somatic Experiencing) and has been a student of Thomas Hübl since 2013. She works in her own private practice and has a passion for combining therapeutic skills with her subtle competencies.

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Timeless Wisdom Training (15)

Angelika Niederer, Psychologist – Junior Assistant/Mentor

Angelika is a psychotherapist and has worked in clinics, private practice and as a school psychologist at a school for special children. She has been working in her own practice in Münster since 2021.

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Timeless Wisdom Training (16)

Simon Courtney, Psychotherapist – Junior Assistant/Mentor

Simon is a trauma-informed psychotherapist and coach from Ireland, currently living in Germany with his family. He first met Thomas at the initial Pocket Project training in Israel in June, 2017, and was deeply touched by the potential work of collective trauma healing. Since then he has been inspired by Thomas’ work and participated in the 5th TWT, and was part of the recent Global TWT as a trainee, and junior assistant.

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Timeless Wisdom Training (17)

Amela Thrane, Psychotherapist – Junior Assistant/Mentor

Amela is a senior integral psychotherapist with specialties in trauma healing. In her private practice in Copenhagen, she supports individuals, couples and groups in their healing processes – spiritual and personal development – applying her unique skills for relational attunement and resilience building.

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Timeless Wisdom Training (18)

Edith Schwarzl, Psychotherapist – Junior Assistant/Mentor

Edith is a psychotherapist, trained in systemic family therapy and trauma therapy (NARM Master Therapist – Neuroaffective Relational Model). She works in her own practice in Vienna and internationally online. For 15 years she has been offering supervision and leadership coaching as a member of a consultation center for employees of Vienna hospitals.

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Timeless Wisdom Training (19)

Ute Kostanjevec – European Program and Retreat Manager

Ute was born in Cologne, Germany and lives in the seminar house Oberlethe near Oldenburg in Lower Saxony, which is also the venue for the on-site retreats of the Europe Group. She has been intensively involved with Thomas’ teachings as a student for 20 years, has conducted 6 Timeless Wisdom Trainings as a program and retreat leader and has completed TWT 1 herself.

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“The mentors were always helpful with advice and support when I was struggling with something, when I experienced a lot of friction and pain when a sore spot in my inner landscape was unearthed through our work.”

Roland G.

MD and Homeopath, Royston, BC, Canada

Frequently asked questions

When you enroll in TWT, you will choose to join either the U.S. or the European Hub.

Each Hub will meet separately for two in-person retreats each year:

  • The U.S. Hub will hold its retreats in the United States, which will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish. (Note: Spanish translation will only be provided if at least 20 participants require it.)
  • The European Hub will hold its retreats in Germany, which will be conducted at times in German and at times in English, with simultaneous translation into the other language.

Attendance at the in-person retreats is required.

The two groups will come together for online retreats, which will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation into German and Spanish. (Note: Spanish translation will only be provided if at least 20 participants require it.)

See the full schedule and retreat location for the U.S. Hub

See the full schedule and retreat location for the European Hub

Note: If any of these retreats cannot be held in person due to events beyond our control such as pandemics, natural disasters, government restrictions, criminal or terrorist acts, etc., then the retreat will instead be held online.

Over the 2-year program, we will come together in person for four intensive 7-day retreats with Thomas. Each retreat day typically includes teaching, Q&A, meditation, movement, breakout sessions, and triad work. Thomas will also guide individual process work with the supportive witnessing of the group.

The in-person retreats offer the opportunity to practice together in an environment free of other distractions and to make an embodied connection with Thomas and your fellow participants. A wealth of practical exploration arises directly from interactive dialogue with Thomas and within breakout discussions.

Each day usually begins at 7am and ends around 9:30pm, and includes regular breaks and meal times.

Each year, Thomas will lead several online retreats, which both Hubs will attend. These will be focused on going deeper into related topics inside the curriculum and for other group process work. They will help you keep and maintain personal and collective momentum on your journey, as well as strengthen and expand our global container for deep study and growth.

During these online intensives, you will experience how to create, maintain and utilize group fields without being together in person. You can attend these retreats from the comfort of your home or wherever you may be. These sessions will include breakout groups and interaction with other participants in the program. There will also be opportunities for interactive Q&A between Thomas and the participants.

Thomas’ teaching during the online retreats will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation into German and Spanish. (Note: Spanish translation will only be provided if at least 20 participants require it.)

There will also be parts of the day where students gather in mentor and breakout sessions which are organized by language.

Throughout the program, you will be part of a smaller mentor group that is guided by one of Thomas’s trained assistants. Your group will meet during retreats and may also meet between sessions, approximately once per month. The mentor group is your more intimate “home base,” where you will deepen your own processes and integration.

In these meetings you’ll be able to ask questions, engage in a discussion of the course materials, talk with other participants in small breakout groups of 3-6 people, share your own experiences and learnings with others, and give and receive support as you go through the program. Students are also expected to meditate daily.

Where available, some students also participate in local in-person practice groups. Many TWT students also enroll in Thomas’s online classes to deepen their learning and their connection to the wider global sangha.

No. Students must commit to attending all days of every retreat. If there is an emergency or an extremely important personal or professional conflict, students may request permission to miss a maximum of two and a half days per year.

If a student is unable to travel to one of the in-person retreats due to extreme events beyond their control such as pandemics, natural disasters, government travel restrictions, criminal or terrorist acts, etc., then accommodations will be made for the student to attend the retreat via internet connection.

Before applying for the Timeless Wisdom Training we ask that you either attend the free online Introductory Session with Thomas or watch the recording.

To begin your application for the Timeless Wisdom Training program, you will fill out and submit an application form to tell us a bit about your background and interests. An application fee of $75 / €62 will be required. Applications will be accepted starting June 4.

Once your application has been received and reviewed, you will be asked to schedule an online interview with a member of the TWT Assistant team.

The application and interview process are designed to clarify whether the program is a good fit for the applicant at this time in their life’s journey. Given the level of commitment required, it is important that the student’s life circ*mstances will allow them to fully participate and benefit from the program.

We expect that most applications will be reviewed and interviews completed within 8 weeks of submission. Applicants will be accepted on a rolling basis until the program is full. The U.S. and European Hubs will each accept around 200 participants.

Tuition information and payment options can be found above. In addition, students must pay for their own food and lodging at the retreat center as well as any travel expenses for the in-person retreats.

All students are required to stay at the retreat center for the in-person retreats, even if they happen to live nearby. This is a very important aspect of building the energetic field throughout the retreat.

When calculating your cost, it is important to also consider the time commitment needed to attend retreats, and how that may affect your income.

A limited number of partial scholarships will be available for qualified applicants based on financial need, to cover tuition expenses only.

When submitting your application for the TWT program, you will be able to indicate whether you would like to apply financial assistance. If so, you will be contacted by a member of our team and be offered the opportunity to submit a scholarship application.

The EU Hub offers a special 50% scholarship for full-time students who are 25 years or younger. Validation of full-time enrollment at a college or university is required (must be a campus-based program).

There are limited spaces in the TWT program, and once it begins, no new students are allowed to join. The closed nature of the TWT allows participants to develop a deep trust and a safe container together. The program demands a high level of commitment and that intensity opens the door for deeper breakthroughs to happen.

It is important for students to be fully committed to the entire program and to plan ahead to make space and time for it during the two-year period. That said, Thomas recognizes that abrupt, significant life changes can occur, and the team works with any student in such a situation to make the best decision under the new circ*mstances.

After graduation from TWT, students may continue in an ongoing alumni group (Core Group), or take more advanced programs with Thomas, such as the Collective Trauma Facilitator training. Some may qualify to enter an Assistant training program.Upon completing TWT, established practitioners in the helping professions may apply to continue their studies with Thomas in the Collective Trauma Facilitator Training (CTFT) training. In this program, practitioners will expand their skills in collective trauma integration work and group facilitation.After the CTFT training, an additional 2-year internship phase allows new facilitators to apply their skills in assisting with Collective Trauma Integration Processes (CTIPs), facilitating International Labs, and other projects.The CTFT training will only be open to those who complete TWT, by application, after graduation from the program. Facilitating both small and large groups is a very advanced skill and requires mastery at many different levels.

We recommend you attend or watch the recording of the Introductory Session, which will provide an overview of the curriculum and program format. You’ll also hear from mentors and former students and have an opportunity to ask questions.

You may also Contact Us via the online form.

Special Free 2-hour Introductory Session:

Timeless Wisdom Training (20)

The Path of Inner Transformation & Higher Service

with Thomas Hübl

Sign up now for instant access to the replay:

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

2-hour Introductory Event
with Thomas Hübl

Sign Up Now

Timeless Wisdom Training (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.