The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

Twelve 'APPLETON POST-CRESCENT Wednesday Evening, March 30, 1932 DEBATE TEAMS APPEAR BEFORE ROTARY CLUB Lawrence and Albion Debaters Argue War Debts and Reparations Special to Post-Crescent Clintonville A debate on the question of cancellation of war debts and reparations was given before the Hotel Rotary Marson club by Monday teams from evening Lawrence College, Appleton and Albion College, Albion, Mich. The coaches both teams accompanied them to this city. of both debate teams of Clintonville high school, their coach, John W. Davison, and wives of the Rotarians were guests at the dinner and meeting. Short given before the debate talks.

were. Davison of this city and the coaches from Lawrence and Albion colleges. Both Clintonville debate teams who the district contests and semi finals recently, will go to Madison Thursday to compete in the state finals against teams from Eau Claire and Kenosha. Boy scouts of troop 2 met in the Dairyman's State bank clubrooms Monday evening and initiated John Casey as a member. Joe Rohlinger, son of Mr.

and Mrs. J. P. Rohlinger was taken to Mercy hospital, Oshkosh, Saturday evening for medical treatment. A very large crowd attended the third annual military ball given Monday evening in the Armory by the National Guards.

The hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion and music was furnished by Dexters Pennsylvanians. National Guards from neighboring cities attended. Clintonville National Guards Basketball team is scheduled to participate in a tournament being held at New London, April 6 to 8. Eight teams to compete will be chosen from Hortonville, Manawa, Clintonville, Bear Creek, Tigerton, Marion, Waupaca, Leapolis, Oshkosh Skoles, New London, Bright Spots, and New London Men's club. Celebrating her eleventh birthday, Beverly Winchester entertained a group of girls at her home Tuesday afternoon.

Games provided enter. tainment after which a supper was served. The guests included Carmen Campbell, Dorothy Jackson, Esmay, Lorraine Thies, Mary Jane Sanford, Donabelle Schroeder, Virginia Laahs, Vergene Schimke, Mae Patterson, Isabel Wega and Ferne Stitchman. NEW LONDON SOCIETY Special to Post-Crescent New London-Mrs, Walter Jolin won first prize in bridge at the public card party given Monday evening at Parish hall by the Community Hospital auxiliary. Mrs.

R. E. Scanlon won the second award in bridge. Five hundred prizes were awarded to Mrs. Leonard Polaski and Mrs.

William Anson. Garot Foy and Mrs. Emil Gruentzel won first and second prizes in schafkopf. The proceeds of the evening's play was $28.50. The fifth anniversary of the weddnig of Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Schoenrock, Wyman-st, was the occasion for a gathering of relatives at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Schoenrock on Sunday. Those present were A Mr.

and Mrs. J. C. Ziehm and four children of Berlin, Mrs. W.

H. Meyne, Misses Gertrude and Margarita Meyne of West Allis, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keely and daughter, Kathleen of Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs.

John Marks of Oshkosh and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mathews of Sturgeon Bay. During the evening the guests included Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Schoenrock, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Schoenrock, Mr.

and Mrs. William Tank, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schoenrock, Mrs. Frank Schoenrock, and Mrs.

Herman Schoenrock all of this city. Cards were played with prizes being awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schoenrock, Mrs. Frank Schoenrock, Mrs.

E. J. Schoenrock, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schoenrock, and Mr.

Tank. Mrs. Mattie Emans is entertaining at an informal meeting of Rebekahs at her home this The regular business meeting afternoon. be held next Tuesday evening. Mrs.

Fred Reuter entertained the Tuesday Five Hundred club at her home this week. The Women's Study club met Monday at the home of Mrs. George Demming. The lives and works of Zona Gale and Edna Ferber were the topics of study, papers being given by Mrs. E.

W. Wendlandt and Mrs. G. W. Demming.

A brief review of "Friendship Village," was given by Mrs. Carrie Hooper. The meeting of Emmanuel Lutheran Aid society will be held next Thursday afternoon at the church parlors. NEW LONDON PERSONALS Special to Post-Crescent New London- W. H.

Meyne and two daughters, who were weekend visitors in this city, have returned to their home in West Allis. Miss Helen Dean and Mrs. D. C. Ramm are spending today in Madison.

Mrs. Ramm will bring her brother, who has been a patient' in Madison back to this city and Miss Dean will visit Mrs. Lillian Pomeroy. Mr. and Mrs.

Michael Mulroy and Miss Alice Mulroy spent Tuesday in Madison where they visited Clair Mulroy, a student at the University. SELECT CAST SOON FOR STUDENTS' PLAY (Special to Post-Crescent) New London- The cast for the senior class play will be chosen within the coming three weeks, according to H. H. Brockhaus. The play will be a drama in three acts, entitled "Here Comes Patricia." Eleven students will try out for parts.

The play will be given at the Grand theatre on May 20. Irv. Lutz Hot Band, Sunday, SPELLING BEE AT LIONS MEETING MELD. Post-Crescent) New London--Lions club held a spelling bee after its luncheon Tues. day, contest narrowed down to Dr.

George Polzin and Leonard Cline, with Polzin finally winning. An invitation was extended to local Lions to attend the Clintonville Lion's annual old time musical contest Friday, beginning at 9 in the morning. In the spelling contest G. A. Wells acted as master of ceremonies, with W.

T. Comstock as judge. BLACK CREEK PAIR MARRIED 46 YEARS Relatives Surprise Mr. and Mrs. A.

L. Burdick Sunday Afternoon (Special to Post-Crescent) Black Creek--Relatives surprised Mr. and Mrs. A. L.

Burdick late Sunday afternoon to observe their forty. sixth wedding anniversary. A six o'clock dinner was served followed by bridge: The guests included Mr. and Mrs. W.

I. Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burdick, Mr. and Mrs.

Dudley Safford, Mrs. Mary Magaurn, Miss Mona Safford, Green Bay, Mrs. Frank Radle, Hastings, and Mr. and Mrs. W.

A. Shaw, Miss Elaine Shaw. Prizes at bridge were won by Mrs. Dudley Safford and Mrs. Shaw.

Funeral services were held at the Methodist church Monday afternoon for Mrs. Celia Batley who died last Friday. The services were conducted by the Rev. Lorenz Knutzen and burial took place in the cemetery in the town of Black Creek. Bearers were.

Monas and William Eberhard, John Dey, E. E. White, Fred Sassman and E. P. Strassburger.

Those from out of town attending the funeral were Mrs. D. J. Townsend, Lohrville, Mr. and Mrs.

Noyes Matteson, St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Voight, Mrs. Rose Groff, Mrs.

Archie Spattz, Wausau, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Messman, Menasha. Funeral sericves were held for Matt Blick of at St. Mary church Monday morning.

Mr. Blick is a former resident of here. The Rev. J. J.

Esdepsky conducted the services and burial took place in the parish cemetery. Bearers, were Stephani, Dr. Peter M. E. and Monroe, John Kitzinger, William Le Captaine and Jerome Bruckner.

Relatives from away attending the funeral were: Miss Margaret and James Blick, Miss Anna Blick, William Kelley, Chicago; John, Albert, Michael and Nick Blick, Miss Lena Blick, Port Washington; Mr. and Mrs. William Stern, New London; Henry Komp, Frank Goetz, Manawa; Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kitzinger, Miss Helen Kitzinger, Seymour; Mr.

and Mrs. G. F. Kronschnable and sons Cyril and Anthony, Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Kronschnable, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Blick and son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blick, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Fischer, Joseph Rettler, Mr. and Mrs. -Matt Retler, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Falk, Appleton; Mr. and Mrs. John Helein, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ward, Kaukauna; Mr.

and Mrs. Ray Kitzinger, Mackville. PLAN PROGRAM FOR DARTBALL FINALS Special to Post-Crescent New London--In connection with the championship dartball game which in the Wisconsin Lutheran Athletic association, a program has been planned for April 3 at the Lutheran parochial school gymnasium at Clintonville. The teams contesting will be Neenah and Manawa, the former holding the title in Fox River Valley district, and the latter claiming the championship for the Wolf River district. Neenah has 30 wins and six losses, while Manawa won 22 games and lost 8.

Following the games a program, with a band concert, speakers, and presentation of awards to the winning team, will take place. A lunch will be served. New London members of the athletic association will attend. The game will be decided by three wins out of five games, starting at 2 o'clock. KUNTZ IS BOUND OVER FOR NEXT COURT TERM Special to Post-Crescent New London- -W.

A. Kuntz, ed with the misappropriation of fox pelts by selling them without sent of the stockholders of the town of Mukwa, appeared in Justice F. A. Archibald's court on Monday. He was bound over to the next term of court in Waupaca-co.

Emil Bartscheif of Neenah and Judge S. L. Spengler of Oshkosh, stockholders in the company, testified that Kuntz man giving the name of Moore. disposed of about 60 fox pelts to a Kuntz accepted the man's note, which it is said was worthless. Moore has not been located since.

Kuntz was released on $1,000 bond, signed by Richard Blank of this city and Herman Seefeld of the town of Mukwa. RITES THURSDAY FOR MRS. LUCINDA Special Post-Crescent New London--The funeral of Mrs. Lucinda Baird, nee Monjar, 97, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Brandow, Oshkosh-st.

Monday afternoon, at 1 o'clock will be held Thursday afternoon Brandow residence instead of at the Methodist church on Wednesday. The body will be taken to De Pere for burial. She is survived by two sons, A. B. and James C.

Williams of Tacoma, and two daughters, Mrs. Emma Buella of Seattle, and Mre. Walter Brandow of this city. She was born in Hanco*ck-co, Nov. 17, 1834.

Her marriage to Oliver Williams took place July 4, 1851. Fourteen grandchildren, 19 great grandchildren and four great great grandchildren also survive. DANCE, DARBOY, MAR. 31. EIKENBUSH his COWBOY ENTERTAINERS.

Chilton Prepares To Hold District Firemen Tourney Special to Post-Crescent Chilton- -At a meeting of the Chilton fire department Verne Hall was reelected chief, Norbert Sturm, secretary and William Stauss, treasurer. It was hold Eastern Wisconsin Firemen's tournament in Chilton Sunday, June 19, and neighboring cities will be asked teams. It is expected that will be present from Brillion, Hilbert, Kiel, New Holstein, Plymouth, Potter and Sheboygan Falls. The following committees were appointed by Chief Hall: running team, Herbert Kersten, Norbert Sturm; advertising, Ray Grassold, George Griem, Cyril Pfeffer; concessions, Dan Pfeffer, Flatley, Luke Carl Leyner, Rehrauer; Norman, CONDUCT LAST RITES FOR ST. JOHN WOMAN Special to Post -Crescent Hilbert-Funeral services for Mrs.

Mike Kees, was held Monday at St. John. Christian Mothers attended in a body. The flower girls included five grandchildren: Agnita Kees, Armella Mirsberger, Rita Kees, Rose Derfus, and Verena Kees. Pallbearers were six grandsons: Roland Kees, Vernon Derfus, Francis Leonard Kees, Joseph Bruidgan and Floyd Reidel.

People from the following places attended the funeral: Sherwood, Hilbert, Chilton, Appleton, Marshfield, Sheboygan, SeyStockbridge, Greenville, Chimour, cago, New Holstein, Johnsburg, Wolf Lake, Forest Juncton and Hollandtown. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bergman Tuesday afternoon. Mr.

and Mrs. J. W. Baldock accompaned by Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Harrin and daughter Estelle of Stockbridge, were entertained as dinner guests at the Math Brill home at Kaukauna Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmermann of Forest Junction, Arnulph and Lawrence Jaeckels of this vicinity were dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Diedrich and Mrs.

Anna Jacobs Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Math Schaffer 'received a telegram Tuesday noon of the serious illness of the latter's brother, Frank Knier of Clear Lake, Minn. CHRISTIAN MOTHERS SPONSOR CARD PARTY Special to Poet-Crescent Sherwood There will a card party Wednesday evening Strebes ate hall, sponsored by the Christian Mothers society of Sacred Heart church.

Mrs. John Jaydfeldt of High Cliff has been added to the committee. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kees entertained at a 6 o'clock dinner Sunday.

Guests were: Thomas Kees of Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. George Verstegen and family, Little Chute, Miss Elizabeth Brantmeier, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kees, Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Mahlberg, Mr. and Mrs. John Brantmeier and family. Mr.

and Mrs. George Trimberger of Chilton, Mrs. Lucy Derfus, Mr. ter, Helen, Mrs. Gertrude Mueller, and Mre.

Peter Derfus and 3 daughJohn Stumpf, Mrs. Mary Maurer, Miss Margaret Thelen and Irvin attended, the John funeral Monday. of Mrs. Maurer Miss Bobby Thiel of St. John, Mr.

and Mrs. Peter Mueller, High Cliff, Mrs. Gertrude Mueller and son Clarence attended the funeral of Mrs. Susan Trunk, 81, who died suddenly in Milwaukee. Services were held at St.

Mathews church Saturday morning and burial was in Holy Cross cemetery. THOMPSON WINS BOUT ON SHEBOYGAN CARD (Special to Post Post-Crescent) New London Herbie Thompson won the decision in his boxing match with Mattie Dahlman of Oshkosh at Sheboygan Monday, and also receiv. ed one of the prizes awarded to the two fighters showing the best class Herbie had his man out on his feet in the fourth round. Herbie's next appearance will be on April 7 when he meets Len Bernstein at Green Bay. Bernstein is a Milwaukee scrapper and well known to New London fight fans through his contests with Windy Thomas.

Thomas won several decisions from him. The fight will be staged by the Green Bay Boxing association at Betrand's. CONTESTS TONIGHT IN SPEAKING AND ORATORY Special to Post-Crescent New London--Contests in extemporaneous reading, speaking and oratory will be staged this evening at the high school auditorium. Five students will compete in speaking, seven in oratory and eight in reading. The winners will represent the school in the state and conference contests.

A. F. Christ will be in charge of the program, while coaching of students is in charge of H. H. Brockhaus.

The public is invited. New London high school has won the championship in cebate work. CIVIL WAR VETERAN SUCCUMBS AT WAUPACA Special to Post Crescent Waupaca--Louis Konst, 86, a Civil War veteran, died Tuesday noon at his home on Washington-st. Born in Germany, Mr. Konst came to America at the age of six years.

For many years he was a tinner at the E. C. Williams Hardware store. Survivors are the wife; two sons, Louis and William; and one daughter, Mrs. A.

V. Truesdell, Minneapolis. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the Holly Funeral parlors by, the Rev. E. T.

Soper. Burial will be in Lakeside cemtery. NEW BOOKS AVAILABLE Special to Post-Crescent New London--Fifteen new books have been received at the New London Public library. These will be available for six weeks, having been loaned the Wisconsin Free Library commission. PLAY FIRST GAMES IN CLASS TOURNEY Girls' Basketball Open Annual Contest at Little Chute Special to Post-Crescent Little Chute--The first games of the inter -class girls basketball tournament of the St.

John high school were played Tuesday afternoon at the school gymnasium. The final results of the first game was sophom*ores 11, freshmen 8, and the second game ended 10 for the seniors and 8 for the juniors. The final games will be played later in the week. Miss Della Van Handle is the referee. The teams are: Sophom*ores, Eleanor Kroner, captain, Van Handle, Idabelle Hartjes, Josephine Wildenberg, Cecelia Jansen, Eleanor Lenz, Irene Verstegen and Imogen Korhn; freshmen, Dorothy De Bruin, captain, Agnes Hammen, Frances Hermes, Margaret Heesakkers, Doris Peters, Anna Peters, Verna Vanden Heuvel and Lucassen; seniors, Lorraine Hermsen, captain, Catherine Wildenberg, Helen Wildenberg, Helen Van Handle, Mary Heesakkers and Marie Driessen; juniors Angeline Brys, captain, Agnes Heesakkers, Marcia ALBERT BREIT DIES AT.

WAUPACA HOME Special to Post-Crescent Waupaca Albert Breit, 78, died suddenly at 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at his home, N. Main-st. Mr. Breit became ill while chopping wood and died shortly after, Mr. Breit came to America from Denmark 22 years ago.

He was a clerk for the H. M. Lea general store for 28 years and then opened a sporting goods store. Survivors are his wife; two sons, William of Lodi and Charles of Houston, Texas; three daughters, Mre. Anna Nelson, Oakland, Mrs.

Al Quinn, Ripon; and Mrs. Verne Welch, Phillips, S. and one brother, Thorvald, Menasha. HOLD FAREWELL PARTY Special to Post-Crescent Hortonville- joint farewell and get acquainted party at Clover Brand Cheese factory Wednesday evening honored Mr. and Mrs.

L. F. Roessler and family, former owners of the cheese factory, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Krueger and family, new owners.

Cards were in play during the evening. Hermans, Barbara Hammen, Stella De Both, and Dorothy Dietzen. A daughter was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Van Domelen.

Michael Molitor and family have moved into the Williamsen flat on Main-st. Dance, Lake Park, Wed. 30. FREMONT'S I UNPAID TAX LIST ONLY $750 Weyauwega and navia Have Low Delinquent Totals Also (Special to Post-Crescent) Fremont Only $750 in village taxes remain unpaid, in comparison to much higher amounts not collected in other villages in Waupaca-co, according treasurers' to all village and tax rolls that have turned over to County Treasurer L. J.

Stadler. Only villages of Weyauwega and Scandinavia have lower unpaid tax lists than the village of Fremont. All real estate having unpaid taxes including extensions to June 1, will be advertised for sale on April 25, as unpaid taxes and a tax lien certificate will be issued against all real estate having, unpaid taxes, June 14, the the tax sale. Monday marked the close of the annual Easter vacation for the Fremont state graded school which reopened again for classes Tuesday morning after a vacation which began last Thursday, No more vacation periods are planned before the close of the school year. A number of people of Fremont and vicinity attended the funeral of John Bergren, 15-year-old son of Mr.

and Mrs. John Bergren at HOLD SERVICES FOR MRS. CORA DETTMANN Schmidt dance and band, Colin McMullen, Walter Reif, Roland Miller and Norbert Sturm; recreation, William Schneider, David Welch, Otto Voigt; parade, Howard Schucht, Norman Bechlem, Dr. J. E.

Reinbold, Al Lawonn; grounds, George Bruckner, H. Schmidlkofer, Otto Bechlem, Aloysius Pfeffer. Mrs. Frank Tesch entertained two tables at bridge at her home Monto Mrs. Arthur Jensen and Mrs.

Henday afternoon, prizes being a awarded ry Kroll. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pohland and Mr. and Mrs.

Otto Pohland were in Centerville last Thursday to attend a funeral of their grandmother Mrs. John Saches, who died at her home at the age of 94. Miss Ruth Rathert, a junior in the university of Minnesota, is spend spring vacation with her parents, D. and Mrs. E.

T. Rathert. John Knauf, a junior in Marquette university, is visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. N.

J. Knaut during his vacation. Mr. and Mrs. G.

M. Morrissey were in Milwaukee Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. August Roethke, who died at her home Tuesday at the age of 79. The funeral was held from the Gerner undertaking parlors, burial being in Forest Home cemetery. The regular meeting of Chilton Lodge No.

154 F. and A. M. held Thursday evening was unusually well attended, over 100 people being present. About 45 members of the Manitowoc Masonic lodge were present and their officers put on the work of the evening, which was the conferring of the Master Mason degree.

The Masonic lodges of Brillion, New Holstein and Kiel, which are all children of Chilton lodge, were well represented. Since his installation, Otto Heller, master of the Chilton lodge, has done much in the way of developing a movement in the direction of more frequent meetings with neighboring Masonic Lodges. Following the business meeting a supper was served. The next regular meeting of the lodge on Thursday evening April 14 will be Past Masters' Night, at which time work in the Master Mason degree will be exemplified by the following past masters: William Stauss, Otto Boettcher, Norman Bechlem, A. S.

Hipke, Dr. J. E. Reinbold, Otto Bechlem, H. L.

Turner, Edward Bechlem, Walter Kurtz, W. S. Lloyd, John Weeks, William Aebischer. A historical lecture will be given by John Weeks. SHIOCTON FIREMEN TO GIVE DANCE APRIL 1 Shiocton -Members of the local fire department will give a dance at Hiller's auditorium Friday evening, April 1.

The Melody Makers club gathered at the home of Miss Marion Durkee Monday evening. Following the rehearsals a social time was enjoyed. The following relatives were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Len Van Straten Easter Sunday: Mr.

and Mrs. Michael Miller, Little Chute, Mr. and Mrs. Claire Poole and Miss Agnes VanStraten Greenville, and Mr. and Mrs.

Al Van Straten, Shiocton. Mr. and Mrs. D. J.

McCully, daughter Evelyn and Mrs. Mary McCully, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McCully of New London to Milwaukee, Easter Sunday, where they were guests at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. C.

A. Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Omholt, son Leslie and Miss Catherine Reed, Wisconsin Rapids, were weekend at the home of the former's brother, Alfred Omholt.

Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shepherdson Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George Capman and R.

T. Davison, Clintonville. HOLD FINAL SERVICES FOR AUGUST HUSMAN Seymour Funeral services for August Husman, 75, who died at the home of Adam Shier in this city early Sunday morning after a lingering illness, were held Tuesday afternoon from the Muehl Funeral parlors. Burial was in the City cemetery. The Rev.

H. P. Jordan was in charge, Funeral services for Otto E. Schuster, who died at age' of 75 at his farm home in the town of Seymour early Sunday morning, will be held Thursday afternoon from the home, and also from M. E.

church, the Rev. Mr. Knudzen in charge. The Odd Fellows, of whom Mr. Schuster was a member, will charge of the services at the grave.

Burial will be in the Seymour City cemetery. Funeral services for Mrs. Albert Dettmann, 40, who died at her home in the town of Cicero early Saturday morning, were held 1 Monday afternoon from the N. Cicero Lutheran church, the Rev. F.

Proehl in charge. Burial was in the parish cemetery adjoining the church. POULTRY Whether you are on the buyers or sellers side of the market, you'll find your one BEST market place is in the POST-CRESCENT CLASSIFIED ADS Special to Post-Crescent Cicero- Mrs. Cora Mary Wilhel mina Dettmann, 49, died Friday at home in the town of Lessor, Shawano co. She was born on Nov.

19, 1882, and in July, 1915, she was married to Albert Dettmann. She is survived by her husband, two sons, Gordon and Ewaldt; four sisters, Mrs. Emery Gardner, Mrs. Sam Hess, Mrs. Richard Eick and Mrs.

Otto Abel, Seymour; and one brothe er, Edward Fockel, of Seymour. Funeral services were held. Monday at 1:330 from the home and 2 o'clock at the Cicero Lutheran church. Burial in the church cemetery. The ruby-throated hummingbird flies 500 miles across the Gulf of Mexico on its spring and fall migrations.

Dale Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bergren were former Fremont residents. Mrs.

Frank Looker will entertain the bunco club Friday afternoon. Averill was taken to St. Elizabeth hospital, Appleton Tuesday morning for an appendicits operation. Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph Pitt and children have returned to their home at Iron Mountain, after spending the Easter season at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Pitt. 25c 100 5 Grain $1.00 $1.00 $1.35 60c 35c Aspirin Miles Gillette Pinkham Red Cross Neet Tablets Nervine Blades Compound Vegetable Modess Depilatory Talcum Pack of 10 49c 98c Jumbo SPRING DRUG The in Biggest Town Treat When depressed and feeling low, drop in for a reOINTMENT brighter side. SALE up flavor freshing, and help it Jumbo you will see- pep life's you any HERE'S an event that offers an opportunity to fill up the medicine chest with Kodak Films Quality Drugs at substantial savings.

We do High Grade Developing and Printing 1 THURS. FRI. -SAT. Flower 5c Mandeville 10c Seeds King Baby Needs 75c Fletchers Castoria 69c 50c Milk of Magnesia 39c 50c Syrup Figs, Hobson 35c Glycerin Suppositories 25c FREE ANTISEPTIC! Hobson Vermifuge 50c Teething Lotion 30c Castor Oil, Tasteless 25c HOLLYWOOD DIAMONDS Hands Worm Elixer 60c This unusual offer will be limited to the first 200 customers making purchases of $1.00 or over, at our Drug or Toilet Goods Baby Foods lucky Sections. ones.

Sizes Come for men early. and women. Be sure you are one of the 85c 85c Mellins Food 75c At The THREE SCHLINTZ STORES 85c Dextri Maltose 69c Pure Norwegian 60c Choc. Malt. Milk 49c Cod Liver S.

M. Imperial A. Granum Liquid 30c 75c Fresh Salted Nuts S. M. S.

Powder $1.20 Toasted and Salted Fresh Oil Meads Cereal 25c Daily CLAPPS BABY FOODS and Pecans, Cashews and Mixed Nuts, pound 60c. Trial Bag 10c SOUPS Are Always Fresh Here Salted Jumbo or Red Skin Peanuts, the pound 25c Kitchen Fresh Gum Drops, Keeley Whole Brazil Nuts, Pure Drugs bag Lb. Cellophane 10c pound Chocolate Covered, 59c $1.00 Citrocarbonate 89c Beef Iron Wine, pt. 98c from Clothing" 60c Min-0-Lax, pt. 49c With Coty Face Powder at "Removes Spots, 60c Stuart Dysp, Tab.

54c FREE 50c size Vial Coty Perfume 98c $1.00 Super D. 89c Perfection $1.00 Alka Seltzer $1.50 Petrolager They're deane Low in Cleaner 3 Oz. Ext. Lemon 25c New diana toiletrie, Price Dental Needs 60c Forhan Tooth Paste 49c 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste Tec Brush and Tumbler 49c at 39c A Modern Facial Treatment Dr. West Tooth at 1932 Prices NuBright Paste 2 for 33c Diana Dean Toiletries were planned to meet the demands of 75c Antiseptic Solution 59c.

the 1932 Miss. Attractive green and black containers. A new Furniture $1.00 Pepsodent Antiseptic and Ask to alluring see them. odor. Fine, high quality creams and powders.

at 89c Polish 50c Dr. West Tooth Brush Diana Dean Vanishing Liquifying Cream, Face Cream, Powder, Cold Pycope Tooth Powder 98c poo. Skin Freshner, Uniformly Priced at at 33c Cream, Brilliantine and Sham- 50c Dental Floss 20c 1 For lb. The Cotton Home 39c 10 GARCIA CIGARS at 5c Hospital $5 Elec. Heating Pad $3.39 Box of 50 for $2.39 "Heals Chaps" Cuban Wool Sponges 33c 10c ALCAZAR CIGARS at sere Three for 25c Auto Chamois, 16x20 69c Lovelle 5 yards Sterile Gauze 59c 1 Lb.

Can $1.00 Briar 1 Lb. Can HAND 50c Azurine Rubber Gloves 98c 39c GRANGER PIPES Prince Alb't Goggles Pipe Pipe LOTION Tobacco 89c 79c Tobacco 98c Brioschi, 75c Pysillium Germania Herb Seed, Tea pound $1.50 98c KLARION ALARM CLOCKS 89c 5 lb. Epsom Salts 39c Schlint; trading 114 Next DOWN West Phone to College Kresge's 114 TOWN Ave, Corner College Ave. WEST SIDE CUT PRICE DRUG STORES and State Street Phone 3560 ALSO IN MENASHA-BRIN THEATRE BUILDING.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

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Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.