Lay Your Cards Down (Down, Down, Down) - ChibySmiley - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Katsuki almost has an aneurysm as he scans the schedule for this voyage.

“Katsuki Bakugou: Casino Bar,” it reads, causing his eye to twitch as he stares at the bold letters with disdain. He wonders if he stares at it angrily long enough, the words will get scared and give him a different placement, like the Promenade where he’s been for months now.

Yet, to his dismay, the words remain intact, and he rubs his face with frustration. He knows his boss, how the schedule is final and cannot be changed. He’s not sure why the change, probably something to do with the rotation of people so they don’t get comfortable in one place. Still, he likes bartending at the Promenade, so the fact that he’ll be in a dimly lit casino with the smell of cigarette smoke and very drunk gamblers doesn’t sit well with him at all.

Whatever, it’s not like he hasn’t tended the bar there before, so it should be simple enough.

Katsuki then goes to the mandatory briefing with his colleagues with every start to a new voyage before he heads to his state room to get changed for the day. He puts on his uniform that consists of a red button up shirt, black silk vest, black pants and dress shoes. He ties his black bowtie in place and pins his nametag on him before he quickly finger combs his spiky blond hair, which he has quickly accepted that it will never be tamed, before heading out to go to his station.

Katsuki enters the casino, grimacing at the sound of the jingles, clinks and beeps of the machines, even as they lay dormant for now while they’re still on the mainland. The cleaning crew vacuum and mop the floors, empty out the cigarette tins and pick up any leftover trash that may have been lying from the previous trip. Katsuki looks up to the twinkling chandelier above as he continues his way to the middle of the casino floor, passing the bright green table games, the dealers cleaning their cards and the roulette spinners.

Finally, he reaches his station, the casino bar. It’s small, and he is not the only one stationed there. His colleague, Eijirou Kirishima, waves happily at him as he approaches with his dopey, toothy grin plastered on his face.

“Hey man! Long time no see!” He exclaims, his bright and cheerful demeanor contrasting Katsuki’s sour mood of even gracing the casino floor's presence. “Ready for another exciting voyage?”

Katsuki rolls his eyes. “What needs to be done, sh*tty Hair?”

Kirishima barks a loud laugh, causing some heads to turn, before he settles himself. “Oh, Kats, don’t ever change! Anyway, I got some glasses that need some cleaning and sh*t. Mind getting that done while I take inventory?”

“Whatever,” Katsuki says, silently giving into the mundane yet much needed task. He grabs a towel and starts to clean the glasses, placing them back into their spots.

It gets his mind off of the fact that he’s in the casino, tuning out the jingle noises of the cleaned chips being put in place and the dinging noises of the slot machines, that he didn’t notice that the passengers were all coming on board and walking around to explore the ship. He hears a shriek and turns his head to the sound, already regretting looking up from his task.

Oh, f*ck no…

There stands a group of six women, dressed in pink frilly dresses with sashes on them and canned fruity drinks in their hands. One of them, a brunette with a bob and a round face, has a bold sash labeled ‘Bride’ while the rest have simpler ‘Bridesmaid’ sashes on them. A blond woman with her hair up in twin buns with a ‘Maid of Honor’ sash around her drapes her arm around the bride, giggling and laughing, as the rest of the bridesmaids look around the casino in awe, squealing loudly in delight.

Katsuki turns his attention back to his task, trying really hard to ignore the group because he f*cking hates bachelorette parties.

“Oh boy, we got another one,” Kirishima breathes out, shaking his head as he continues to take stock, writing down what they need and don’t need before clicking the pen back. “Alright, I’m gonna get what we need, you hang tight here, okay?”

Katsuki would rather throw himself overboard, but he instead nods his head as he continues to clean the glasses, Kirishima leaving him to his task. He never notices the group waving their arms, beckoning someone to join their group as he tries to do his damn job.

This is gonna be a long voyage.

“WE’RE IN HERE, IZUKU!” Ochako shouts, waving her arms as she gets the attention of her friend and bridesman.

Izuku turns his attention to the group as he subtly zips up his fly on his cargo shorts, still trying to get a feel of being on a boat for the first time as he hobbles over, his ‘Bridesman’ sash falling off of his shoulder as he straightens his pink collared polo shirt.

“Ah, s-sorry, I seriously did need to use the bathroom,” Izuku says sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head nervously.

Toga smacks his shoulder, causing him to wince. “Not to worry, Zuzu. Mother Nature tends to call at the weirdest times~”

“Himi-chan, don’t tease him!” Ochako chuckles out. “Come on, we saw the Promenade and the upper decks, I wanna check out the casino now!”

“Lead the way, Ochako!” Mina shouts happily and the rest of the group cheer along.

“Just remember,” Momo says matter-of-factly, “the casino is not open until the ship sets sail into open waters. Once that happens, we can play whenever we want.”

Izuku laughs nervously, fidgeting with his hands. “R-Right, I guess…”

“Come on, Izuku,” Hagakure says, wrapping her arm around his shoulder, her chartreuse hair bouncing along with the movement, “we know it’s your first time, but have some fun! There’s lots to do on the boat that’s not strictly staying at the casino!”

“Oh, I know, Hagakure,” Izuku says, trying to dismiss it entirely. “B-But I’m here, s-so I might as well, you know…”

“I’m with Hagakure on this one,” Jirou explains, eyeing the blackjack table with a glint of excitement. “Casinos are a hit or miss with people. If it’s not your thing, there are other things to do on the ship.”

“B-But it’s Ochako’s bachelorette party!” Izuku insists, flailing his arms and trying not to tear up from his friends attempting to accommodate his comfortability. “If she wants to participate in the casino, I will too!”

Momo hums at that as she spots the roulette table. “Do you even know how to play poker or any card games in general?”

“Uhh…” Izuku stammers, hiding his face in shame. “I-I know how to play Go Fish…”

Toga snorts at that. “Zu, I love you to pieces, but if you’re really gonna stick around, your safe bet is the penny slots. Okie dokie?”

Izuku gulps, turning his head to the direction of said slot machines. The clinking noises and the disembodied voices of the characters enticing the players to gamble their life savings away makes him nervous. His wallet feels heavy at the moment from even staring at the machines as if they’re burning a hole in his pockets.

Izuku clears his throat, “I’m uhh… G-Gonna see if the bar is open, then…”

Ochako nods her head. “We’ll be around, Izuku! Come on, let’s see where that Zeus machine is at! I always have the best of luck on that!” She beckons the rest of her group, and they follow her around the opposite side of the casino floor, leaving Izuku to his demise.

He walks around, looking this way and that at the multiple tables and machines before he spots the casino bar. The vast array of bottles on the top shelf along with cleaned glasses fills his vision before he settles to what appears to be the bartender.

His breath hitches at the sight, face warm to the touch as he looks at the sight before him.

The bartender’s back is turned, but he can still see how handsome he is from behind. He can see how well built his back is over the red button up and black vest he is wearing along with his spiky blond hair that goes in every direction. He wonders how soft those locks are if he cards them through with his fingers—

Izuku, stop, he scolds himself, this is a random bartender on a cruise ship. Don’t be like this all the time when you see a handsome person.

Curious, he slowly approaches the bar, plopping himself down onto the soft cushion of the stool. He clears his throat, noting how the bartender pauses his movements when he addresses his presence.

“Ah, e-excuse me,” Izuku stutters out, clenching and unclenching his now sweaty hands. “I-I know the casino isn’t open until we get into open w-waters, b-but is the bar o-opened? Th-The bars on the pool decks and the Promenade are o-open s-so I was just w-wondering—”

The man sighs in annoyance as he puts down the glass he was cleaning and the towel onto the counter. “If the casino isn’t open, what do you think the bar here is?”

Izuku bristles at the crudeness of the man in front of him. Still, he doesn’t let this behavior waver him down as he answers the bartender’s query. “I-I assume it’s closed?”

“Bingo!” The man teases, turning his attention to him. “So why don’t you go scra—”

The man immediately stops what he is saying and stares at Izuku wide eyed, and Izuku has to hold onto the bar counter to keep himself from metaphorically floating into the air.

Chiseled jawline, plump lips, blond eyebrows standing at attention that matches his roots, wine red eyes. That is all Izuku sees for a hot moment before his eyes trail down to the nametag, his own eyes widening at the information.

Katsuki Bakugou: Musutafu, Japan

“O-Oh!” Izuku stammers, recognizing the town name on the nametag. “You’re from Musutafu? I grew up there! Small world, huh?”

The man named Katsuki stares at him dumbfoundedly, blinking a few times as if he is trying to process what Izuku had just said to him. He sees his cheeks tinge pink slightly, realization dawning on him, before he recomposes himself and leans back from his original position, crossing his arms.

He raises an eyebrow, staring down Izuku as if inspecting him. “Where?”

Izuku gulps. “Wh-What?”

“Where in Musutafu?” Katsuki asks, eyebrow twitching.

“Ah!” Izuku squeaks out, trying to figure out what to do with his hands. He decides to hold them in his lap as he stammers his answer out. “Sh-Shizuoka Prefecture… I uhh… I grew up in an apartment complex near Takoba Beach!”

Katsuki gives him an incredulous look, as if he is trying to call his bluff. Izuku feels a bead of sweat drip down his forehead, his body shaking like a leaf. Then, Katsuki scoffs, rolling his eyes in the process.

“sh*t…” Katsuki breathes out, “this really is a small world. Did you happen to go to Aldera Middle School and Yuuei High?”

Izuku brings his hands and covers his mouth, trying to cover his shocked face. It doesn't really work as Katsuki smirks down at him with triumph.

“No way… We went to the same schools and never knew it?” Izuku says, voice now an octave higher. “Wh-When did you graduate? M-Maybe we went to school at the same time!”

Katsuki gives him a once over, calculating his thought process before he sighs. “I highly doubt it. I graduated ten years ago and sh*t. I would’ve seen you pop out of the crowd had we gone together.”

Izuku’s heart sinks, slightly disappointed at the information he was given. “O-Oh… I uhh… I only graduated six years ago… We probably just missed each other.”

“Ain’t that a shame…” Katsuki drawls out, tapping his finger onto the mahogany bar in front of him. “We could’ve met earlier than this…”

Izuku chuckles, rubbing the back of his head nervously. “M-Maybe…”

There’s a moment of silence between the two. Katsuki shifts his eyes as if to look for something, or someone, in particular. Izuku wiggles in his seat, as if it is all of a sudden uncomfortable and is in desperate need to go away. Katsuki takes a deep breath and turns his body around to pick up an empty glass and fill it up with various liquids.

Izuku watches as he pours a small amount of rum in the glass, measuring it ever so carefully with the double-sided jigger before he grabs the soda spigot and pours a dark liquid inside the same glass. When finished, he places the spigot back and hands Izuku the drink, not once making eye contact as he continues his task prior to Izuku showing up.

“On the house,” Katsuki grumbles under his breath as he picks up the towel and continues to clean the glasses he missed.

Izuku stares down at the drink, unsure whether to accept it or not. He does have the alcohol package, but if the bar isn’t open until the ship leaves the port, why is he being given a free drink?

“W-Wait,” Izuku stammers, pushing the drink toward Katsuki. “I-I can’t accept this, what if you get in trouble?”

Katsuki turns his attention back to him, scowls, and pushes the drink back toward him. “If I say it’s on the house, it’s on the f*cking house. Now shut yer trap and enjoy your free drink, for f*ck sakes.”

Izuku bristles at the bluntness, yet he hesitantly accepts the drink, scooting it back toward him, as Katsuki goes back to his business. He gingerly picks it up and inspects the concoction that is put in front of him. He then, ever so cautiously, brings the glass to his lips and takes a small sip.

Izuku’s eyes widen at the familiar taste that he has partaken in many late parties when he was in college. Yet, it tastes a lot better in a glass, given the perfect amount of alcohol to soda ratio, made by Katsuki than a solo cup with either too much or too little of either drink.

“Is… Is this a rum and co*ke?” Izuku asks, earning a snort from the blonde.

“No, it’s a whiskey and sprite,” Katsuki retorts, turning his attention back to the green-haired man, who looks at him unimpressed from his comment. Katsuki rolls his eyes, “yes, it’s a rum and co*ke, what did you think it was?”

“Oh, uhh… I just… D-Didn’t expect you to make a simple drink like this, is all…” Izuku mutters out, “y-you could’ve made something more complex, like wh-whiskey sour o-or an old fashioned or even s-s-s-s-s-s-sexonthebeach—”

Izuku stops his rambling as he hears Katsuki try to not laugh so loud, covering his face with his hand. Izuku pouts and huffs at the reaction.

Katsuki stifles his laugh, smirking at the look Izuku is giving him. “Sorry, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone stutter the letter ‘s’ in any word ever. Just call it as it is: Sex on the Beach.”

Izuku can feel his face warm at his crudeness, fingers digging into the glass tightly. He looks down at the drink, trying to compose himself, tapping the glass with one finger. “I-It’s not that easy to say, you know…”

“How? You just say it. Sex. On. The. Beach.” Katsuki teases, his smirk widening at Izuku’s reddening face as if he is getting a kick out of it. He then snorts and continues to clean the glasses. “I’m messing with ya. Come on, live a little.”

Izuku practically faceplants into his hands, groaning from the teasing. “Stooooooop.”

Katsuki rolls his eyes, but he shows mercy on him as he pats his shoulder, making Izuku flinch a little from the contact. “Alright alright. I concede. Anyway, I just realized that you never told me your name.”

Izuku lifts his head up, looking right into Katsuki’s eyes, as he suddenly realizes that he is correct. “Oh! I’m sorry, I just didn’t think you’d be interested or anything. P-Plus I’m not sure you would remember it as you have so many people to tend to throughout the trip and—”

“Oh my f*ck, just tell me your damn name. I don’t need a long-winded story,” Katsuki retorts, slightly annoyed at him.

“Ah, s-sorry. It’s… Izuku…” he clears his throat. “I-Izuku Midoriya…”

Katsuki raises an eyebrow. “Izuku…” he says, testing the name. He then grins, holding out his hand to greet him properly. Izuku takes a moment to realize what is happening before he extends his own and holds his hand. Katsuki then grips it tightly and shakes it, practically pulling the arm off. “Nice to meet you. Name’s Katsuki Bakugou, though you probably know that already.” He taps his nametag to emphasize his point.

Izuku laughs nervously as Katsuki lets go of his hand. He can still feel the warmth from holding it, silently wishing for him to hold it again. He shakes the thought away and addresses the blond in question. “Y-Yeah… Katsuki…” he tries out, enjoying the name dropping from his tongue.

“Don’t wear it out,” Katsuki says, putting the now very clean glass away, which Izuku believes he has been cleaning the same one for the last five minutes of talking to him. He flings the towel over his shoulder and leans back against the counter behind him, his full attention on Izuku as he takes calculated sips of his drink. “So, is Takoba Beach still a sh*thole when I left?”

Izuku bristles at the question. “Y-You mean if it’s still full of trash, right?”

Katsuki nods his head, crossing his arms in the process.

At that, Izuku smiles wide, teeth baring, as he puts his drink down to explain. “It was for a while, but then I decided to start a movement in cleaning the beach out! It was just me and my neighbor, Mr. Yagi, at first, but then others joined in to help clean it up. Soon the whole community came together and now it’s all clean and beautiful again! I’ve never seen a beach that clean… Well, EVER!”

“Seriously?” Katsuki says, clearly impressed by the news, whistling low. “Damn, so then what happened?”

Izuku’s eyes sparkle with delight as he continues his rambling, too excited to tell his newfound friend all about the new things that have happened in their shared hometown to notice anything happening around him. He doesn’t notice how Katsuki is giving him a genuine smile, listening intently on his explanation, a random red headed bartender stopping in his tracks to watch the interaction from afar, nor does he notice his friends spotting him at the bar, shock riddling their eyes as he talks nonstop to a random person he just met.

“Oh my God,” Mina whispers excitedly to the group of shocked women, practically bouncing on her feet. “I’ve never seen Izuku this excited before. He’s just going on and on with that guy!”

“He only ever rambles to anyone he’s close to,” Momo says observantly. “I wonder who this bartender is that got him so smitten.”

“Oh, that’s my buddy, Katsuki,” a voice says behind them. The women turn their attention to the redhead in question as he gives them a toothy grin. “He’s the most hotheaded and stubborn guy I’ve ever met, but I’ve never seen him so happy before with your friend there!”

Ochako gives the redhead a once over, looking at his name tag that reads “Eijirou Kirishima: Chiba, Japan.” She quickly looks over to where Izuku and Katsuki are at the bar, making sure that they were well preoccupied, before she beckons her friends and Kirishima towards the opposite side of the casino.

Everyone briskly walks away until they are out of earshot from the two as Ochako silently squeals with delight to the others. “Did you see the look your friend was giving Izuku? Like, oh my God!”

Kirishima blinks as he recalls what transpired. “Yeah, he looked like he was having a blast there! Like I said, I’ve never seen him like that before with anyone on this ship!”

“OMG THAT’S LOVE! I CAN TELL!” Mina shrieks, causing Hagakure and Jirou to shush her so as to not alert the two in question.

Toga grins happily, clapping her hands together with excitement. “‘Chako, sweetheart, I know this is your party, but this is an opportunity of a lifetime! It’s been a long time since he had anyone!”

“It’s been, what, two years?” Jirou comments, raising an eyebrow.

Momo nods her head to confirm. “That it has. Do you think this could be his break?”

“Uhh… What’s happening?” Kirishima asks, tilting his head in confusion.

Ochako gives him a thousand-watt smile as she rubs her hands together, forming a plan in her head. “So, your friend there seems to like my bridesman! We originally weren’t going to come to the casino as often, but seeing as how Izuku is smitten with your friend, we’re thinking of making some changes to our schedule!”

“And we’re gonna need your help~” Mina adds, winking at him with her golden irises.

Kirishima gulps, his face warming up slightly, as he clears his throat to compose himself. “I don’t know, ladies. Kats can be a bit brash, plus he’s not the type to date anyone.”

“Eijirou, you just told us how you have never seen him that happy before,” Momo says, attempting to convince him of the cards that have been dealt. “I know we’ve just met you and your friend, but our friend Izuku has not been with anyone romantically for a while now. To see him so happy to talk to someone like your friend, seeing that spark in his eyes once more, makes us hopeful for him, and we want to see this through.”

“All we’re asking is that you gently push your friend in the right direction,” Hagakure says, a glint of mischief in her eyes. “We’ll take care of Izuku, and you take care of Katsuki.”

Kirishima thinks about the proposal for a brief moment, scratching his chin in the process. He can tell the ladies want to help their friend and they’re all genuine about it. In all the years he has known Katsuki, he has not once brought up any past relationships. He knows about his few one night stands here and there, but as far as having a serious relationship, that is yet to be seen.

Still, this seems like a great opportunity for him, and Kirishima can see genuine interest in Izuku.

What’s he got to lose?

Kirishima turns his attention back to the women, who look at him with hopeful looks. He gives them a small smile and nods his head. “Alright, I’ll help.”

The ladies cheer, raising their fists in the air as if claiming victory already. Jirou and Momo laugh, Hagakure and Mina squeal, while Ochako and Toga practically jump up and down in their places.

Kirishima simply gives the group a thumbs up, sweat coming down his forehead as he contemplates his life’s choices.

He also makes a mental note to update his last will and testament should things go awry.

Izuku has no idea what is happening.

Suddenly, as soon as the ship went out to sea, the group took an interest in going to the casino more often than scheduled. Ochako simply said that she found the machines she really wanted to try and win big for her wedding.

Izuku doesn’t buy it in the slightest, seeing as how Ochako and Iida both work high paying jobs, but he’s not complaining.

It just means he gets to see Katsuki more often.

So, while the girls were having their fun gambling their life savings away, Izuku would go sit at the bar, order a drink (and actually pay for it, thank you very much) and talk to Katsuki whenever he wasn’t busy making drinks for other patrons.

In the two days they’ve been at sea, he has gotten to know Katsuki more and more. He learned that he is 28 years old, studied mixology after graduating high school, snagging a certification in the meantime, and worked at various local bars before landing the job here on the ‘Plus Ultra Cruise Line.’ He mentioned how his parents work in the fashion industry and wanted him to follow in their footsteps, but he had other plans instead. He mentioned how he wasn’t well liked in school with his brash personality, but had a decent number of friends that gravitated toward him because they found him cool or something, much to his annoyance.

Meanwhile, Izuku brings up how he didn’t have many friends due to the constant bullying he endured. He only ever had one friend, Shouto Todoroki, but they haven’t seen each other since graduating high school and have been catching up online. Izuku went to college to study forensics, wanting to follow in his father’s footsteps in becoming a detective one day. It’s where he met Ochako and they’ve become close, even after she started dating Iida.

“I did have a boyfriend at some point, but we broke up two years ago due to the distance. He was all the way in Europe while I was here in Japan,” Izuku laments, twirling the glass of his Dirty Shirley. “We met when he was visiting and we kinda hit it off, but then he had to go back home and he made a promise to come back, but… Well…”

“Let me guess,” Katsuki grumbles as he wipes the counter clean and picks up little napkins. “Little sh*t couldn’t handle having a ‘long distance relationship’ and couldn’t be bothered to come visit more often.”

Izuku sinks into the stool he’s currently sitting at, staring into the red liquid in his hand. “To be fair, I could’ve visited him at times, too—”

“No, you know what? f*ck ‘em,” Katsuki retorts, slamming his hand down onto the counter. He does not flinch when heads turn to watch as he shoots back his two cents. “It’s not your fault that he left and barely contacted you. You said that he made promises to come back, right?”

Izuku nods, taking a sip of his drink.

“And he did not keep his promise. f*cker must have gotten scared and bailed you then,” Katsuki gruffs out. “He ain’t a man of his word if he does sh*t like that. It’s been two years, you’re over it, you’ve moved on, right?”

“R-Right,” Izuku stammers out.

Katsuki nods his head, crossing his arms. “So instead of wallowing at a bar in self-pity like you are right now, which reminds me, I’m cutting you off—”

“B-But I only had two drinks!” Izuku protests.

“And go gamble,” Katsuki finishes, taking the now empty glass out of Izuku’s hand. “The penny slots are right there, go have fun with your girlfriends and sh*t.”

Izuku bristles at the notion. “Th-They’re my friends!”

Katsuki smirks. “Go.”

Izuku grumbles under his breath, but relents as he hops off of the stool and slowly walks away toward the penny slots Katsuki pointed out.

Katsuki watches him leave, keeping an eye on the green-haired man before he sighs deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose.

He’s not sure what possessed him at a moment of weakness that very first day, but somehow, he has grown attached to the green menace that has blessed the bar with his presence. Every time he sees him walk into the casino, he actually feels lighter than air as his breath is taken away. His heart beats faster with each passing second that his eyes are trained on him, and his stomach does weird somersaults whenever he speaks to him or talks about his different interests.

It’s starting to piss him off.

What’s even worse is that Kirishima seems to be totally okay with this, so much so that he practically encourages him to interact with him while he tends to most of the patrons coming to the casino to gamble. He feels like something is off, that there is some sort of ulterior motive going on that he doesn’t know about, but he doesn’t quite have the proof yet, and he can’t force a confession out, lest he gets fired.

So, he just lets it happen, and surprisingly, he’s okay with it.

He actually enjoys the man’s company and wants to actually listen to his stories as he rambles on and on and on. Some would say it’s annoying as f*ck, but to him, they were quite endearing, loving the fact that he’s so interested in what he’s rambling about nowadays while he just listens to him talk.

It’s not like how he is with any other patron who drunkenly tells him their life story and he just simply nods to be the ear for them to vent to. No, he is actually invested in Izuku, wanting to drink every bit of information he gives him.

He wants to eat him up so badly, it hurts to think about it.

Katsuki groans at the mixed emotions that is his brain as he tries to figure out why. He hears someone whistling a stupid tune as he turns his attention to the perpetrator.

Kirishima mindlessly whistles to himself as he wipes down his side of the bar, wiggling his hips to the music that plays throughout the casino as he turns to look at Katsuki, giving him a tooth-rotting grin.

“‘Sup, Kats?” Kirishima asks oh so innocently.

Katsuki raises an eyebrow. “Nothing, just… Stop whistling, would ya?”

Kirishima snorts. “What? This is a nice song!”

“It’s f*cking annoying, that’s what,” Katsuki retorts.

“Come on, Kats, live a little!” Kirishima jests, nudging his elbow into Katsuki’s chest. “Tomorrow we’re going to Nabu Island and it’s gonna be sunny and warm and oh so beautiful—”

Katsuki shoves Kirishima off of him, earning a cackle from the redhead. He looks over to where Izuku is, sitting in a chair in front of one of the machines, fidgeting with his hands as if he doesn’t know where to start. Katsuki feels his eyes twitch at the sight.

Does he not know what to do? The tables, he could understand the confusion, but the f*cking slot machines?

“Hey, I’ll take care of the bar, it’s not too busy right now,” Kirishima says, cleaning some glasses in the process. “Go check out the floor, okay?”

Katsuki narrows his eyes at Kirishima. “You’re up to something, I can tell.”

Kirishima places his hand on his chest mockingly. “Why, Katsuki Bakugou, how dare you accuse me of having some sort of ulterior motive here!”

“‘How dare you accuse me,’ my ass!” Katsuki mocks, raising his voice an octave higher. He then shoves a finger into his chest, purposefully digging it in painfully and watches with pleasure at the wince Kirishima makes. “You’re definitely up to something and I’ll figure out what it is, you dolt!”

Kirishima gives him a toothy grin, raising his hands up in surrender. “Trust me, there’s nothing, I promise. I got the bar.”

“Yeah, you better, sh*tty Hair,” Katsuki grumbles, stomping away from the bar and onto the casino floor. “AND I’M NOT DOING THIS BECAUSE YOU ASKED ME TO, DUMBASS! I’M DOING IT BECAUSE I WANT TO!”

“Suuuuuure,” Kirishima says, eyebrows raised as he watches the blond storms away from the bar and towards Izuku, who still is trying to figure out how to work the machine.

Katsuki grumbles under his breath as he gets closer. He can tell Kirishima is up to something, mainly about Izuku, so if that’s the case, then whatever, fine, he’ll indulge.

But only this one time.

“It puts the money in the blinking blue slot,” Katsuki says deadpanned once he reaches him. Izuku jumps in his seat, which he actually finds comical, as he turns his attention to the blond in question.

“Ah! K-K-Kacchan!” Izuku squeaks out, eyes darting from him to the bar and back again.

At some point during this trip, Izuku has been secretly calling him that silly nickname since they met. Turns out, he’s been saying it to himself and to the party he is with that it just slipped out one day. He looked mortified when it happened and tried to bury himself in his hands as if it’ll help.

Normally, Katsuki would lash out, yell at the person for giving him such a stupid name and tell them to not call him that again. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to do so with Izuku, with his nervous glistening eyes looking up at him, hoping he wouldn’t be angry.

Instead, he decided to give him an equally stupid nickname.

“D-D-Deku!” Katsuki mocks, earning a pout from the man in front of him. Katsuki simply smirks back at him, not backing down.

Yeah, he knows the name is a little mean, but come on, cut him some slack.

Izuku places his hands on his hips, still pouting at Katsuki. “Can you stop with the obscure movie references? I never watched ‘The Shining.’”

“Wow, first of all, that’s ‘Silence of the Lambs,’ dumbass, get your movie facts right,” Katsuki says as Izuku rolls his eyes. “Secondly, you look like a deer in the headlights staring at this poor machine. It’s not rocket science on what you do.”

“Oh, I-I know how it works, Kacchan!” Izuku stammers, trying to compose himself, “I’ve just been sitting here thinking…”

Katsuki raises an eyebrow. “About what?”

Izuku fidgets with his hands, trying to come up with a plausible explanation to his hesitation. After a moment, he looks up to him, big doe eyes sending Katsuki in a tidal wave of emotions that he is not sure how to describe.

“I-If p-playing is a g-good idea…”

Katsuki stares at Izuku, who is now shaking like a leaf, as if the mere thought of attempting to play the games here were gonna hurt him in some way. Katsuki can see some underlying fear in those eyes that scan the room nervously.

Something doesn’t sit well with him seeing Izuku like this.

Katsuki scans the casino, hoping to f*ck that no one he knows sees him doing something that might get him fired. Seeing the coast clear, he takes a hold of Izuku’s hand and beckons him to follow.

“Don’t ask, just follow me,” Katsuki says, briskly walking out of the casino with Izuku in tow. He can hear him mumbling under his breath, which annoys him to all hell because he told him to be quiet dammit, but he keeps walking until they’re now down a long-winded hallway toward the ice-skating rink that is currently closed to all patrons.

The ship closes the skating rink for ‘maintenance purposes,’ but he knows that they close it for a bit because they just don’t wanna keep it open all the time. They want to entice the people to do other things, such as going swimming, or gambling or other events that are happening.

Perfect timing, then.

He looks around the deserted hallway to see if anyone is here, before he quietly opens the door and slips inside. He walks down the steps of the auditorium toward the rink and finds the box that he knows has the skates in. He dives in, not even bothering to check what size Izuku’s feet are, as he grabs two pairs of skates for themselves.

Katsuki knows they keep it closed in the middle of the day for about two hours, so he’s gonna take advantage of the opportunity.

“Put these on,” Katsuki says, practically tossing the skates to Izuku. He kicks his shoes off and sits on a bench to lace up when he looks up to see Izuku still standing in place with the ice skates in his hands.

“Do you need to be babied the entire time or are you gonna put the skates on like a big boy?” Katsuki snaps, causing Izuku to jump in his spot.

“Oh, umm…” Izuku says, quickly sitting down next to him and untying his shoes. “I-I just thought—aren’t you gonna get in trouble?”

“If I had a yen for every time someone asked me that, I’d be f*cking rich,” Katsuki drawls out, tightening his laces before standing. He walks over to the edge and extends his hand out. “Now, you wanna come join me or what?”

Izuku bristles, tightening the last knot of the laces before he hobbles toward Katsuki to the edge of the rink. He takes his hand and Katsuki guides him onto the ice.

“Hold onto me, okay?” Katsuki directs, and Izuku tightens his grip as he tries to keep balance on the ice. He lets Katsuki guide him around the ice rink, small strokes at a time, before Izuku gets comfortable and his grip loosens a bit.

Katsuki grins. “Look at you, you’re a quick learner! That took me weeks when I started!”

Izuku looks into his eyes, wide with shock. “R-Really? You know how to ice skate?”

Katsuki nods his head, turning his feet gently to the left to avoid a wall. “Played ice hockey in middle school for three years. Ma wanted me to do something practical besides playing the damn drums.”

“Wow! You played drums, too?” Izuku says with excitement, eyes sparkling with delight that makes Katsuki’s heart skip a beat. “That’s amazing, Kacchan! Did you continue playing at Yuuei?”

Katsuki shakes his head as he starts to spin them around slowly on the rink. “Nah, I tore my ankle while in the playoffs one year. Decided to quit while I was ahead before I injured myself any further that would leave permanent damage. As for drums, I just play during my downtime whenever I do get home. Though I did play in the marching band because the school needed more drummers and my sh*tty friends let it slip to the director that I play.”

Izuku chuckles at that. “I can’t imagine you with one of those marching hats with the large feather on top.”

“It’s called a plume, idiot, and you better, because that was what I had to f*cking wear!” Katsuki snarls, but there is no bite to his words as he spins Izuku, twirling him around like a dancer. “And don’t get me started with those damn uniforms! Pains in my ass, that’s what they were!”

Izuku actually laughs to the point he almost slips on the ice. Katsuki’s grin widens, seeing as how he made him smile and feel safe after almost having a nervous breakdown back in the casino earlier. He continues to hold Izuku as he directs him around the ice for a while now.

This is what happens for some time, Katsuki keeping Izuku upright on the ice while Izuku tries different tricks, which Katsuki wonders why because this is clearly the first time he is skating on ice. He’s either very brave or very stupid, but Katsuki can’t really say much since it’s been a while.

At some point, Izuku actually slips and falls into Katsuki’s arms, knocking him down onto the ice with a loud thud. The air knocked out of him, Katsuki winces in pain as he takes in his predicament.

Izuku is laying right on top of him, face planted in his chest, legs splayed apart, as his hands grab ahold of his vest, seeking purchase. Katsuki’s hands hold onto Izuku’s shoulders as he tries to meticulously push him off.

Yet in doing so, Izuku bucks his hips forward, grinding against Katsuki, as his breath hitches from the sensation.

The two pause their movements, as if sensing what is happening, before Izuku immediately throws himself off of Katsuki with a loud squeal, rolling on the ice and away from him in a gif of panic. Katsuki simply lays there, frozen on the spot, as he takes the situation in while Izuku flounders around in order to get up from the ice.

“K-K-Kacchan!” Izuku sputters out, wobbling back up in order to get onto his feet, but he continues to slip on the ice. “Are—Are you okay? I’m sorry, I-I didn’t mean to—”

“Deku, shut the f*ck up,” Katsuki spits out, causing Izuku to stop in his tracks. He takes one deep breath before he hoists himself up, balancing himself as he gets his footing back and is back on his feet, skates and all. He then goes over to Izuku and holds his hand out to help, which Izuku hesitantly takes, and balances himself back up on that ice with his skates.

Izuku looks everywhere else but Katsuki, who cracks his back to loosen some tensed muscles as he guides Izuku off of the rink. There is a moment of silence between the two as they quickly take the skates off and briskly walk out of the rink without being detected.

Katsuki can hear a string of mumbling from Izuku as they walk down the long hallway once again and back towards the casino. He’s not sure if he should bring up what happened between the two or if he should just pretend it didn’t happen. He takes one look at Izuku behind him and can see how nervous he is, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead as his fidgets with his fingers.

Ok, he’s gonna go for the latter.

Katsuki clears his throat, the familiar dinging noises of the slot machines getting louder with each step. “So, did that take your mind off of things?”

Izuku gives him a shocked look, trying to see if this is a trick or something. Katsuki simply raises an eyebrow, honing back his blush from what he is most likely thinking about, before Izuku realizes that he is not joking. Izuku perks up and laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Ah, y-yeah, I did have fun!” Izuku says sheepishly, darting his eyes back and forth. “Th-Thanks, Kacchan…”

Katsuki rolls his eyes as he fixes his vest, turning his attention back to the dimly lit casino that they entered into once again. “Yeah, no problem. Your friends are probably wondering where you are, though.”

Izuku squeaks as he rushes past Katsuki in an attempt to find his friends. He turns his head to face Katsuki, waving his hand and shouting a simple, “Bye, Kacchan!”

Katsuki crosses his arms, smiling at the disappearing figure of the nerd that he still has conflicting feelings for. He gets a kick at the fact that he was able to turn his nerves around and forget about his troubles, so it wasn’t a total waste of time.

He then thinks about that one moment when Izuku rocked his hips into his own. He can still feel that damn erection against him, and he can’t say he hated it.

He can feel his face get warm just thinking about it as his heart hammers in his chest.

Dammit, why is this happening all of a sudden?

“‘Eeeey, Bakubro!” Kirishima shouts, causing Katsuki to almost punch him in the face. Kirishima simply laughs at the reaction, which angers him some more.

“f*ck you, sh*tty Hair!” Katsuki barks back, making some heads turn, but he doesn’t care about that right now.

Kirishima stifles his laugh as he pats Katsuki’s shoulder to gather himself. “Sorry, but man, I’ve never seen you so happy before, bro!”

“The hell are you talking about?” Katsuki says, nudging his hand off of his shoulder.

Kirishima gives him his thousand-watt smile, which annoys Katsuki to no end. “That smile you had on watching Izuku walk away. Sounds like you two had a fun date—OW!”

Katsuki smirks, the victorious grin planted on his face as he watches Kirishima rub his arm where he punched him, one eye squeezed shut from the pain. He then turns to him, mock tears coming down his eyes. “Why you gotta do that, Kats?”

“Because you’re being insufferable, dumbass,” Katsuki snarls, placing his arms on his hips. “And what makes you think we did anything fun, hah? I was only walking around the casino to check on people.”

Kirishima gives him an incredulous look as if he knows his deepest secrets. “Bro, you’ve been gone for nearly an hour. Izuku’s friends asked where he was, and I had to be honest and tell them I haven’t as well as you. I can only assume you took him somewhere for some ‘fun times,’ if you know what I mean,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows for emphasis.

Katsuki simply flips him off at the accusation. “No, we did not go somewhere for some ‘fun times,’” he says, using air quotes for emphasis. “He looked highly uncomfortable, so I took him to the ice rink, which you are not to say anything, or I’ll rip your damn head off, ya hear?”

“Crystal,” Kirishima says, giving him a thumbs up. “Still, the fact that you risked getting in trouble to take him to the ice rink when it’s closed is kinda sweet.”

Katsuki felt his eyes twitch. He really wanted to say something about that, retort back that it wasn’t a big deal or anything and that anyone would have done it, but he kept his mouth shut as he contemplated what he said.

He’s only met Izuku since the start of the trip, and yet he’s going out of his way, risking getting in trouble no less, to make sure he’s safe and having fun.

No one else would do that.

Hell, he has never done that to anyone.

So why is he doing this to someone he just met?

He shakes his head from his thoughts as he hears a crowd cheering at one of the tables nearby. He looks over to see Izuku with the group, the bride jumping up and down with her maid of honor as she and the rest of the bridesmaids applaud for her winnings. Izuku is clapping happily, some nerves coming back, but he can tell that he is a lot calmer this time. Izuku looks up from where he’s standing and locks eyes with Katsuki.

Katsuki freezes from where he stands as they look at each other silently. Izuku blinks a few times before he gives him a smile, an appreciative smile, and silently waves at him. Katsuki can’t help but feel a bit giddy, heart leaping in his chest, as he waves back.

Izuku chuckles before turning his attention back to the group, cheering the next person on as they bet their own money on the table. Katsuki keeps looking on, feeling a warmth in his chest that he has never felt before.

Unfortunately, Kirishima ruins it by nudging his arm into his chest, giving him a knowing look with a cheeky grin.

“You got that dopey smile on your face,” Kirishima says teasingly.

Oh sh*t, is he really?

Katsuki quickly scolds his face as he lightly punches Kirishima away, walking back to the bar to continue working, leaving a wounded redhead in his wake.

God dammit, this is gonna be a long ass trip.

Lay Your Cards Down (Down, Down, Down) - ChibySmiley - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (1)

Artwork by: Crykea

“We’re here!” Ochako shouts as she walks down the railway and onto the docks of Nabu Island. The warm weather and salty breeze feels amazing on Izuku’s skin. He takes a deep breath, enjoying the sunshine as the group squeals with delight of finally being on land after two days at sea.

“We have a lot to do, ladies and Zuzu~” Toga says as she pulls out the map of the island. She points to different parts of it and happily chants out their itinerary. “We wanna hit the shopping area first and foremost! Then, we can hit the little beach bar they have before we enjoy the beach itself! After that, we have reservations for dinner at the Shimano Eatery before the fireworks display in the evening!”

“Oooooh! That sounds so much fun!” Hagakure squeals, jumping up and down as her beach bag sways violently. “I can’t wait to get a good tan at the beach!”

“I hope they have a record shop here,” Jirou replies, looking around the harbor and toward the shopping center. “Denki and I have been on the hunt for a specific one for months now. It’s a rare collector's item.”

“Oh, I think there’s a shop in this area for that, Jirou,” Izuku says, pointing at a spot on the map that Toga is holding onto. “I heard they have antique shops there, maybe you’ll get lucky in one of these.”

Jirou smiles at him. “Good eye, Izuku! Wanna help me find it?”

Izuku nods his head. “Of course! And it might help me find this rare All Might figure that was made in the 70s! It’s the Silver Age Mock 3 All Might figure that is hard to find nowadays! They sell for thousands of Yen on OoBee, but I’m hoping it’s cheaper here.”

Mina smacks his back, causing him to flinch in pain. “Good luck finding that one! Ei has been looking around for a Crimson Riot figure, maybe look around for that if you get a chance!”

“Ei?” Momo asks, raising her eyebrow. “Who’s Ei?”

Everyone turns to look at Mina, who freezes as if she revealed a secret that was supposed to remain one. She then laughs nervously and slowly attempts to scoot away before Ochako holds her by the shoulder and gives her a threatening smile. Mina starts to sweat a bit as she tries to get out of her hold, but the grip tightens, causing everyone else to watch in awe and slight terror.

“Mina, you’re holding out on us. Tell us,” Ochako says too calmly. Other passengers leaving the ship look at the group with curiosity, but once they feel the aura Ochako is producing, they quickly scatter away toward the island.

Mina’s lips form a line before she chokes and tells everyone in a scared voice. “Okay! So Ei is that red headed bartender at the casino! I’ve been talking to him a lot and uhh… Let’s just say we hit it off?”

There’s a moment of silence as everyone drinks in the new information. Ochako’s grip on Mina loosens and the threat level goes down significantly. Ochako then gives her a big grin and hugs her tightly, almost squeezing the air out of her.

“MINA! WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY ANYTHING? THAT’S SO AWESOME!” Ochako squeals, which in turn, the other women go and congratulate her. Izuku joins in and gives her his own congratulatory hug, smiling at her.

Mina chuckles as she sighs in relief. “Oh man, thank you, guys! But honestly, I didn’t want to say anything because it’s Ochako’s moment!”

“NONSENSE!” Ochako gasps, smacking her shoulder lightly. “You found love, that’s cause for celebration! Come on! Let’s go to the bar now!”

“Oh, r-really?” Izuku says sheepishly. “Wh-What about the itinerary? I mean, d-don’t get me wrong, I’m glad Mina found someone, and it is a happy moment, b-but—”

“Oh, Zuzu, it’s okay!” Toga says, lightly tapping his head with the map that she rolled up earlier. “This is Ochako’s time, and if she wants to change the itinerary to celebrate Mina, she can!”

“Ah, o-okay…” Izuku says, turning his attention to the shopping area. He really did want to go find that figure, but if Ochako wants to hit the bars first, then what’s he to stop her?

Ochako seems to sense his hesitancy and turns her attention to him, smiling at him. “You don’t have to come with us, Izuku. If you still want to find that figurine, go for it. We’ll be at the beach bar when you’re done!”

“A-Are you sure? Wh-What about that record you wanted to look for, Jirou?” Izuku asks, fidgeting with his fingers.

Jirou waves her hand dismissively. “I’ll look later. But if you happen to spot it, you can text me and I’ll come running, okay?”

“O-Okay…” Izuku quietly says and, after giving Mina another congrats, he waves goodbye to the group and starts to head toward the shopping area alone.

Izuku sighs as he kicks some pebbles on the ground, grumbling to himself. He puts his hands in his pocket as he looks at all the different shops there are in the area. He sees multiple mom and pop shops mixed with worldwide chain stores and restaurants galore.

His face contorts to confusion as he wonders if this is typical for a bachelorette party to disperse like this. On one hand, it’s nice to be able to explore and do whatever he wants, but on the other hand, it’s Ochako’s bachelorette party! He should be celebrating with her! Not wandering around all by himself while the others celebrate!

Just as he is about to change his mind and turn around to find the beach bar where the group was headed to, he doesn’t see a tall figure in front of him and accidentally runs into it, almost knocking him to the ground.

“Ah, s-sorry—” Izuku stutters out before he looks up and his heart practically stops at the sight before him.

There stands Katsuki in a black tank top, cargo pants, and slip on shoes. He appears to be window shopping in front of the antique shop that Izuku was headed toward and is currently looking at Izuku with slight disbelief, red eyes wide. Izuku can feel his heart pounding in his chest at the sight before him as his face warms up. He prays to any deity that he can brush it off to the weather as Katsuki rolls his eyes at him.

“Tch, of course,” Katsuki says, but there is no bite to it as he turns his attention back to the window. “I had a feeling you’d pop up here.”

Izuku bristles, trying to calm his beating heart as he replies to the blond. “H-Hello to you, too, Kacchan…”

Katsuki snorts. “Yeah, sure, hi.”

There’s a moment of silence, Katsuki still looking through the window as if searching for something in particular. Izuku then trails his eyes to what Katsuki is looking at and gasps at the sight.

There in the window are all different kinds of All Might merchandise, spanning from the 60s Bronze Age to the recent iteration of the character. There were so many in the window that Izuku had to keep himself upright by placing a hand on the glass. He was so distracted by it all that he didn’t notice Katsuki opening the door until he heard a throat clearing to his right. He jumps and turns his attention to him, who gives him an amusing look.

“Come on, let’s check this out,” Katsuki says, bringing Izuku back down from reality as he briskly walks toward him and through the threshold of the shop.

It was a small store, but there were shelves and tables filled with different knick knacks and antiques that Izuku felt like he was sent back in time. He saw different figures of different comic book heroes and villains along with board games and old video game consoles.

“Woah… This place is amazing!” Izuku breathes out, earning a chuckle from the blond behind him.

“Yeah, I come here sometimes just to see if they have what I’m looking for,” Katsuki says as he picks up an All for One figure from the shelf. He inspects the price tag, groans, and places it back down.

Izuku turns to him and his eyes widen. “You come to Nabu Island often?”

Katsuki stares at him like he just grew five heads. “I work for a cruise line, what the f*ck do you think?”

“Ah, r-right, y-you must stop here a lot then…” Izuku mumbles, staring at an Ingenium figure along with a Best Jeanist right next to it.

Katsuki rolls his eyes as he inspects a Dabi figure, grimacing at the price and putting it back down. “Yeah, we’re allowed one or two days off when we get to a port. I wanted to check out this shop to find—Oh sh*t finally!”

“Huh?” Izuku raises an eyebrow as he turns his attention to what Katsuki had just found. Katsuki picks up a sealed card and inspects it. Izuku can’t help the flutter in his stomach as he sees his lips turn up to form a genuine smile, teeth baring.

“f*cking finally, been looking for this one for ages!” Katsuki says under his breath, perhaps a bit too excitedly, as he turns his attention to Izuku, who has been staring at him, mouth gaped open, as he schools his face from his genuine excitement to a neutral expression.

“What?” Katsuki asks, clutching the card in a vice grip like it’ll disappear if he holds it loosely.

Izuku quickly turns his attention away, feeling his face warm up some more as he looks at the array of hero and villain figurines on the shelf. “N-Nothing! I-I just… Oh look, a Mirko figure from Issue 47!” He stutters out, picking up the figure and twirling it in his hand.

Katsuki takes the figure from his hand and gives him an incredulous look. “First of all, this is from Issue 50, not 47, dumbass. All Might had mentioned in Issue 47 about teaming up with Mirko, but it never happened until Issue 50. If you’re gonna be an All Might nerd, get your f*cking facts straight. Secondly—”

Izuku gasps, eyes sparkling wide as he then takes a peek at the card in his hand.

It all makes sense now!

“Kacchan! Are you an All Might fan, too?” Izuku asks breathlessly, covering his gaping mouth with his hands.

Katsuki freezes on the spot, as if caught with his pants down. He blinks a few times before sudden realization sets in. He quickly turns around, places the card down where he found it, and briskly walks away and out of the store, a string of curses thrown in the mix.

Izuku stares at the spot Katsuki previously occupied with confusion for a moment before he looks down to where the card was placed. He picks it up and inspects it in his hand, eyes widening as soon as he recognizes it.

It was a rare All Might trading card that they only sold in certain grocery stores in bags of ‘Plus Ultra’ chips when he was only two years old. This one in particular was embroidered with a gold border and was in mint condition, well kept in the plastic sleeve it was being held in. Standing in front was All Might in the Golden Age, making his signature pose with his arms raised and giving everyone his signature smile. His catchphrase ‘I am here!’ is written in bold underneath him along with his name written in red.

Izuku vaguely remembers the hype of the craze to collect all of the different variations of the All Might trading cards. It lasted about a year before they ceased production. There were only 1,000 gold cards like this one produced during the time, among the million copies of the bronze and silver cards to match.

The fact that Katsuki was looking for this one specifically…

Izuku doesn’t know why, but he doesn’t think about anything right now and he finds his body moving on its own.

Katsuki grumbles under his breath as he stomps himself toward the damn beach where everyone was lounging around or swimming in the water. He takes his shoes off and walks barefooted as his mind reels at what just happened.

sh*t, now the damn nerd knows that he’s a nerd! Dammit all! How f*cking embarrassing!

He was hoping to just brush it off as being a casual fan of All Might, having heard of him through word of mouth or watching some of the movies made recently to mask his inner child of knowing every fact about the hero. He didn’t mean to correct Izuku, he just simply got the facts wrong! Plain as that!

But f*ck, he didn’t mean to go full nerd. It just slipped out!

Great, now all Katuski has to do is avoid Izuku throughout the rest of the trip. He’ll just walk around the beach for a bit, waste time, before going back to the store and hopefully no one bought the damn card he has been searching for since he was six.

They should’ve known better than to have limited runs of cards that would now be rare and hard to find in the future.

“Kacchan! There you are!”

Oh f*ck no.

Katsuki freezes on the spot, not once turning his attention to the one person he is trying to avoid right now. He hears hurried footsteps, some mumbling about how he should’ve taken his shoes off first, and some heavy panting. The running stops and Katsuki has to fight the urge to look back before Izuku starts to speak from behind.

“You… You left this… In the store…” Izuku pants out, trying to gather his bearings.

Katsuki makes a confused look. He doesn’t remember leaving anything at the store, so he chances a glance behind him. When he does, he feels his warm up significantly at the sight.

There’s Izuku, taking deep breaths from running, his eyes squeezed shut, and holding out the card that he had been searching for. Katsuki doesn’t know how to react or what to do at this point, so he settles on staring at him in disbelief.

The f*cking nerd bought the damn card for him.

What the f*ck.

“What the f*ck?” Katsuki says, still trying to wrap his head around what he’s seeing. “That card is expensive as f*ck, you know that, right?”

Izuku starts to shake slightly, but his stance remains firmly planted in the sand. “I know… I had to use my c-credit card… B-But I don’t regret it, okay?”

Katsuki turns his whole body around and faces him directly. “Why? You barely know me, yet you bought the most expensive piece of cardboard on the f*cking planet.”

Izuku takes deep breaths as he opens his eyes, a determined look on his face as he steps forward until the two are mere inches apart. He clutches the card in his hand and looks into Katsuki’s eyes as his own sparkle with delight. “Because, Kacchan, it’s important to you. You’re right, I do barely know you, but I know you’re an All Might fan like me. I know you’re very kind and caring, even if you show it in your own way. You helped me get over my stress and anxiety about being at the casino and took me ice skating, knowing that you were risking your job to do so. You stood there after giving me a drink and listened to all of my ramblings on different topics when you could’ve just ignored me or tended to other customers. You gave me a free drink, risking your job again, on the first day after finding out we both grew up in the same town! You did so many nice and kind things to me throughout this trip when you didn’t have to or need to. The least I can do is return the favor, because…”

Izuku trails off, turning his attention to the sand beneath him. Katsuki can feel his heart hammer in his chest, mind reeling at the facts Izuku has tossed at him, before the green-haired man turns back to him, eyes sparkling that Katsuki could swear he sees hearts in them.

“B-Because you’re important to me.”

There’s a moment of silence between the two, staring into each other's eyes, longing for something that Katsuki can’t put a name to, yet it just feels right in the moment.

His own body moves, no thought to it, as he reaches for Izuku’s face, cups it in his own hands, and leans in to kiss him.

Katsuki squeezes his eyes shut, drinking it all in. He feels Izuku’s breath hitch upon impact, body tensing up. For a brief moment, Katsuki feels dread coursing through him, wondering if he overstepped or read the moment wrong. Yet, all of his worries fade away as soon as he feels Izuku relax into the kiss and wraps his arms around his neck.

It’s a soft yet chaste kiss, one that realistically lasts for a few seconds, but to Katsuki, it feels like a lifetime. He moves his lips against Izuku’s, and that’s all it is, just lips moving slow and steady together. No tongue, no dire need to deepen it, no need to go any further than this.

He still has the right mind to realize that they were in f*cking public, so any case of this going further is not gonna happen right now.

Katsuki then pulls away, his eyes fluttering open, chuckling to see Izuku chasing his lips as he leans forward. His eyes are closed as well, yet when he stops himself from leaning any further, he blinks his eyes open, blown-up emeralds looking up into ruby reds.

Katsuki rubs his thumb against warm, freckled cheeks, taking it all in. He feels himself smile as he presses his forehead against Izuku’s own. Izuku breathes against him, arms still wrapped around his shoulders.

No one says anything for a while, letting the moment settle between the two. Katsuki has never felt like this with anyone. He never had a serious relationship in his life, yet there’s something about Izuku that makes him want to just say ‘f*ck it’ to the world and be with him in this moment. He’s only met the nerd four days ago and he can’t imagine his life without him in it.

Is this what it’s like to be in love? He’s only ever heard of something like this in movies and stories, yet he never felt this kind of experience in his life until now. No one else had come close to making him feel this way. It was as if there was a sign that led him to this moment, to meet Izuku, who actually came from his hometown, and have him finally fall in love.

Katsuki can’t say that he hates the feeling. It feels so wonderful, he doesn’t want it to ever end.


The moment is completely shattered as Katsuki and Izuku tense up from the sudden interruption. They both turn their heads toward the direction of the shouting and wolf whistles galore.

Oh sh*t, they’re near the beach bar.

And there’s Izuku’s motley crew of women cheering him on, drinks in hand.

And right next to the pink-haired one is—

Katsuki balls his fist once he has let go of Izuku’s face. He growls viciously at the red-haired demon that waves casually at him, grinning cheek to cheek and f*cking winking at him.

“YOU f*ckER! YOU SET THIS WHOLE THING UP, DIDN’T YOU?” Katsuki shouts, running towards him. Kirishima yelps as he steps down from his stool and runs away with Katsuki in tow. He can hear the group laugh at their antics, but he doesn’t care right now.

Right now, he has some fish to fry that was Eijirou Kirishima.

After a thorough explanation from everyone and lots of apologies, Izuku couldn’t fault any of his friends for what they did. It was sweet, actually, that everyone was on board with letting him and Katsuki get to know each other and possibly get together.

They didn’t have to, all things considered, but they did.

Ochako gives him a big hug and promises that they will do something as a group for a proper bachelorette party, but for now, she wants him to spend time with Katsuki. Izuku almost breaks down for how wonderful his friends are for it. He thanks them profusely, promising that he will make up for it afterwards, and ventures around the island with the blond in question.

Katsuki, after thoroughly wrestling Kirishima to the point of almost passing out, finally calms down after he explains his reasoning for everything, that it was the group’s idea and that he, too, has seen the looks he gave Izuku and just wanted what was best for him. Katsuki’s eyes twitch as if he was going to have an aneurysm, but he keeps himself cool as he sees his point.

Apologies were made, and Kirishima lets him go as he hobbles back to Mina, who gives him a worried yet grateful look. Katsuki simply rolls his eyes as he storms away, pouting, and catches up to Izuku who waits patiently for him.

And so, Izuku and Katsuki venture forth around Nabu Island, taking in the sights and eating the local cuisines. They even share a strawberry filled crepe with each other before venturing to the biggest attraction on the island: Mount Shiroyama.

Izuku gasps with glee and spews out facts about the mountain, with Katsuki listening intently with a fond smile on his face. He absolutely loves the way he talks about random things, it’s one of the many things that drew him in. The way his eyes sparkle, how happy he looks just by talking, the way his smile upturns each time.

f*ck, he’s a goner, isn’t he?

Soon the fireworks display finishes as they watch in awe from the top of the mountain before trekking back to the ship. It was a long venture back, but once they board back on, something stirs inside of Katsuki that he keeps a firm grip on Izuku’s waist as they walk through the Promenade. The night has only just begun with every passenger aboard partying the night away, drinking at the bars, enjoying the company, eating the free food served at the service restaurant, and live music blaring to keep the party going.

“Hey,” Katsuki says loudly, gaining the other’s attention. “Do you wanna come back to my stateroom?”

Now, normally, he would attempt a smarter approach to this. He’d first try to woo the person and say something in the moment to get them to bed. He had it perfected to the T that it was ingrained into his head on what to say and how to do it.

He didn’t care if it was a man or a woman or if he topped or bottomed, as long as he got some wild sex out of it, it was just fine for him.

Now, however, he’s not sure what to do. He doesn’t want to scare Izuku off with his usual routine, plus he’s new to the whole ‘in love’ thing, so he’s really trying his best here.

Yet, as soon as Izuku looks at him, realization as to what he is hinting at, a blush forms on his already sun-kissed freckled cheeks as he stammers a response out. “O-Oh! K-Kacchan, I… Isn’t that m-moving too fast?”

Katsuki gives him a reassuring smile as he tightens his grip on Izuku’s waist. “We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with, Deku. But if I recall…” he then pulls Izuku close to him, hips flushed against one another, making the other gasp at the sudden manhandling. Katsuki grins at his reaction. “You weren’t exactly subtle on the ice.”

Izuku bites his lips to hold back a moan, scrunching up his eyebrows in order to keep a collective mind. He starts to breathe heavily in Katsuki’s arms, and he can feel Izuku starting to get hard in his shorts. He looks up into Katsuki’s waiting eyes, pupils dilated and glassy looking, a silent plea.

That’s all the permission he needs.

Katsuki takes his hand and starts to guide him to his stateroom. They take an elevator and Katsuki presses the button to the second deck below. The anticipation grows stronger with each passing second as the elevator door finally opens up to the floor. Katsuki swiftly walks down the familiar hallway until he reaches his room. He swipes his card and, once he hears the buzzing noise, he throws the door open and pushes himself and Izuku inside.

The room is not much to shout about: it’s small, with only a bed, a small couch, a TV, a large mirror, and a circular window that has a view of the surface of the ocean where the inhabitants can see the fish swim.

Needless to say, he doesn’t have to worry about prying human eyes when he does his business.

Katsuki double checks that the ‘Do Not Disturb’ magnet is still in place on his door for everyone to see. When he confirms it, he shuts the door and locks it before turning his attention back to the green-haired man in question.

He briskly walks up to him, cups his face in his hands once more, and plants his lips against Izuku’s. Unlike the first kiss they had on the beach, where it was slow and sweet, this one was more passionate, desperate, and the moaning that Izuku emanates?

sh*t, Katsuki can’t get any harder than he already is.

He slowly guides Izuku to the bed and makes him sit on the edge. Katsuki swings his legs around and sits on top of his lap, not once breaking the kiss. Lips move in tandem as Katsuki licks his mouth open in order to properly make out with him. Izuku’s breath hitches at the feeling, but doesn’t hesitate as he allows Katsuki in. Tongues dance together as he is slowly pushed onto the mattress, back flushed against the sheets, all the while Katsuki grinds their clothed erections together.

Izuku fumbles with his hands as he grabs onto Katsuki’s tank top, gripping it tight. Katsuki traces his hand down Izuku’s shirt down to the hem and pulls it up to reveal his bare chest. He feels every dip and curve and is actually impressed by what he is feeling.

The nerd has some muscle on him.

Katsuki pulls away to admire his work so far. Izuku is all blissed out, kiss swollen lips, face flushed red that he almost resembles a strawberry, shirt bunched up for him to see his well-defined abs. Katsuki trails his hands down his chest, eyeing every little part of him, including the small trail of green hair near the edge of his pants.

“Have you done this before?” Katsuki breathes out, fingers hovering over the belt buckle before he does anything else.

Izuku gulps, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he looks away, making little mewling noises.

sh*t, this is his first time, isn’t it?

“Alright,” Katsuki says, taking his tank top in his hands and pulling it off to reveal his own chest. Izuku’s eyes widen at the sight as he automatically reaches up to cup one of Katsuki’s pecs into his own hand. He squeezes it gently, earning a gasp from the blond above him.

Izuku actually f*cking giggles at the reaction. “So soft…”

“Oi, I worked hard on those,” Katsuki retorts, “they’re f*cking stubborn and a little sensitive, okay?”

Izuku snorts at that. “Okay, Kacchan.” He then loosens his grip on Katsuki’s chest and looks to the side, nervous. “I… I don’t know what to do…”

Katsuki takes a deep breath as he takes hold of Izuku’s hands. “You let me do the work, okay? And if you want to stop or if I go too far, just say something, and I’ll stop.”

Izuku looks back into Katsuki’s eyes, shocked at first, before they soften, giving him all of his trust that everything will be alright. “Okay…”

Katsuki pulls his hand up to his mouth and kisses each knuckle, giving him a soft smile. He then lets go of his hand to reach for his nightstand and grabs a bottle of lube, placing it to the side next to Izuku’s left shoulder. He quickly goes to take his own pants off, leaving his boxers on, and tosses them to a random part of the room before he goes to work unbuckling Izuku’s belt to reveal his hardened erection.

Katsuki takes it in his hand and pumps it a few times, impressed with the girth and length. “sh*t, you’re really packing here, ain’t ‘cha?”

Izuku squirms at the touch, burying his face into his hands. “D-Don’t be mean…”

“Oi, that’s a compliment, nerd,” Katsuki says, grabbing the lube and pouring it into his hand as he pushes Izuku’s pants off completely. He pulls himself off of his lap and leans his head down in front of Izuku’s co*ck, which has started to leak pre at the tip, and takes a whiff of Izuku’s masculine scent. “Gotta get you nice and wet for me.”

Izuku bristles, stuttering something non-coherent, before Katsuki licks his throbbing member from the base to the tip. He revels in the taste and Izuku’s reactions as he continues to lap up his co*ck, distracting him well enough so he can get to work on what he needs to do.

Katsuki circles his fingers against his own puckered rim and slowly dips a finger inside, all the while he takes Izuku’s co*ck and envelops it into his mouth. He slowly takes it inch by inch until he is almost down to his happy trail, nose tickling the little hairs as the tip touches the back of his throat. He moans into the sensation before he starts at a slow pace, bobbing his head up and down against the shaft. Izuku throws his head back against the pillow, clutching the sheets below him as Katsuki devours his co*ck, giving him pleasure he has never felt before.

Katsuki inserts a second finger into his hole, the sting of being stretched giving him goosebumps of pure ecstasy as he continues his slow and steady pace. He scissors himself open, knowing he doesn’t need much preparation in order to get himself ready.

“K-Kacchan…” Izuku gasps out, his hands now grabbing onto Katsuki’s head and grip tightening. “I-I’m gonna—”

Katsuki immediately pops his head off of Izuku’s co*ck, earning a whine of complaint from the green-haired man. He grins at the look of betrayal before he pulls his own fingers out of his ass and crawls up into Izuku’s lap. Izuku gives him a once over, eyes confused about what would happen next, before Katsuki lifts himself up and lines his hole against the tip of Izuku’s co*ck.

“W-Wait!” Izuku stutters, eyes wide and frantic. “I-I thought—”

“What? You thought you were gonna bottom?” Katsuki says, teasing the tip of Izuku’s co*ck inside his hole, earning a moan from the man beneath him. “I told you I’d do all the work, and if that means I’m gonna ride your co*ck,” he then slowly sinks down onto his shaft until he reaches the hilt as Izuku bites his lips from the sensation, “then I’m gonna ride your f*cking co*ck, Deku.”

Izuku squirms, hands frantically trying to find purchase from all of the sensations he is feeling right now. Katsuki rolls his eyes as he takes Izuku’s hands and places them against his hips. “There, keep your hands on my hips, let me do the work. And Deku?”

Izuku looks into his eyes, tears threatening to come down his cheeks as he waits for Katsuki to do something. Katsuki smiles down at him as he slowly lifts his hips up until the tip of his co*ck is just inside him.

“Keep your damn eyes on me, nerd.”

Katsuki slams his hips down in one fell swoop, earning a small ‘eep!’ from Izuku. Katsuki almost pulled off just to laugh at that reaction, but he had a mission right now, and that was to get Izuku comfortable with sex. So, he continues his quest to seek pleasure as he bounces on his throbbing member. The mix of lube and spit gives him just enough of that pleasurable friction that he likes so much whenever he bottoms as he tries to angle himself just right to find that sweet spot inside. It takes a few thrusts, but once he finally hits that spot, he chases that feeling.

“f*ck!” Katsuki shouts, quickening his pace. His own co*ck bobs up and down, leaking pre, as it threatens to burst. He hits that spot over and over again, lost in his own pleasure. He feels Izuku’s grip tighten, digging into his skin to form crescent shapes from the blunt fingernails, as he turns his attention to Izuku.

Izuku is no better right now. He looks at Katsuki with all the trust and devotion in the world, like he is some form of deity to pray to. He grits his teeth from the feeling, beads of sweat form on his forehead and tears come down his cheeks.

Katsuki can’t help it as he leans forward and kisses Izuku on the lips. It’s fast and frantic, the familiar coil of release coming to fruition as he chases his org*sm. Katsuki moans into the kiss as he clenches around Izuku’s co*ck. He feels one of the hands letting go of his hips and grabs onto his own co*ck and pumps it into his hand.

Katsuki can’t hold back anymore as he c*ms. Hot and white, it paints Izuku’s stomach and hand, but he continues his pace, knowing that Izuku needs to do the same. He thrusts his hips down a few more times until Izuku’s breath hitches and his moan is an octave higher as he feels warmth paint his insides.

The two continue kissing, Katsuki carding his hands into Izuku’s green curls all the while his hips slow down. Izuku cards his own hand, one not covered in cum, into Katsuki’s locks of hair. They kiss for what feels like an eternity before Katsuki feels Izuku softening inside him. He lifts his hips up once more until he feels the co*ck pop out, his hole leaking with lube, spit, and cum, but he doesn’t care about it in the slightest as he rolls off of him and to the side, not once breaking the kiss.

Limbs tangle together, hips flush gently, as they continue to kiss, as if one would disappear if they stopped. Katsuki holds onto Izuku tightly while Izuku does the same, moaning softly into their embrace.

The adrenaline finally settles as Katsuki pulls away from the kiss. He looks deep into those emerald pools, glassy and full of tears, as he gently wipes them away with a brush of his thumb.

“You okay?” Katsuki asks, genuinely concerned for his well-being.

Izuku sniffs as he takes deep breaths to calm himself down. “Y-Yeah… I’m alright.”

Katsuki smirks at him. “Good. So, how did it feel, now that you’re no longer a virgin?”

Izuku flushes pink at the crudeness, but he tries his best to answer his question. “Uhh… It… It felt really good. I mean, I don’t feel any different comparing from before to after, b-but the act itself was great! It felt… Amazing…” He looks up into Katsuki’s eyes, smiling at him. “You’re amazing, Kacchan.”

Katsuki’s heart flutters, a wave of different emotions hitting him all at once. He smiles brightly at him, caressing his cheeks, and Izuku leans into the touch as he reaches for one of his hands. “f*ck, what are you doing to me?”

Izuku chuckles. “I could ask the same.”

Katsuki feels like air, floating in the clouds as he laughs, grabbing onto Izuku and pulling him into a tight embrace.

They lay like that for some time, enjoying each other’s company, kissing each other sweetly, and never letting go of each other as the night went on.

Katsuki couldn’t have asked for a better evening.

Reality is a bitch sometimes.

After their night together (and more sex), the two clean themselves up and enjoy the rest of the voyage. Katsuki continues to work at the casino bar, but he appears to be kinder and happier than before. Kirishima makes a comment, which is earned with a cleaning rag to the face.

Izuku was immediately bombarded with questions once he found his group of friends. He never once uttered a word about what happened when they got back to the ship, but everyone seemed to have figured it out without it ever being said.

Besides, the hickeys on his neck tell the whole story, much to his embarrassment.

He also visits the casino more often, ordering drinks and talking to Katsuki whenever he gets a free moment. Izuku continues to buzz with excitement about any topic that comes to his mind and Katsuki just stands there and listens, smiling at him while leaning against the bar.

Ochako watches the scene as she and her friends play blackjack. She smiles sweetly at the fact that her best friend found love on this trip. Even though this trip was for her time to shine, when she sees someone in love, she doesn’t want to be the one to get in the way.

She’s just happy that, in the grand scheme of things, it was her that made this possible.

“Hey, I’m gonna go get some shots,” Mina says as she winks at the group and walks towards the bar. She struts her hips back and forth as she approaches it and gives Kirishima a sly grin, holding her card up.

Kirishima gives her a toothy smile. “Hey, babe! What can I get ‘cha?”

Mina sticks her tongue out and winks at him. “A couple shots of tequila for the night!”

“You got it!” Kirishima says as he goes to prepare the drinks. He pulls the bottle of tequila from the shelf as he listens in to the conversation Izuku and Katsuki are having right next to him.

“My question is, how the f*ck do you not know about ‘Silence of the Lambs?’”

“I-I just never got around to watching it, Kacchan!”

“Well, you better, it’s one of the best psychological horror movies ever. It’s got Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, and it’s directed by Jonathan Demme!”

“Oh, Uhh, I know Jodie and Anthony b-but I’m not familiar with the director. Are there any other movies he directed that I would know about?”

“Unless you’re into concert documentaries or really old movies from before the 80s, the only other good movie he directed was ‘Philadelphia’ with Tom Hanks.”

“Oh! You mean the guy who voiced Woody in ‘Toy Story?’”

“The f*ck—Oh my f*ck, I’ve fallen for an imbecile.”

“But I’m your imbecile, Kacchan.”

Kirishima snorts as he puts the bottle of tequila away and walks toward Mina with a tray full of tequila shots. “Six shots of tequila for the bride and her troupe!”

Mina giggles as she gives Kirishima her card. “Thanks, Ei! Oh, and give Izuku one, too! He’s technically part of the team!”

“Okie dokie!” Kirishima says, adding the charge to the card before handing it back to Mina. He leans against the bar and wiggles his eyebrows. “Say, I’m gonna get off in two hours, wanna come to my stateroom afterwards?”

Mina clutches her chest mockingly. “Eijirou Kirishima, are you asking ME to come to your room for some ‘nightly activities?’”

Kirishima can feel sweat coming down his forehead. Maybe he read the situation wrong—

Mina laughs hysterically as she smacks his shoulder. “I’m teasing! Of course I’ll be over, you just give me the word, okay?”

Kirishima sighs in relief and gives her a cheeky grin. “Alright! I’ll see you then!”

Mina gives him one last look, blowing a kiss his way, before taking the tray and running over to the group and handing each woman a shot. They all cheered and downed their shot like it was water.

Ochako slams her shot down onto the table, enjoying the burn of the alcohol going down her throat, as she cheers for Toga and Hagakure as they place their bets. The dealer goes and gives them their cards and the three play to win.

It was a nice evening for everyone.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.

Izuku packs his suitcase in his stateroom as the sense of sorrow grows in his heart. He clenches his grip on the edge of the suitcase where the zipper goes as he tries to get a hold of his emotions.

He knew this day would come, the end of the voyage and the eventual return to reality. Realistically, he shouldn’t have gotten his hopes up, finding love on vacation, but he couldn’t help himself. It was like straight out of a Hallmark movie, the hopeless romantic he is.

It was just too good to be true.

Izuku wipes his tears off of his face as he zips his suitcase closed. It was all he brought along with his yellow backpack that has survived many years of school and work, all worn and torn to pieces. Yet, it still served its purpose as he continued to hold itself together filled with notebooks and other personal items.

He sighs deeply, knowing that this will be the last time he’ll see Katsuki again. He decided the moment he woke up to just go straight to the checkout area and not bother saying goodbye to him. He just didn’t think he’d have the heart to face him one last time.

He reminisces about the night before, where Katsuki took him back to his stateroom once again. This time, they weren’t in a rush, they took their time, savoring their time with each other, exploring each other’s bodies, making love to each other, embracing one another before he ventured back to his own room.

It was a magical night that he will never forget.

He was still lost in thought that he didn’t hear a knock on his door. He turns his attention to the door and wonders if it’s Ochako or one of the others to tell him that it’s time to leave. He walks over, backpack on his back, and opens it.

He did not expect Katsuki to stand there, looking worse for wear.

There were bags under his eyes like he didn’t get a lot of sleep. Izuku vaguely remembers some tears from the blond, yet he didn’t question it as they continued their nightly escapade. Katsuki gives him a look, as if he didn’t want him to leave, and holds out a piece of paper folded up.

Izuku blinks, staring at the paper in front of him, before he takes it and slowly unfolds it. He opens the paper and stares at the words scribbled on and freezes on the spot, heart thumping in his chest.

It’s… It’s Katsuki’s phone number.

Right under the number is some sort of note scribbled down, as if the writer was trying to write as fast as he could with a few words crossed out due to spelling errors or something. But what Izuku can decipher brought more tears to his eyes.

You’re too important for me to lose you.

This is my number. We can talk about anything and everything while we’re apart.

This is sh*t I can’t find myself saying out loud so I’m writing it instead, got it?

I care about you. You mean the damn world to me. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.

I love you, Izuku.

Izuku feels the tears fall down his cheek as he looks into those ruby red eyes that he has fallen for since day one of the trip. He feels himself trembling, legs shaking as he almost loses his balance from the overwhelming emotions he is experiencing at this moment.

Katsuki simply rolls his eyes and pulls him into a tight hug, surprising Izuku as he gasps into the embrace. He feels his arms wrap around him and his chin resting on top of his head, breathing in the sandalwood scent of the cheap 3-in-1 shampoo he uses. He hums into his green curls as he keeps his hold onto the trembling man.

Izuku finds the strength to wrap his own arms around Katsuki’s broad chest. He takes a deep breath, enjoying the warmth and his cologne that smelled so good. He feels himself calming down with each passing second until the trembles stop, the last of his tears falling down his cheeks.

He buries his face into Katsuki’s chest, smiling fondly to himself, before he realizes that this is definitely not the end for him and Katsuki.

It was just the beginning.


Lay Your Cards Down (Down, Down, Down) - ChibySmiley - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.