JLG Error Codes List – Diagnostic Fault / Trouble Codes (DTCs) for MEWPs / Lifts / Telehandlers - Equipment Ready for Use (2024)


  1. What is a JLG Error / Fault Code (DTC)?
  2. How Do I Read JLG Error / Fault DTC Codes?
  3. JLG DTC Codes (0-0 Help Comments)
  4. JLG DTCs 211 – 212 (2-1 Power-Up)
  5. JLG DTCs 221 – 2232 (2-2 Platform Controls)
  6. JLG DTCs 231 – 233 (2-3 Ground Controls)
  7. JLG DTCs 251 – 2512 (2-5 Function Prevented)
  8. JLG DTCs 311 – 312 (3-1 Line Contactor Open Circuit)
  9. JLG DTCs 321 – 326 (3-2 Line Contactor Short Circuit)
  10. JLG DTCs 331 – 33407 (3-3 Ground Output Driver)
  11. JLG DTCs 421 – 423 (4-2 Thermal Limit / SOA)
  12. JLG DTCs 441 – 33407 (4-4 Battery Supply)
  13. JLG DTCs 661 – 6635 (6-6 Communication)
  14. JLG DTCs 671 (6-7 Accessory)
  15. JLG DTCs 771 – 7742 (7-7 Electric Motor)
  16. JLG DTCs 811 – 812 (8-1 Tilt Sensor)
  17. JLG DTCs 821 – 825 (8-2 Platform Load Sense)
  18. JLG DTCs 991 – 99149 (9-9 Hardware)
  19. JLG Errors DTC to SPN/FMI Cross Reference Chart
  20. JLG Scissor Lift Troubleshooting Procedure
  21. How Do I Clear JLG Error Codes?

Effective troubleshooting and timely maintenance of JLG mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) and telehandlers are essential for ensuring operational safety and longevity of the equipment. By following the structured approach to diagnosing and resolving DTCs as outlined, technicians can maintain the lifts in optimal working condition and prevent unexpected downtime.

This guide provides a comprehensive reference for Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) that can be read from the Multifunction Digital Indicator (MDI) on JLG elevating work platforms, scissor lifts and telehandlers. The DTCs are crucial for diagnosing and troubleshooting issues within the lift’s systems. Understanding these codes ensures timely and accurate maintenance, enhancing the safety and efficiency of the equipment.

What is a JLG Error / Fault Code (DTC)?

Fault codes, or DTCs, are digital codes used to diagnose issues in a machine. Each JLG DTC corresponds to a specific malfunction, whether it’s a generic issue or a manufacturer-specific error. These codes provide more detailed information than a general machine alert or indicator symbol, such as a check engine light. Understanding and acting on these codes is essential for addressing issues in your boom lift, mobile elevating work platform or other JLG equipment.

JLG Error Codes List – Diagnostic Fault / Trouble Codes (DTCs) for MEWPs / Lifts / Telehandlers - Equipment Ready for Use (1)

The JLG DTCs are systematically sorted into groups based on their first two digits, which also correspond to the system distress lamp flash code. This methodical grouping facilitates easier identification and troubleshooting of the specific systems or components affected. The groups allow technicians to quickly locate the relevant codes and understand the underlying issues.

How Do I Read JLG Error / Fault DTC Codes?

When a MEWP or telehandler detects a component or system operating outside acceptable limits, the machine activates the corresponding DTC, storing it in its memory. You can retrieve these codes using various methods, including machine analyzers, the ground display on newer equipment models, and telematics portals.

JLG Error Codes List – Diagnostic Fault / Trouble Codes (DTCs) for MEWPs / Lifts / Telehandlers - Equipment Ready for Use (2)

1. Battery Charge; 2. State of Charge Percentage; 3. Scrolling DTC Error Messages; 4. Capacity Zone Indicator; 5. System Distress; 6. Platform Overload; 7. Scroll Page Right Button; 8. Right Navigation Button; 9. Menu Select Button; 10. Left Navigation Button; 11. Scroll Page Left Button; 12. Battery Timer.

The most common way to read a fault code is with a machine analyzer reader. JLG offers three types of analyzers for its equipment: a tethered cable option, a mobile version, a Bluetooth-enabled version (for select models), and a remote option through JLG’s ClearSky fleet management platform. These tools allow you to search for fault codes, enable/disable machine options, and adjust machine parameters for service repairs. With this actionable data, you can make informed decisions about your equipment.

JLG MEWPs, Lifts & Telehandlers Error List

Although preventive and predictive maintenance tasks are crucial to the long-term health and productivity of mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) and telehandlers, sometimes machinery stops functioning properly. When that happens, immediate action is necessary. A scissor lift error code is helpful, but only if you take action based on it. To resolve the issue, you need to identify the exact malfunction within the machine.

JLG Error Codes List – Diagnostic Fault / Trouble Codes (DTCs) for MEWPs / Lifts / Telehandlers - Equipment Ready for Use (3)

One way to do this is by looking at Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs), commonly referred to as fault codes.

JLG DTC Codes (0-0 Help Comments)

DTCError MessageError DescriptionCheck
Error(Displayed on MDI)The MDI is powered, but cannot communicate with the control system.Check the MDI Multifunctional Digital Indicator) connector. Check the diagnostic connector. Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.
001EVERYTHING OKThe normal help message in platform mode. Displays on the analyzer only.
002GROUND MODE OKThe normal help message in ground mode. Displays on the analyzer only.
003ALARM SOUNDING – TILTED & ABOVE ELEVATIONControl system senses that the platform is elevated and the vehicle is tilted, and the machine not configured to cutout.Check that the machine is tilted. If so, lower the platform and reposition the machine to a level surface. Fully stow the platform. The tilt sensor is part of the ground control box. Check that the ground control box is secured to the machine. Check that the pothole protection switches are securely mounted. Check that the elevation angle sensor is securely mounted.
004DRIVING AT CUTBACK – ABOVE ELEVATIONThe platform is elevated and the machine is driving.Fully stow the platform. Check that the elevation angle sensor is securely mounted. Check that the pothole protection switches are securely mounted.
005DRIVE & LIFT UP PREVENTED – TILTED & ELEVATEDDriving is not possible since the platform is elevated and the chassis is not level.Check that the machine is tilted. If so, lower the platform and reposition the machine to a level surface. Fully stow the platform. The tilt sensor is part of the ground control box. Check that the ground control box is secured to the machine. Check that the pothole protection switches are securely mounted. Check that the elevation angle sensor is securely mounted.
006LIFT UP PREVENTED – MAX HEIGHT ZONE AThe vehicle has reached the maximum height and further lift up motion is not possible. Applicable to 2630ES or 3246ES.Check that the zone is set appropriately for the platform load. Check that the platform height is at the rated maximum height specification (20’ for 2630 or 26’ for the 3246). Check that the elevation angle sensor is securely mounted. If there are any elevation sensor faults (DTC 251, 252, 2511, or 2512), troubleshoot those first.
007DRIVING AT CUTBACK – POTHOLE STILL ENGAGEDWhile stowed, drive speed is reduced since the control system detected that the pothole protection mechanism failed to retract.Check for obstructions around the pot-hole protection mechanisms. Check that the PHP switches are securely mounted.
008FUNCTIONS LOCKED OUT – SYSTEM POWERED DOWNAfter 2 hours without activity, the control system enters a low-power state to preserve battery charge.Normal operation should resume after power is cycled off then back on. Check batteries charge, condition, etc.
009DRIVE PREVENTED – ELEVATED ABOVE DRIVE CUTOUT HEIGHTThe platform is elevated above the calibrated cutout height.Check that the elevation angle sensor is securely mounted.

JLG DTCs 211 – 212 (2-1 Power-Up)

DTCError MessageError DescriptionCheck
211POWER CYCLEThis help message is issued at each power cycle. Displays on the analyzer only.Normal operation. No check necessary.
212KEYSWITCH FAULTYBoth platform and ground modes are selected simultaneously. Defaults to ground mode.Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.

JLG DTCs 221 – 2232 (2-2 Platform Controls)

DTCError MessageError DescriptionCheck
221FUNCTION PROBLEM – HORN PERMANENTLY SELECTEDThe horn switch was closed during power-up in platform mode.Check if the horn switch is damaged, obstructed or jammed.
222FUNCTION PROBLEM – INDOOR / OUTDOOR PERMANENTLY SELECTEDThe indoor / outdoor (zone A / zone B) switch was closed during power-up in platform mode.Check if the indoor/outdoor (zone A / zone B) capacity switch is damaged, obstructed or jammed.
223FUNCTION PROBLEM – DRIVE & LIFT ACTIVE TOGETHERThe drive and lift inputs are closed simultaneously in platform mode.Check drive/lift switch for visible damage.
224FUNCTION PROBLEM – STEER LEFT PERMANENTLY SELECTEDThe steer left switch was closed during power-up in platform mode.Check if the steer left switch is obstructed or jammed.
225FUNCTION PROBLEM – STEER RIGHT PERMANENTLY SELECTEDThe steer right switch was closed during power-up in platform mode.Check if the steer right switch is obstructed or jammed.
226ACCELERATOR FAULTY – WIPER OUT OF RANGEThere is a problem with the joystick.Center joystick and check to see if a power cycle will clear DTC.
227STEER SWITCHES FAULTYThe steer left and steer right inputs were closed simultaneously.Check if the steer switches are damaged, obstructed or jammed.
228FUNCTION LOCKED OUT – ACCELERATOR NOT CENTEREDThe joystick was not centered at power-up.Release joystick and allow to center. Check if the joystick is obstructed or jammed.
229FUNCTION PROBLEM – TRIGGER PERMANENTLY CLOSEDThe trigger switch was closed during power-up in platform mode.Check if the trigger switch is obstructed or jammed.
2210TRIGGER CLOSED TOO LONG WHILE IN NEUTRALThe trigger switch was closed for more than five seconds while the joystick was centered.Check if the trigger switch is obstructed or jammed.
2232FUNCTION PROBLEM – DRIVE & LIFT BOTH OPENThe drive and lift inputs are both de-energized in platform mode.Check if either function is active, if Yes; Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.

JLG DTCs 231 – 233 (2-3 Ground Controls)

DTCError MessageError DescriptionCheck
231FUNCTION PROBLEM – LIFT PERMANENTLY SELECTEDThe ground control box lift switch was closed up or down, during power-up in ground mode.Check if the lift switch is obstructed or jammed.
232GROUND LIFT UP / DOWN ACTIVE TOGETHERThe lift up / down inputs are closed simultaneously.Check if the lift switch is obstructed or jammed.
233FUNCTION PROBLEM – BRAKE RELEASE PERMANENTLY SELECTEDThe manual brake release switch was closed during power-up.Check if the brake release switch is obstructed or jammed.

JLG DTCs 251 – 2512 (2-5 Function Prevented)

DTCError MessageError DescriptionCheck
251ELEV ANGLE SENSOR FAULTY – VOLTAGE OUT OF RANGEThere is a problem with the elevation angle sensor input.Check that the platform elevation sensor is securely mounted and undamaged.
252ELEV ANGLE SENSOR HAS NOT BEEN CALIBRATEDThe elevation angle sensor has not been calibrated.Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.
253DRIVE PREVENTED – CHARGER CONNECTEDDriving is not possible while the vehicle is charging.Check if the charger is connected to off board power source and disconnect if desired.
254DRIVE & LIFT UP PREVENTED – CHARGER CONNECTEDDrive or lift is not possible while the vehicle is charging AND is configured to prevent all motion.Check if the charger is connected to off board power source and disconnect if desired.
255PLATFORM OVERLOADEDThe load sensing system measured platform load is excessive.Remove excess weight from the platform. Check that the platform is not caught on something, preventing up or down movement.
256DRIVE PREVENTED – POTHOLE NOT ENGAGEDDriving is not possible while elevated since the pot-hole protection system failed to deploy.Check for obstructions or mechanical problems around the pot-hole protection mechanisms. Check that the PHP switches are securely mounted.
257ELEV PROX PERMANENTLY CLOSED – CHECK PROX AND ANGLE ADJUSTMENTThe elevation proximity switch shows the platform to be stowed, while the elevation angle sensor shows the platform to be raised.The elevation proximity switch is only found on certain older lifts. This switch is not used on current machines so this DTC should not occur.
258DRIVE & LIFT PREVENTED – BRAKES ELECTRICALLY RELEASED FOR TOWINGManual brake release mode is activated with the switch in the battery box near the ground control box.Push manual brake release switch again or cycle power to clear manual brake release mode. Check if the brake release switch is obstructed or jammed.
259MODEL CHANGED – HYDRAULICS SUSPENDED – CYCLE EMSThe model selection has been changed.Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.
2510DRIVE PREVENTED – BRAKES NOT RELEASINGThere is a problem with the drive or brake system.Ensure vehicle is not stuck on something preventing movement.
2511ELEV ANGLE SENSOR FAULTY – NOT MOUNTEDThe input voltage from the elevation angle sensor indicates the elevation angle sensor is not mounted.Check that the elevation angle sensor is securely mounted.
2512ELEV ANGLE SENSOR NOT DETECTING CHANGEThe input voltage from the elevation angle sensor did not change while vehicle was lifting up.Check that the elevation angle sensor is securely mounted.

JLG DTCs 311 – 312 (3-1 Line Contactor Open Circuit)

DTCError MessageError DescriptionCheck
311OPEN CIRCUIT LINE CONTACTORThere is a problem with the line contactor.Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.
312CONTACTOR DRIVER PERMANENTLY OFFThere is a problem with the power module line contactor control.

JLG DTCs 321 – 326 (3-2 Line Contactor Short Circuit)

DTCError MessageError DescriptionCheck
321LINE CONTACTOR MISWIRED ON OR WELDEDThere is a problem with the line contactor.Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.
322CONTACTOR DRIVER PERMANENTLY ONThere is a problem with the power module line contactor control.
326AUXILIARY RELAY – SHORT TO BATTERYThere is a problem with the auxiliary relay contacts or wiring.

JLG DTCs 331 – 33407 (3-3 Ground Output Driver)

DTCError MessageError DescriptionCheck
331BRAKE SHORT TO BATTERYA problem has been detected in this function.Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.
332BRAKE OPEN CIRCUITA problem has been detected in this function.
333LIFT UP SHORT TO BATTERYA problem has been detected in this function.
334LIFT UP OPEN CIRCUITA problem has been detected in this function.
335LIFT DN SHORT TO BATTERYA problem has been detected in this function.
336LIFT DN OPEN CIRCUITA problem has been detected in this function.
337STEER LEFT SHORT TO BATTERYA problem has been detected in this function.
338STEER LEFT OPEN CIRCUITA problem has been detected in this function.
339STEER RIGHT SHORT TO BATTERYA problem has been detected in this function.
3310STEER RIGHT OPEN CIRCUITA problem has been detected in this function.Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.
3311GROUND ALARM SHORT TO BATTERYA problem has been detected in this function.
3312LEFT BRAKE SHORT TO BATTERYA problem has been detected in this function.
3313RIGHT BRAKE SHORT TO BATTERYA problem has been detected in this function.
3314LEFT BRAKE OPEN CIRCUITA problem has been detected in this function.
3315RIGHT BRAKE OPEN CIRCUITA problem has been detected in this function.
33297LEFT BRAKE – SHORT TO GROUNDA problem has been detected in this function.
33298STEER LEFT VALVE – SHORT TO GROUNDA problem has been detected in this function.
33299LINE CONTACTOR COIL – SHORT TO BATTERYA problem has been detected in this function.Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.
33302NEGATIVE SUPPLY – SHORT TO BATTERYA problem has been detected in this function.
33303NEGATIVE SUPPLY – SHORT TO GROUNDA problem has been detected in this function.
33304RIGHT BRAKE – SHORT TO GROUNDA problem has been detected in this function.
33305STEER RIGHT VALVE – SHORT TO GROUNDA problem has been detected in this function.
33406LIFT UP VALVE – SHORT TO GROUNDA problem has been detected in this function.
33407LIFT DN VALVE – SHORT TO GROUNDA problem has been detected in this function.

JLG DTCs 421 – 423 (4-2 Thermal Limit / SOA)

DTCError MessageError DescriptionCheck
421POWER MODULE TOO HOT – PLEASE WAITThe power module has reached thermal cutout.Power down and allow to cool. Do not operate in ambients over 140°F (60°C).
422DRIVING AT CUTBACK – POWER MODULE CURRENT LIMITThe drive portion of the power module has reached thermal limit.Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.
423LIFT UP AT CUTBACK – POWER MODULE CURRENT LIMITThe lift up portion of the power module has reached thermal limit.

JLG DTCs 441 – 33407 (4-4 Battery Supply)

DTCError MessageError DescriptionCheck
441BATTERY VOLTAGE TOO LOW – SYSTEM SHUTDOWNA problem has been detected with the batteries or power module.Recharge batteries or check for damaged batteries. Check battery charger function.
442BATTERY VOLTAGE TOO HIGH – SYSTEM SHUTDOWNA problem has been detected with the batteries or power module.May be due to improper battery charging or incorrect voltage batteries being used.
443LSS BATTERY VOLTAGE TOO HIGHA problem has been detected with the load sense system.May be due to improper battery charging or incorrect voltage batteries being used.
444LSS BATTERY VOLTAGE TOO LOWA problem has been detected with the load sense system.Recharge batteries or check for damaged batteries.
446LOGIC SUPPLY VOLTAGE OUT OF RANGEThe System Module logic supply voltage was measured to be out of normal operating range.Check for severely discharged battery, loose cables, or for damaged battery.
4421LOGIC SUPPLY VOLTAGE OUT OF RANGEThe System Module logic supply voltage was measured to be out of normal operating range.Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.
4422LOGIC SUPPLY VOLTAGE OUT OF RANGEThe System Module logic supply voltage was measured to be out of normal operating range.

JLG DTCs 661 – 6635 (6-6 Communication)

DTCError MessageError DescriptionCheck
661CANBUS FAILURE – POWER MODULEThe control system failed to receive messages from the power module.Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.
662CANBUS FAILURE – PLATFORM MODULEIn platform mode, the control system failed to receive messages from the platform board.
663CANBUS FAILURE – LOAD SENSING SYSTEM MODULEWith load sensing system enabled, the control system failed to receive messages from the load sensing system module.
664CANBUS FAILURE – ACCESSORY MODULEAn accessory module has stopped communication.See accessory module documentation for troubleshooting.
6635CANBUS FAILURE – CHASSIS TILT SENSORMachine control system lost communication with the machine’s tilt sensor.Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.

JLG DTCs 671 (6-7 Accessory)

DTCError MessageError DescriptionCheck
671ACCESSORY FAULTAn accessory module is reporting a fault.See accessory module documentation for troubleshooting.

JLG DTCs 771 – 7742 (7-7 Electric Motor)

DTCError MessageError DescriptionCheck
771OPEN CIRCUIT DRIVE MOTOR WIRINGThe power module detected a problem in the drive motors’ power circuit wiring.Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.
772STALLED TRACTION MOTOR OR POWER WIRING ERRORThe power module detected a problem in the drive motors’ power circuit wiring.
773CAPACITOR BANK FAULT – CHECK POWER CIRCUITSThe power module detected a problem in the pump or drive motors’ power circuit wiring.
774SHORT CIRCUIT FIELD WIRINGThe power module detected a problem in the drive motors’ power circuit wiring.
775OPEN CIRCUIT FIELD WIRINGThe power module detected a problem in the drive motors’ power circuit wiring.
776STALLED PUMP MOTOR OR POWER WIRING ERRORThe power module detected a problem in the drive motors’ power circuit wiring.
777OPEN CIRCUIT PUMP MOTOR WIRINGThe power module detected a problem in the drive motors’ power circuit wiring.
778TRACTION T HIGH – CHECK POWER CIRCUITSThe power module detected a problem in the drive motors’ power circuit wiring.
779TRACTION T LOW – CHECK POWER CIRCUITSThe power module detected a problem in the drive motors’ power circuit wiring.
7710PUMP P HIGH – CHECK POWER CIRCUITSThe power module detected a problem in the drive motors’ power circuit wiring.
7711PUMP P LOW – CHECK POWER CIRCUITSThe power module detected a problem in the drive motors’ power circuit wiring.
7741ARMATURE BRAKING CURRENT TOO HIGHThe power module has detected excessive braking current.This can be caused by transporting an excessive load on a steep grade.
7742FIELD VOLTAGE IMPROPERThe power module detected a problem in the drive motors’ power circuit wiring.Recycle power on/off, if problem persists; refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.

JLG DTCs 811 – 812 (8-1 Tilt Sensor)

DTCError MessageError DescriptionCheck
811TILT SENSOR NOT CALIBRATEDThe tilt sensor calibration has not been performed.Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.

JLG DTCs 821 – 825 (8-2 Platform Load Sense)

DTCError MessageError DescriptionCheck
821LSS CELL #1 ERRORA problem has been detected with the load sense system.Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic / official dealer
822LSS CELL #2 ERRORA problem has been detected with the load sense system.
823LSS CELL #3 ERRORA problem has been detected with the load sense system.
824LSS CELL #4 ERRORA problem has been detected with the load sense system.
825LSS HAS NOT BEEN CALIBRATEDThe load sensing system module has not been calibrated.

JLG DTCs 991 – 99149 (9-9 Hardware)

DTCError MessageError DescriptionCheck
991LSS WATCHDOG RESETA problem has been detected with the load sense system.Refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic
992LSS EEPROM ERRORA problem has been detected with the load sense system.
993LSS INTERNAL ERROR – PIN EXCITATIONA problem has been detected with the load sense system.
994LSS INTERNAL ERROR – DRDY MISSING FROM A/DA problem has been detected with the load sense system.
995POWER MODULE FAILURE – PERSONALITY RANGE ERRORA problem has been detected with the power module.
996POWER MODULE FAILURE – INTERNAL ERRORA problem has been detected with the power module.
997POWER MODULE FAILURE – CHECK POWER CIRCUITS OR MOSFET SHORT CIRCUITA problem has been detected with the power module.
998EEPROM FAILURE – CHECK ALL SETTINGSA problem has been detected with the ground board.
999FUNCTION LOCKED OUT – POWER MODULE SOFTWARE VERSION IMPROPERThe power module software version is not compatible with the rest of the system.
9910FUNCTION LOCKED OUT – PLATFORM MODULE SOFTWARE VERSION IMPROPERThe platform board software version is not compatible with the rest of the system.
9911FUNCTION LOCKED OUT – LSS MODULE SOFTWARE VERSION IMPROPERThe load sensing system module software version is not compatible with the rest of the system.
9912POWER MODULE FAILURE – SYSTEM MONITORA problem has been detected with the power module.
9924FUNCTIONS LOCKED OUT – MACHINE NOT CONFIGUREDA new ground board was installed but not configured.
POWER MODULE FAILURE – INTERNAL ERRORA problem has been detected with the power module.Cycle machine power on/off a few times if this doesn’t clear the DTC, refer problem to a qualified JLG mechanic.

JLG Errors DTC to SPN/FMI Cross Reference Chart

This table presents the JLG DTCs (Diagnostic Trouble Codes), along with their descriptions, Suspect Parameter Number (SPN) codes, and Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) codes.

DTCDescriptionSPN CodeFMI Code
16Crank Never Synced at Start6368
91Fuel Pump Low Voltage944
92Fuel Pump High Voltage943
107MAP Low Voltage1064
108MAP High Pressure10616
111IAT Higher Than Expected10515
112IAT Low Voltage1054
113IAT High Voltage1053
116ECT Higher Than Expected11015
117ECT Low Voltage1104
118ECT High Voltage1103
121TPS 1 Lower Than TPS 2511
122TPS 1 Signal Voltage Low514
123TPS 1 Signal Voltage High513
127IAT Higher Than Expected1050
129BP Low Pressure1081
134EGO 1 Open/Inactive72410
154EGO 2 Open/Inactive52020810
171Adaptive Learn High Gasoline5202000
172Adaptive Learn Low Gasoline5202001
182Fuel Temp Gasoline Low Voltage1744
183Fuel Temp Gasoline High Voltage1743
187Fuel Temp LPG Low Voltage5202404
188Fuel Temp LPG High Voltage5202403
217ECT Higher Than Expected1100
219Max Govern Speed Override51515
221TPS 2 Signal Voltage Low510
222TPS 2 Signal Low Voltage5202514
223TPS 2 Signal High Voltage5202513
261Injector Driver 1 Open6515
262Injector Driver 1 Shorted6516
264Injector Driver 2 Open6525
265Injector Driver 2 Shorted6526
267Injector Driver 3 Open6535
268Injector Driver 3 Shorted6536
270Injector Driver 4 Open6545
271Injector Driver 4 Shorted6546
336Crank Sync Noise6362
337Crank Loss6364
341Cam Sync Noise7232
342Cam Sensor Loss7234
420Gasoline Cat Monitor52021110
524Oil Pressure Low1001
562System Voltage Low16817
563System Voltage High16815
601Flash Checksum Invalid62813
604RAM Failure63012
606COP Failure62931
642External 5V Reference Low10794
643External 5V Reference High10793
685Power Relay Open14855
686Power Relay Shorted14854
687Power Relay Short to Power14853
1111Fuel Rev Limit51516
1112Spark Rev Limit5150
1151Closed Loop Multiplier High LPG5202060
1152Closed Loop Multiplier Low LPG5202061
1155Closed Loop Multiplier High Gasoline5202040
1156Closed Loop Multiplier Low Gasoline5202041
1161Adaptive Learn High LPG5202020
1162Adaptive Learn Low LPG5202021
1165LPG Cat Monitor52021310
1171LPG Pressure Higher Than Expected5202600
1172LPG Pressure Lower Than Expected5202601
1173EPR Comm Lost52026031
1174EPR Voltage Supply High5202603
1175EPR Voltage Supply Low5202604
1176EPR Internal Actuator Fault52026012
1177EPR Internal Circuitry Fault52026012
1178EPR Internal Comm Fault52026012
1612RTI 1 loss62931
1613RTI 2 Loss62931
1614RTI 3 Loss62931
1615A/D Loss62931
1616Invalid Interrupt62931
1625Shutdown Request138431
1626CAN Tx Failure63912
1627CAN Rx Failure63912
1628CAN Address Conflict Failure63913
1629Loss of TSC 163931
2111Unable to Reach Lower TPS517
2112Unable to Reach Higher TPS51
2135TPS 1/2 Simultaneous Voltages5131
2229BP Pressure High1080

JLG Scissor Lift Troubleshooting Procedure

When multiple DTCs are present, it is recommended to prioritize the troubleshooting process by addressing the DTC with the highest first two digits first. This approach ensures that the most critical or advanced issues are resolved before addressing other less severe codes. Here is a step-by-step procedure for troubleshooting:

  1. Identify the DTCs: Read the codes displayed on the MDI and note them down.
  2. Prioritize by Group: Start with the JLG DTC group having the highest first two digits.
  3. Analyze the Error Message: Refer to the detailed table to understand the specific error message, description, and suggested checks for each code.
  4. Perform the Recommended Checks: Follow the guidance provided for each DTC, which may include visual inspections, component testing, or specific corrective actions.
  5. Cycle Machine Power: After performing a check and making any necessary corrections, conclude the process by cycling the machine power using the emergency stop switch. This step is crucial to reset the system and verify if the issue has been resolved.
  6. Recheck for DTCs: After cycling the power, check the MDI again to see if the JLG DTC persists or if new codes have appeared. Repeat the troubleshooting process if necessary.

How Do I Clear JLG Error Codes?

A JLG error / DTC lookup code will not be cleared until the issue has been resolved and the machine is restored to good working order.

JLG Error Codes List – Diagnostic Fault / Trouble Codes (DTCs) for MEWPs / Lifts / Telehandlers - Equipment Ready for Use (4)

There are two main ways to get information on the issues and how to resolve them:

  • Machine’s Service & Maintenance Manual: Refer to the specific details in the manual on how to properly service the machine. Access JLG MEWP and telehandler machine manuals and reference guides online to view the necessary information anytime and anywhere.
  • JLG’s Knowledge Base: Search the Knowledge Base article library by DTC or symptom to find solutions to common issues. The Knowledge Base provides DTC descriptions, possible causes, troubleshooting steps, required special tools, and helpful documents to quickly get your JLG machine back in working order.

By understanding and using DTCs effectively, you can promptly address malfunctions and maintain the optimal performance of your MEWPs and telehandlers.

JLG Error Codes List – Diagnostic Fault / Trouble Codes (DTCs) for MEWPs / Lifts / Telehandlers - Equipment Ready for Use (2024)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Views: 5741

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.