8/19/2019 Harris Stratex Best Practices Guide
Best Practices Guide
8/19/2019 Harris Stratex Best Practices Guide
8/19/2019 Harris Stratex Best Practices Guide
Best Practices Guide
8/19/2019 Harris Stratex Best Practices Guide
ii Harris Stratex Networks
Best Practices Guide
280-200019-001 Rev 005a June 2007
This manual incorporates features and functions provided withthe Best Practices Guide,280-200019-001, Revision 005a, releasedJune 2007.
Copyright © 2008 by Harris Stratex Networks, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may bereproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in aretrieval system,or translated into any language or computer language, in any formor by any means,electronic, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual orotherwise, without the prior written permission ofHarris StratexNetworks Inc. To request permission, contact [emailprotected].
Harris Stratex Networks makes no representation or warrantieswith respect to the contents hereof andspecifically disclaims anyimplied warranties or merchantability or fitness for any particularpurpose.
Further, Harris Stratex Networks reserves the right to revisethis publication and to make changes fromtime to time in thecontent hereof without obligation of Harris Stratex Networks tonotify any person ofsuch revision or changes.
Safety Recommendations
The following safety recommendations must be considered to avoidinjuries to persons and/or damageto the equipment:
1. Installation and Service Personnel: Installation andservice must be carried out by authorizedpersonnel who have thetechnical training and experience necessary to be aware of anyhazardousoperations during installation and service, and ofmeasures to avoid any danger to themselves, toany other personnel,and to the equipment.
2. Access to the Equipment:Access to the equipmentin use must be restricted to service personnelonly.
3. Safety Norms: Recommended safety norms are detailed inthe Health and Safety sections of thismanual. Local safetyregulations must be used if mandatory. Safety instructions in thisdocumentshould be used in addition to the local safety regulations.In the case of conflict between safetyinstructions stated in thismanual and those indicated in local regulations, mandatory localnorms
will prevail. Should local regulations not be mandatory,then the safety norms in Volume 1 willprevail.
4. Service Personnel Skill: Service personnel must havereceived adequate technical training ontelecommunications and inparticular on the equipment this manual refers to.
All trademarks are the property of their respectiveowners.
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Best Practices
Contact Information
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iv Harris Stratex Networks
Making adjustments and/or modifications to this equipment thatare not inaccordance with the provisions of this instruction manualor othersupplementary documentation may result in personal injuryor damage tothe equipment, and may void the equipment warranty.
Tout réglage ou modification faits à cet équipement hors ducadre édictépar ce guide d’utilisation ou par toute autredocumentation supplémentairepourraient causer des blessures ouendommager l’équipement et peutentraîner l’annulation de sagarantie.
Die an diesen Geräten gemachte Einstellungen und/oderÄnderungen,welche nicht gemäß dieser Bedienungsanleitung, odergemäß anderenzusätzlichen Anleitungen, ausgeführt werden, könnenVerletzungen oderMaterialschäden zur Folge haben und eventuell dieGarantie ungültigmachen.
Llevar a cabo ajustamientos y/o modificaciones a este equipo,sin seguirlas instrucciones provistas por este manual u otrodocumento adicional,podría resultar en lesiones a su persona odaños al equipo, y anular lagarantía de este último.
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ABOUTTHISMANUALWelcome to Best Practices...............................................................................xiPurpose........................................................................................................xii
Intended Audience.........................................................................................xiiContentOwnership........................................................................................xiiGuideOverview............................................................................................xiiiOrganization.................................................................................................xvReferencedMaterial......................................................................................xviConventions and Terminology........................................................................xvii
Radio Frequency and Microwave Safety....................................................... 1-2RF/µWSafetyGuidelines........................................................................1-2
RF SafetyStandards..............................................................................1-3Electrical Hazards.....................................................................................1-4
Electrical Safety Guidelines....................................................................1-4Chemical Hazards.....................................................................................1-5
Chemical HazardsGuidelines..................................................................1-5Laser and Fiber Optic CableHazards............................................................1-6
Laser and Fiber Optic Cable SafetyGuidelines........................................... 1-6Hoistingand Rigging Safety.......................................................................1-7
Harris Stratex Networks’Requirements....................................................1-7Climbing Certificates.............................................................................1-7
General Site Safety...................................................................................1-8Site Security............................................................................................1-8
General Hazards...........................................................................................1-9Electrostatic Discharge Protection...............................................................1-9
ESD HandlingGuidelines........................................................................1-9Maximum and Minimum Ambient Temperature............................................1-10AirflowRequirements...............................................................................1-10CircuitOverloading..................................................................................1-10
CHAPTER2, PLANNINGPath Engineering..........................................................................................2-1
Path PlanningGuidelines............................................................................2-2Critical Design Steps.............................................................................2-3
Scheduling...............................................................................................2-5Permits andLicenses.................................................................................2-5Directions and Keys..................................................................................2-6Installation Datapack................................................................................2-6EquipmentVerification...............................................................................2-6BenchTest...............................................................................................2-6Tools, Consumables, and TestEquipment.....................................................2-7
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AddressRanges....................................................................................2-9Routing Protocol...................................................................................2-9
Summary IP Address AssignmentRequirements.......................................... 2-10GoldenSite Installation...............................................................................2-12
CHAPTER3, ANTENNASELECTION, INSTALLATION,ANDALIGNMENTAntenna Types.............................................................................................3-1
Parabolic Antennas...................................................................................3-1GridAntenna........................................................................................3-1StandardAntenna.................................................................................3-2Focal Plane Antenna..............................................................................3-2ShieldedAntenna..................................................................................3-3
Other Antennas........................................................................................3-4Flat PlateAntenna.................................................................................3-4YagiAntenna........................................................................................3-5
Selecting Antennas.......................................................................................3-6Parabolic Antenna Comparisons..................................................................3-6Radomes.................................................................................................3-7Regulatory Compliance..............................................................................3-8Antenna Specifications............................................................................3-10
Frequency..........................................................................................3-10Gain..................................................................................................3-10Beamwidth........................................................................................3-10Cross-polar Discrimination...................................................................3-11Front To Back Ratio.............................................................................3-11VSWR...............................................................................................3-11ReturnLoss........................................................................................3-12
Tower Loading and Environmental Considerations....................................... 3-14
Wind, Ice, and Weight Loading.............................................................3-14Ice Fall Protection...............................................................................3-16CorrosionProtection............................................................................3-16
Input Connector.....................................................................................3-17Shipping................................................................................................3-18
Antenna Mount Installation..........................................................................3-19Mount Types..........................................................................................3-19Positioning the Antenna Mount.................................................................3-21
Positioning on aTower.........................................................................3-21Antenna Hoisting and Attachment.................................................................3-22
Planning................................................................................................3-22On the Ground...................................................................................3-22
Antenna Hoisting....................................................................................3-22
Attaching...............................................................................................3-23Antenna Alignment.....................................................................................3-25
Before You Begin....................................................................................3-25Alignment Basics....................................................................................3-26Alignment Procedure...............................................................................3-28
Locating the MainBeam.......................................................................3-29Tracking Path Errors............................................................................3-29
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Overview.....................................................................................................4-1ODU Installation...........................................................................................4-2
Remote and Indoor MountedODUs..............................................................4-4ProtectedConfigurations............................................................................4-5
Combiners...........................................................................................4-5Outdoor Equipment Grounding - 6 SimpleRules............................................ 4-6ODUTemperature Considerations...............................................................4-7
ODU Cable Installation..................................................................................4-8ODU Cable Running and Fastening..............................................................4-9ODU CableGrounding..............................................................................4-10
Cable GroundingGuidelines..................................................................4-10CableConnectors....................................................................................4-11Weatherproofing Connectors....................................................................4-12
Mastic Tape Weatherproofing Kit...........................................................4-12Self Amalgamating Tape......................................................................4-13
Overview.....................................................................................................5-1Waveguide and Coax Installation....................................................................5-3
Installation Precautions.............................................................................5-3Tools.......................................................................................................5-4Preparations.............................................................................................5-4Waveguide Installation Guidelines...............................................................5-5Waveguide and Coax Feeder Grounding..................................................... 5-10
Feeder Grounding Guidelines................................................................5-10Waveguide and Coax ConnectorAssembly.................................................. 5-12
Selection...........................................................................................5-12Waveguide Connectors........................................................................5-12CoaxConnectors.................................................................................5-16Connector Assembly Guidelines............................................................5-16Waveguide and Coax Feeder Testing...................................................... 5-19
Pressurization Equipment and Installation...................................................... 5-20StaticSystems.......................................................................................5-20
Non-pressurized Desiccator..................................................................5-20Pressurized Hand PumpSystems...........................................................5-21
Dynamic Systems...................................................................................5-22Manual Regenerative Dehydrators.........................................................5-22Automatic Regenerative Dehydrators..................................................... 5-23MembraneType Dehydrators................................................................5-23Nitrogen Pressurization Systems...........................................................5-23
DehydratorInstallation............................................................................5-24Static Dehydrator Connection andPurging.............................................. 5-24DynamicDehydrator Connection andPurging.......................................... 5-25
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Damage at TowerSites..................................................................................6-3Ground System Requirements........................................................................6-4
Site Grounding.........................................................................................6-4Measurement of GroundResistance.............................................................6-4
Continuity Test.....................................................................................6-4Ground Connection ToEarth...................................................................6-5
Single Point Building Grounding..................................................................6-6RackGrounding........................................................................................6-8Multipoint BuildingGrounding.....................................................................6-9
Determining Whether a Building Is MultipointGrounded........................... 6-10Mitigating the Effects ofMultiple Grounding ............................................6-10
Lightning SurgeSuppressors........................................................................6-11Introduction...........................................................................................6-11
Lightning Surge Suppressor Action andTypes............................................. 6-12Non DCPassingSuppressor..................................................................6-12DC Passing Suppressor........................................................................6-14
SuppressorInstallation............................................................................6-16Suppressor InstallationGuidelines.........................................................6-16Typical Suppressor InstallationProcedure............................................... 6-16
Airflow and Temperature Considerations......................................................7-3Installation Into Rack and Module Handling.................................................. 7-3
Module Handling and ESD Precautions..................................................... 7-4Grounding...............................................................................................7-4
Attachment Bracket Bonding..................................................................7-4IDU and RackGrounding........................................................................7-5Ground Terminals and Lugs....................................................................7-6
Power Supply Selection and Installation........................................................... 7-8DCPower Supply Types and Reliability Considerations................................... 7-9
N+1Redundancy..................................................................................7-9LoadSharing........................................................................................7-9Hot Plug In........................................................................................7-10Battery Back-Up.................................................................................7-10TransportationConsiderations...............................................................7-10
Power Supply Installation and DC Connection............................................. 7-11Power SupplyInstallation Guidelines..................................................... 7-11DCConnection...................................................................................7-11
Radio Switch On.....................................................................................7-12Tributary Cabling........................................................................................7-13
Tributary Cable InstallationGuidelines.......................................................7-13Handling Fiber-Optic Cables.....................................................................7-13
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CHAPTER8, COMMISSIONINGCommissioning Tests.....................................................................................8-2
Fade Margin.............................................................................................8-2
Fade Margin MeasurementProcedure.......................................................8-3BERTest..................................................................................................8-4
Built-in BER Test...................................................................................8-4External BER TestSet............................................................................8-5ITU Error PerformanceRecommendations.................................................8-5
ProtectionSwitching..................................................................................8-9Network Management Visibility.................................................................8-10Accessories............................................................................................8-10
CHAPTER9, TROUBLESHOOTINGPreventative Maintenance..............................................................................9-1
FixingFaults.................................................................................................9-4Which Link, Which Site, WhichTerminal.......................................................9-4Before Going toSite..................................................................................9-4On-SiteChecks.........................................................................................9-6
Order of Investigation...........................................................................9-6Indirectly Detected and UndetectedFaults................................................ 9-7
Typical Fault Scenarios..............................................................................9-7DiagnosticTools............................................................................................9-8
Loopbacks...............................................................................................9-8LoopbackGuidelines............................................................................9-10When to Apply a LoopbackTest.............................................................9-11
Fade Margin...........................................................................................9-11Fade Margin Computation....................................................................9-11
Tx Power Measurement...........................................................................9-12Feeder Return Loss.................................................................................9-13Interference Measurement.......................................................................9-13
Co-Channel and Adjacent ChannelInterference.......................................9-13Interference Rejection Factor(IRF)........................................................9-14
Bench Testing........................................................................................9-16FaultReports..............................................................................................9-17
APPENDIXA, SITESURVEYFORMSETSite SurveyChecklist....................................................................................A-1Ground and Lightning ProtectionChecklist........................................................A-7
Installation Strategy for a NewInstallation...................................................A-71Lightning Prone Location.........................................................................A-82 History of Lightning Damage atSite.......................................................... A-83Site Grounding.....................................................................................A-94Single Point Grounding...........................................................................A-95 External GroundConnections.................................................................A-10
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6 Feeder and ODU Cable Grounding.......................................................... A-117Internal Ground Wire Connections.......................................................... A-12SiteGrounding and Lightning Protection Checklist....................................... A-13
Pre-Install Checklist....................................................................................A-17
APPENDIXB,INSTALLATIONANDCOMMISSIONINGFORMSETInstallationDatapack....................................................................................B-2Racking.......................................................................................................B-4Circuit Connections.......................................................................................B-5CommissioningForm.....................................................................................B-6Installation InspectionReport.........................................................................B-8Acceptance Form..........................................................................................B-9RemedialActionForm..................................................................................B-10
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About This Manual
About This Manual introduces the Harris Stratex NetworksBest Practices Guide. Referto the following topics:
• Welcome to Best Practices on page -xi
• Purpose on page -xii
• Intended Audience on page -xii
• Content Ownership on page -xii
• Guide Overview on page -xiii
• Organization on page -xv
• Referenced Material on page -xvi
• Conventions and Terminology on page -xvii
Welcome to Best PracticesThis manual describes standardpractices and procedures common to all Harris StratexNetworks radiosystems, including:
• Recommended safety standards
• Minimum standards to ensure reliable network operation
• Acceptable standards dictated by the Harris Stratex NetworksWarranty policy
It also provides a wealth of information on planning andinstallation practices, systemsoperation, testing, troubleshootingand technical background.
While Best Practices is a Harris Stratex Networks’ publication,it is ageneric document. The content is directly applicable toHarris StratexNetworks’ radios, but as an industry guide isconsidered to be generallyapplicable to all split-mount and indoordigital microwave radio systems.
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xii Harris Stratex Networks
Best Practices is a guide for planning, installing,commissioning, and maintainingmicrowave links.
Following Best Practices will help maximize the quality of yourinstallation process andsubsequent operational performance. Some ofthe benefits that can be expected are:
• Installation and commissioning processes are carried out moreefficiently
• By removing installation-related causes of failure, equipmentMTBF's should be asspecified
• Much lower overall failure rates leading to lower maintenancecosts, especially in theareas of fault response and outages
• Lower shipping and other logistical costs associated withreturning equipment forrepair
• Overall, fewer outages means a happier user experience andlower operational costs
• By following a Networks’ Best Practices customers qualify forour 27 month extendedwarranty
Our goal is to have Harris Stratex Networks’ equipment installedto a consistent highstandard around the world.
For existing installations, results have shown that those thathave been upgraded tomeet these practices have experienced muchimproved MTBF's.
Intended Audience
This manual is intended for personnel responsible for planning,installing andmaintaining Harris Stratex Networks radiosystems.
Content OwnershipThe departments responsible for the content inthis guide are Installation Practices,Field Services, and FieldQuality. Direct suggestions and comments to:
• Director of Installation Practices
• Director of Field Services
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Best Practices
Guide OverviewChapter 1 covers safety of personnel and discussesgeneral hazards.
Chapter 2 discusses planning guidelines.
Chapters 3 through 9 provide guidelines for installing andcommissioning microwaveradio links, including hints, tips, andbackground information. Both split-mount andall-indoorinstallations are addressed.
Chapter 10 provides guidance on troubleshooting.
Appendix A introduces an Excel based formset forpre-installation checks, includingsite survey, lightning protectionand grounding survey, and a pre-installation checklist.
Appendix B introduces an Excel based formset forinstallation and commissioning. Itincludes forms and checklists foran installation datapack, racking, circuitconnections,commissioning, inspection, acceptance, and remedialaction.
Appendix C provides a VSWR reference chart.
Appendix D provides guidance on typical fault scenarioswith a description, probablecause, and recommended actions forcommonly encountered path-related faults.
The guidelines are generic in their application.
These guidelines are designed to support instructions providedby anequipment manufacturer for specific models of link equipment.If thereare differences between these guidelines and those of themanufacturer,follow the manufacturer’s instructions, or check withthe manufacturer.
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Figure 1. Remote hilltop GSM and radio repeater site
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Best Practices
OrganizationThis guide is organized into the following chaptersand appendices:
Chapter 1.
Provides safety information and guidelines for installing andmaintaining HarrisStratex Networks radio systems.
Chapter 2.
Provides planning guidelines for the installation of radio linkssubsequent to the sitesurvey stage.
Chapter 3.
Describes point-to-point microwave antennas available forfrequency bands 300 MHzto 38 GHz, their installation, initialalignment, wind loading, and environmentalprotection.
Chapter 4.
Addresses split-mount-specific installation guidelines foran ODU and IDU/ODU
cable, including running, fixing, grounding, connectors, andlightning surgesuppression.
Chapter 5.
Provides guidelines on the selection and installation ofwaveguide or coaxial cable forall-indoor radios, including running,fixing, grounding, and connectors.
Chapter 6.
Provides information and recommendations on lightning surgesuppression devices,and site and equipment grounding.
Chapter 7.
Provides installation guidelines on rack-mounted equipment forall-indoor andsplit-mount radios.
Chapter 8.
Describes typical commissioning procedures and tests.
Chapter 9.
Provides guidelines for troubleshooting point-to-point digitalmicrowave radio links.
Appendix A.
Provides checklists for use during a site survey to helpascertain the readiness of a sitefor a new installation. Includeschecks of site grounding and lightning protection.
Appendix B.
Contains procedures, forms and a checklist for use duringinstallation, commissioningand link acceptance processes.
Appendix C.
Describes the relationship between VSWR, Return-Loss, andPower.
Appendix D.
Provides fault descriptions, probable causes, and recommendedactions for a range oftypical path related faults.
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Best Practices
Referenced MaterialThe following material was referred to duringthe writing of this guide:
• Andrew Corporation Catalog 38
• Radio Waves Product Catalog 2004• Microwave Radio andTransmission Design Guide by Trevor Manning. An Artech
House publication.
• Various publications from PolyPhaser Corporation
• Various ETSI documents
• FCC document ‘Part 101’
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Best Practices
Conventions and Terminology
Graphical Cues
The following icons function as graphical cues used tocharacterize particular types of
associated supporting information.
A caution icon denotes important information pertainingtodamage to equipment, loss of data, or corruption of files.
A noteicon denotes additional information you may requireto complete
the procedure or understand the function.
Astopicon denotes danger to life and/or limb.
Use of Bold Font
• Bold fontmay be used for the names of on-screen elementssuch as; fields, buttons,and drop-down selection lists, tabs,keywords, commands and for keys on thekeyboard.
• Bold fontmay also used to indicate commands that theuser needs to type in.
Use of Italic Font
Throughout this manual italic font is used to emphasize wordsand phrases, tointroduce new terms, and for the titles of printedpublications.
Common Terminology
• Click—Point the mouse pointer at the item you want to select,then quickly press andrelease the left mouse button.
• Right-Click—Point the mouse pointer at the item you want toselect, then quicklypress and release the right mouse button.
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Chapter 1. SafetyThis chapter provides safety information andguidelines for installing and maintainingHarris Stratex Networks(HSX) radio systems. Refer to:
• Overview on page 1-1• Operator Safety on page 1-2
• General Hazards on page 1-9
This chapter covers the following topics:
Operator Safety
• Radio Frequency and Microwave Safety
• Electrical Hazards
• Chemical Hazards
• Laser and Fiber Optic Cable Hazards
• Hoisting and Rigging Safety
• General Site Safety
General Hazards
• Electrostatic Discharge Protection
• Maximum and Minimum Ambient Temperature
• Airflow Requirements
• Circuit Overloading
• Power Supply Connection
• Equipment Ground Connections
• Fiber Optic Cables
• Lightning Surge Suppressors
• Mechanical Loading
• Restricted Access
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1-2 Harris Stratex Networks
Operator Safety
This section sets out health and safety issues for personnelworking with and aroundmicrowave radio equipment.
Radio Frequency and Microwave SafetyRadio frequency (RF) andmicrowave (µW) electromagnetic radiation spans thefrequency range 3kHz to 300 GHz (RF between 3 MHz and 300 MHz, µW between 300MHz and300 GHz).
RF/µW radiation is non-ionizing in that there is insufficientenergy (less than 10 eV) toionize biologically important atoms, sothe primary health effects of RF/µW energy areconsidered to bethermal.
The absorption of RF/µW energy varies with frequency. Microwavefrequenciesproduce a skin effect—you can literally sense your skinstarting to feel warm. RF
radiation, however, may penetrate the body and be absorbed indeep body organswithout any warning signs.
RF/µW Safety Guidelines
Since the long-term effects of low-level microwave radiationupon the human body arenot completely understood at this time,Harris Stratex Networks’ recommendations formaximum safety includethe following:
• Do not operate microwave equipment without first having propertraining orknowledge of microwave radio operation.
• Do not operate the microwave equipment without an appropriateantenna porttermination, or antenna.
• Check to ensure that the area around the antenna is clear ofpersonnel prior toturning the transmitter on.
• Do not look into or stand in front of an antenna.
• Do not swing or aim an antenna at nearby persons while theequipment is operating.
• Do not look into an open waveguide port while the equipment isoperating asirreversible damage to the eye(s) may result. Thewaveguide directs microwaveenergy between the transmitter and theantenna and since the cross-sectional area ofa waveguide is small,the power density is high and can be in excess of recommendedsafetylevels.
• Always exercise caution when working with open waveguides.
• Turn off the power before working with waveguideconnections.
• Where a structure or rooftop has existing antennas installed,do not proceed with aninstallation without first determining theRF/µW exposure risk. If necessary ask thestructure/rooftop owner oroperator. Where necessary have the relevanttransmitters turned offor wear a protective suit for the duration of the installation.
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Best Practices
RF Safety Standards
Refer to local safety standards for RF safety compliancerequirements. Refer to thefollowing safety standards for moreinformation on RF emissions and microwaveradiation safety:
• ANSI, 1982, “American National Standard-Safety Levels withRespect to HumanExposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields,300 kHz to 100 GHz.” Report
ANSI C95.1 1982, American National Standard Institute, NewYork.
• ANSI C95.5 - 1981, “American National Standard: RecommendedPractice for theMeasurement of Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields -RF and Microwave.”
• AS 2772.2 - 1988, “Australian Standard: Radio frequencyradiation,Part 2 - Principles and method of measurement 300 kHz to100 GHz.”
• European Commission - Non Ionizing radiation Sources, exposureand health effectsdoc CEC/V/F/1/LUX/35/95 - Luxembourg 1995.
• EUROPEAN PRESTANDARD, ENV 50166 - 1, “Human exposure toelectromagneticfields - Low-frequency (0 Hz to 10 kHz).” CENELEC,Ref. No. ENV 50166-1: 1995(January 1995).
• EUROPEAN PRESTANDARD, ENV 50166 - 2, “Human exposure toelectromagneticfields - High frequency (10 kHz to 300 GHz).”CENELEC, Ref. No. ENV 50166-2:1995 (January 1995).
• IEEE Std. C95.3-1991 - IEEE Recommended Practice for themeasurement ofPotentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields - RF andMicrowave - IEEE, August21, 1992 New York, USA.
• IEEE - ANSI (1992) - IEEE Standard for Safety Levels withRespect to HumanExposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields,3 kHz to 300 GHz - (StandardIEEE C95.1 - 1991. Revision of ANSIC95.1 - 1982) New York, NY, Institute ofElectrical and ElectronicsEngineers.
• IEEE - Entity Position Statement (1992), “Human Exposure toRadio frequencyFields from Portable and Mobile Telephones and OtherCommunication Devices,”
IEEE United States Activities Board, December 2, 1992.
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1-4 Harris Stratex Networks
Electrical HazardsAll HSX radio systems comply with globalproduct standards for Safety, Extra LowVoltage (SELV) ratedequipment. They are designed to operate from a nominal 48Vdcsupplywhere the maximum voltage is not to exceed 60 Vdc. Accordingly,hazardous
voltages are not used in the operation of HSX radiosystems.
However, the power supply providing the nominal 48Vdc supplywill normally be ACmains powered, and test equipment used inconjunction with HSX products may also
be AC mains powered. Similarly, the rack into which theHSX products are installedmay well contain other AC mains poweredequipment. Voltages above 60Vac or dc canshock and kill.
Electrical Safety Guidelines
To avoid electrical shock, follow these recommendations:
• Check for possible hazards in the work area, such as moistfloors, ungrounded powerextension cords, and missing or doubtfulsafety grounds.
• Do not work alone if potentially hazardous conditions exist inyour work space.
• Never assume that power is disconnected from a circuit. Alwayscheck the circuitbefore starting work.
• Locate the emergency power-off switch for the room in whichyou are working so thatif an electrical accident occurs, you canquickly turn off the power.
• Ensure equipment is correctly protected with a fuse or circuitbreaker.
• The power supply battery can have a short-circuit currentcapacity of many hundredsof amps. If short circuited before thefuse or circuit breaker, the resultant flashovercan cause seriousburn injuries. Ensure battery terminals and leads aresuitablyshielded against accidental short circuit.
• Install equipment in compliance with the followinginternational or nationalelectrical codes:
• International Electromechanical Commission (IEC) 60364, Part 1through Part 7.
• United States—National Fire Protection Association (NFPA70),United StatesNational Electrical Code.
• Canada—Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1, CSA C22.1.
• Codes that apply to your country.
• Complete the entire installation and check the grounding,including connectedperipheral equipment, beforeapplying powerto the radio system.
• Disconnect power to the radio system before replacingequipment, except as may bespecified in the relevant equipmentmanual for powered-up swap-out, or installationof field-replaceableunits.
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Best Practices
Chemical HazardsNo hazardous materials are used in theconstruction of HSX radios and multiplexers.No special handling ordisposal procedures are required, except that disposal must beassolid waste and not by burning or shredding.
Some HSX products include a Lithium Manganese battery.Replacement should onlybe performed by HSX service personnel,and spent batteries must be discarded as solidwaste.
Some local authorities may have special disposal requirementsforbatteries. These requirements must be followed.
For other manufacturer’s equipment, check their data sheets andinstructions.
Chemical Hazards GuidelinesChemical hazards may be present inyour work area from other sources, such as batteryacid, dieselfuel, cleaning agents, and asbestos building insulation.
General safety guidelines when handling hazardous materialsinclude the following:
• Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for thechemicals you use.
• Wear protective clothing, eye wear, gloves, face masks, orrespirators as required.
• Work in a well-ventilated area.
• Avoid inhalation of smoke or fumes produced when material isheated.
• Do not smoke near any potentially flammable products.
• Do not wear oil-contaminated clothing.
• After handling hazardous material, wash hands thoroughly withsoap and water.
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Laser and Fiber Optic Cable HazardsLaser products are subject tointernational and US federal regulations and practices.IEC60825–1and 21CFR1040.10 require manufacturers to certify each laserproduct asClass I, II, III, or IV, depending on the characteristicsof the laser radiation emitted. Interms of health and safety, ClassI products present the least eye hazard, while Class IVproductspresent the greatest hazard. A label specifying the Class usedshould be placedon all devices equipped with a lasertransmitter.
Class I laser products provide no danger to personnel from thelaser transmitter whenthe system is in its operating configuration.All HSX radios and multiplexers equipped
with laser transmitters use Class 1 devices.
Other transmission products or test equipment used inconjunction with HSX productsmay have laser transmitters of ClassII or higher. While it is unlikely that Class IIIb andClass IVlasers will be encountered in telecommunications installations,should a labelidentify either, take extra care to avoid exposure asthey can cause serious injury.
Laser and Fiber Optic Cable Safety Guidelines
When working with optical fibers, observe the followingguidelines to minimize thepotential for injury:
• Until checked and confirmed otherwise, regard all laser portsincludingunterminated fiber cables as ‘live’.
Laser light within the infra-red or ultra-violet spectrumisinvisible to the eye.
• Avoid direct exposure to fiber cable ends or open opticalconnectors in the laser
signal path.
• Do not look into unterminated optical ports or fibers thatconnect to unknownsources. If visual inspection is required:
• For optical ports, ensure the source equipment or its lasertransmitter is turnedoff.
• For fiber cable, disconnect the far end.
• Follow the manufacturer's instructions when using an opticaltest set. Incorrectcalibration or control settings could result inhazardous levels of radiation if directedtowards the eye.
• Protect/cover unconnected optical fiber connectors with dustcaps.
• Handle optical fibers with care. Do not attempt to bend thembeyond their minimumbend radius.
• Place all optical fiber cuttings and bare fiber scraps in asuitable container for safedisposal. A bare fiber is a fiber thathas had the primary coating removed, exposingthe fiber's glasssurface. These scraps are generated when splicing orterminatingfiber during the cleaving process. Fibers and fiberscraps can easily penetrate the skinand eyes, causing amicro-injury that is difficult to handle.
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Hoisting and Rigging SafetyHoisting and rigging activities canresult in accidents involving significant propertydamage, seriousinjuries, or death. Therefore, these activities must be executedwithattention to safety.
Refer to the applicable country regulations for detailedrequirements and guidelines.
Harris Stratex Networks’ Requirements
The following guidelines are to be followed by HSX-approvedengineering andinstallation subcontractors. The subcontractor’squality procedures and safe workingpractices or any regulatoryrequirements in the country of installation must alsobefollowed.
• Operators and riggers must be properly trained and familiarwith countryregulations and requirements.
• Hoisting and rigging equipment must be approved to theappropriate countrystandard. In some countries certificates need tobe available for inspection uponrequest.
• Hoisting and rigging activities must be carefully planned, andexecuted according toplan.
• Hoisting and rigging equipment must be checked prior to thelift.
• Hoisting and rigging equipment must not be used to liftpersonnel.
• Ensure safety harnesses are correctly worn and used at alltimes when climbing.
• Ensure hard hats are worn by all personnel working on andaround the tower/structure.
• Where appropriate, deploy warning signs such as “Danger MenWorking Overhead”and “Hard Hat Area” and close off the working areawith cones or rope.
Climbing CertificatesFollow the climbing regulations of thecountry, which may require riggers and othertower-climbingpersonnel to have an approved climbing certificate.
HSX requires all riggers and tower-climbing personnel (includingcontractors andsubcontractors) to have an approved climbingcertificate. A copy of the certificateshould be available foron-site inspection.
HSX further recommends that if a contracted rigger does notposses such a certificatethen that person:
• Cannot be classed as a rigger
• Cannot be permitted to climb
• Cannot be employed as the safety person for an approved riggerunless there is asecond rigger in the vicinity with whom permanentradio or telephone contact can bemaintained.
Permit To Climb
Follow the country’s regulations to obtain permission to climb.Such permission maynot be granted if the site or structure owner oroperator, or local authority, states thata structure is unsafe toclimb.
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Where the climbing activities are monitored by HSX, if thecustomer or arepresentative of the site owner, or other authorityindicates that it is not safe to climb,no rigging will take placeunless a senior rigger or structural engineer certifies that itissafe to climb.
General Site Safety• Watch for protrusions or sharp or slipperysurfaces that may catch or otherwise
cause injury. Where possible, cover or restrict access to suchareas.
• In a new installation ensure the placement of equipment doesnot restrict access to itand to other equipment.
• Ensure racks are securely anchored to the floor, and ifnecessary top-braced. Checkto ensure that the additional loading ofnew equipment into a rack does not cause anyreduction in mechanicalstability of the rack.
Site SecurityEnsure that the site is secure.
• Check for any signs of physical damage or attempted entry onarrival at site.
• On departure, check that doors, shutters, and gates arelocked, access laddersremoved or locked, and any site alarmactivated.
• Notify the operations center on arrival, and on departure.
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General Hazards
This section describes protection and safety issues formicrowave radio and associatedequipment.
Electrostatic Discharge ProtectionElectrostatic Discharge (ESD),also known as static electricity, is the sudden transferofelectricity between objects at different potentials. Staticcharges can cause damage tosensitive electronic components duringinstallation and servicing. Your body can easilypick up a staticcharge, which can discharge to components or assemblieswhentouched.
ESD can cause immediate terminal equipment failure but can alsocause latentdamage, which while showing no immediate or obviouseffect, may lead to prematurefailure.
Personnel and equipment must be properly grounded whenESDsensitive assemblies are handled.
ESD Handling Guidelines
To prevent ESD damage, follow these guidelines:
• Assume that all components, PCBs, and assemblies within aclosed electronichousing are sensitive to ESD.
• Handle ESD-sensitive items only when you are properly groundedat a static-safework area or when connected via askin-contact ESD grounding strap to a ground onthe equipment.
• Restrict handling of ESD-sensitive PCBs and sub-assemblies.Where practicalhandle assemblies via a front panel or the edges ofa PCB.
• Store and transport ESD-sensitive items in static-shieldingbags or containers.
• Ensure these handling procedures are maintained during theprocess of swap out/inof ESD-sensitive assemblies from/to their ESDprotecting transport bags orcontainers.
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Maximum and Minimum Ambient TemperatureEnsure compliance withthe maximum ambient temperature (Tmra), and minimumtemperaturespecifications for the installed equipment. Equipmentperformancecannot be guaranteed where ambient temperatures areoutside specification.
• To maximize long term component reliability, ambienttemperature limits must notbe exceeded. Excessive heat is thenumber one cause of premature equipment agingand failure.
• At very low temperatures the equipment may not start, or maytake considerabletime to start up.
ODU Temperature Considerations
ODUs are normally specified for a maximum ambient temperature of50° or 55° C. Thisis the maximum specified air temperature inshadedsituations. Solar gain can raise theinternal ODUtemperatures by 10° Celsius or more, and in equatorial regionsespecially
where ambients can be in excess of 40 C, over-heating mayoccur. In suchenvironments the ODU should be protected with a sunshield.
Rack-mount Temperature Considerations
If equipment is installed in a closed or multi-unit rackassembly, the operating ambienttemperature of the rack environmentmay be greater than room ambient. Themaximum ambient temperature(Tmra) specified applies to the immediate operatingenvironment ofthe equipment, which if installed in a rack, is the ambientapplying
within the rack.
Excessive heat is the number one cause of premature equipmentagingand failure. Where possible avoid operating equipment at ornear itsmaximum specified ambient.
Airflow RequirementsRack installations must be made such thatany airflow required for safe and correctoperation of equipment isnot compromised. Check the manufacturer’s installationmanual forairflow requirements.
Circuit OverloadingWhere an existing DC power supply is tobe used for a new radio installation, check thesupply hassufficient spare capacity to do the job. Also check that anycircuit protection
devices and intermediate dc supply wiring will not beoverloaded.
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Chapter 2. PlanningThis chapter provides planning guidelines forthe installation of radio links. Theguidelines apply to existing ornewly completed sites.
Network, route and link planning is not addressed. These aretopics best covered bypublications such as theMicrowaveTransmission Design Guideby TrevorManning, an Artech House(Boston & London) book.
The following system planning topics are covered:
• Path Engineering on page 2-1
• Site Survey on page 2-4
• Pre-Installation Planning on page 2-5
• NMS Planning on page 2-8
• Golden Site Installation on page 2-12
Path Engineering
This section introduces some of the key considerations, checksand guidelines for pathengineering. (It does not detail theengineering process as this constitutes a volume inits ownright).
At the outset, transmission capacity requirements andquality objectives must beunderstood and agreed. All radio systemsexperience some quality of servicedegradation so it is essentialthat the quality level needed is balanced against system
design constraints of path route(s), site availability, theequipment chosen, itsconfiguration, future requirements, andcost.
From a basic route plan for a link or a network of links, thedetailed radio planning cancommence, where each hop must bedesigned to meet the agreed quality objectives.
Radio link performance is affected by various propagationanomalies, such as rain fade,reflections, and ducting. However, athorough understanding of microwavepropagation and fadingmechanisms can allow an engineer to design a path that isrobusteven under the most difficult conditions.
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Path Planning Guidelines
Table 2-1provides an overview of path planning checks andcriteria.
Table 2-1. Path Planning Checks and Criteria
Topic Checks and Criteria
Path Engineering This is a key activity in laying out anynetwork. It is an activity bestperformed by experts in thefield.
Path Profile Regardless of path length, a baseline path profilemust be prepared usinga map of suitable resolution or a credibledigitized data base. This baselineprofile is the starting point forall subsequent line of sight verification andpath engineering.
Radio Path Parameters Microwave relies on clear line of site(LOS). For short paths it is normallysafe to visually inspect apath to verify LOS. For longer paths, thegeographical terraincharacteristics, refractivity gradients, and rainfallrates can havea major impact on path performance.
• Reflective surfaces such as flat smooth terrain, over watershots, sidesof near-field buildings, and diffractive terrainboundaries need carefulconsideration. The longer the path, the moreimportant this is.
• Where a path is prone to such effects, reflection and/ordiffractionanalysis is essential to help predict their effect and,if significant, howthey can be mitigated without having to considerchanging to analternative path.
• Visual path profiles are essential to check and measureobstacle heightsalong paths, and to characterize terrain types.Don't rely solely onmap-based path profiles.
• Refraction by the earths atmosphere causes a radio ray to bendslightly
downward in a normal atmosphere, or up in abnormal conditionswherethe density of the air increases with height. Of particularinterest is thechange in value of refractivity over the microwavefront; the gradient ofrefractivity. The gradient can change overheight, and with time, toprovide various anomalous propagationconditions for beam spreading,ducting and multipath. Refractiveindex data is available for allgeographic regions, which cancharacterize the likelihood of fading fordifferent times of the dayand for seasons of the year.
• Correct average temperature and rainfall rates must be enteredinto thepath availability calculations, and where appropriateaccount for anylocal anomalies, such as areas where rainfall ratesare much higher thangeneralized for the region. Rainfall primarilyaffects transmission atfrequencies above 10 GHz; below 10 GHz itseffect can generally bedisregarded.
Antenna Height Never assume that the higher up a tower anantenna is installed, thebetter the chance that path performancewill be optimized. Quite apartfrom unnecessary additional cost andtower wind loading, antenna heightcan be used in the path design tohelp screen out unwanted reflectivesurfaces by using foregroundobstructions. The cost of leasing space on atower is usually basedon antenna diameter (wind and weight load) andantenna height on thetower.
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Critical Design StepsCritical design steps include:
• Define the design objectives for the engineering of thepath.
• Establish baseline LOS by preparing a theoretical path profileusing a map ofsuitable resolution or a credible data base.
• Complete the path and link performance engineering.
• Perform the frequency planning and interference analysis.
• Complete all licensing requirements stipulated by locallaw.
Future Scope for Path
ObstructionsCheck the potential for the path to becomeobstructed either permanentlyor temporarily. The growth of trees orbuilding construction activity maycompromise the path. Or a pathmay become temporally obstructed byconstruction machinery (cranes),ships and aircraft.
Equipment Parameters Ensure appropriate equipmentdesign/performance criteria are used forthe link:
• A good design correctly considers the balance betweeninstalled costand how important a link is in the network.
• Ensure that correct radio, feeder, and antenna specificationsare used.For single antenna protected operation, ensure appropriatesplitterlosses are used.
• When a link is to be protected using hot-standby, spacediversity orfrequency diversity, ensure the rationale for selectingone over theother is soundly based.
• Make appropriate allowances for field variances such astransmit power,receive sensitivity, cable attenuation, antennagains, and similar.
License Considerations All point-to-point microwave links,except those in the ISM bands, aresubject to licensing by localauthorities. This is to ensure most efficientuse of the availableresource (frequency bands and bandwidth), and thatusers areallocated a radio channel, which is for their exclusive use initsnear geographical area. Preparing a license application can bedone by auser, but unless experienced in microwave planning, it isbest left to theexperts.
Frequency Planning This is a key activity in designing anetwork. It ensures that the choice offrequencies will notinterfere with other links, or be interfered with byother links inthe same geographical area. In some countries there is adatabase ofavailable frequencies by band from which to make a selection
for inclusion on a license application. In others, the linkfrequencies willbe determined by the licensing authority. Wherethere are doubts aboutthe integrity of the database or whereinterference is suspected, afrequency sweep may be needed toconfirm the availability of a preferredchannel.
Topic Checks and Criteria
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Site Survey
Performed ahead of the installation, a site survey ensures thata site is ready.
The completed survey should include the following:
• A pass/fail check list with comments as appropriate
• A site layout plan showing planned requirements or changes
Refer to Appendix A for an example Site Survey checklists.
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Pre-Installation Planning
This section describes recommended planning processes beforegoing to site to carryout an installation.
Good preparation ensures that all required pre-installationtasks are completed and allessential installation items are to handso that an installation can proceed smoothly.
SchedulingPrepare an installation and commissioning work plan.Use a timeline planning tool ora customized Excel spreadsheet tolist all relevant action items against resources andtime.
While useful for a single link, such planning is essentialfor networked multiple links.Use of structured planning tools helpsensure all processes are efficiently addressed.
Permits and LicensesEnsure you have the required permits for thesite, and licenses for the frequencies andequipment, including:
Possible Requirement Comment
Site access Permits may be required for personnel andvehicles toenter military or key national sites.Site owners and operators mayrequirepersonnel to have security passes.
Local authority permits May be needed before an installationcancommence, particularly if the site is covered by
visual or radio-wave protection ordinances or ifthere are publicsafety issues, for example,when installing an antenna on the sideof abuilding.
Frequency, bandwidth,and transmit power
Licensed band operation normally requires alicense-to-operatefrom the regulatoryauthority for the selected channel/frequency-pair.
Equipment New-generation radios have capacity and othervariablesset in software requiring a licensefrom the manufacturer. Licensesare delivered
as an encrypted software file or as a softwarekey on a plug-incard. Ensure any requiredsoftware license is correct for thecapacity to beinstalled.
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Directions and KeysEnsure that keys and security alarm codes forthe site are available and that theinstallation crew get cleardirections to the site. Include any special instructions, suchas towatch for stock and to close all farm gates behind them, or tocontact theoperations center on arrival and on departure.
Installation DatapackAn important requirement is theinstallation and commissioning datapack. It musthave allinformation needed by the installation crew for the links and sitesinvolved,including:
• Network management interconnection and terminal IP addressdata
• Commissioning checklist
• As-built, final site inspection, and sign-off forms
Refer to Appendix B for example Installation and Commissioningformsets.
Equipment VerificationBefore going to a site, check that theequipment to be installed is correct and complete.Unpack theequipment and inspect the contents to ensure that the packing listsand the
box labels are what was ordered. Also inspect theaccessories, especially any optionalaccessories ordered and othersmall items that may have been missed during packing.
Ensure the Tx/Rx terminal (Tx high or Tx low), and itsassociated antenna(s) andcabling goes to the correct site.
Bench TestCarrying out a bench test to confirm correct linkoperation before despatch to sites has
merit where sites are remote or distant, or installationdeadlines cannot accommodateout-of-box failures.
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Tools, Consumables, and Test EquipmentEnsure you have therequired and expected tools, consumables, and test equipment
before going to site.
Item Description
Tools Include the following:
• A full range of tools for an electrical /telecommunicationsinstallation, including a multi meter, hot-airgun, andstandard crimp tools.
• Specialized tools as may be required for antenna andfeederinstallation, such as cut-off, flaring, crimp andbending tools forwaveguide and solid-outer conductorcoaxial cables.
• PC-based craft tool, with the correct software version(s)anddrivers, to configure terminal and link parameters,and to carry outperformance and as-built testing. Ensure
that the cables to connect to a terminal areincluded.Consumables Includes materials such as crimp lugs, dc andground wire,
silicon grease, weather-protective/conductive grease,zinc-richpaint, heat-shrink tubing, and an assortment ofnuts, bolts, andwashers.
Test equipment Equipment as specified in the user manualforcommissioning check procedures. Equipment requiredcaninclude:
• BER tester (E1/DS1, E3/DS3, STM1/OC3). Checkwhether an opticaland/or electrical interface is requiredfor an STM1/OC3 tester.
• Ethernet circuit analyzer (for Ethernet traffic testing).
• Waveguide, antenna, and coaxial cable sweep analyzer.
• Ground resistance meter to measure the effectiveness ofsiteand tower grounds.
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NMS Planning
This section describes the NMS planning issues for anEthernet-connected manager,with a focus on HSX’ ProVisionelement management system (EMS).
It is intended as guidance for someone experienced in IPaddressing, such as a networkor IT manager.
For networks (especially large networks) of HSX devices, thefollowing guidelines mustbe followed to avoid planningdifficulties. Issues that might not seem significant for asmallnetwork, can become major issues in a large or expandingnetwork.
By planning the management network in conjunction with planningfor the physicalrollout of the network, the need to revisit sitesto set IP addressing and perhaps installrouters may be avoided.
IP Considerations• Each radio is treated as a separate IPNetwork with the radios acting as a router.
• The radios decide if they should send NMS traffic across themicrowave link basedon routing. Therefore each radio has its ownnetwork ID and is assigned an IPaddress. For example:
IP addressing for HSX radio devices typically requires as manyIP host addresses asnetwork IDs.
• If a large number of radios are deployed it may be necessaryto use Variable LengthSubnet Masking (VLSM) to make efficient useof IP addresses.
Terminal A Terminal B
Network 1 Network 2
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Best Practices
Address Ranges
Where management networks are network-address prolific aClass C address rangeshould be a first choice, but with subnettingClass A and Class B addresses can alsoprovide a large number ofnetwork addresses. Essentially, any non-Internet range ofaddressescan be used. Or an Internet address range can be used providingthere is nogateway to the Internet. Example address rangesinclude:
Class A: 10.x.x.x with a mask of
Class B: 172.1.x.x to 172.10 with a mask of
Class C: 192.169.1.x to 192.255.255.x with a mask of255.255.255.0
The non-Internet class B address space 172.16.x.x is notappropriate for radio networksexcept at the connection point to NOCLAN segments.
For some radios the manufacturer will advise that a specificrange of addresses mustnot be used for the reason they are requiredfor internal (embedded) addressing withinthe radio. An example ofthis is HSX’s Eclipse, where the address range of192.168.255.0 to192.168.255.255 must not be used.
Routing Protocol
Generally static routing is the default routing option. For someradios it is the onlyoption. It requires manual configuration ofthe routing table and any subsequentreconfiguration.
Dynamic routing makes use of a protocol such as OSPF or RIP.These update therouting table held within each router through amutual exchange of messages. In mostinstances it should only benecessary to enter the IP address for the terminal and thenselectOSPF or RIP, depending on the capabilities of the router. Comparedto staticrouting, dynamic routing requires much less configurationmanagement by a networkadministrator.
HSX’s Altium radio uses RIP version 1 (RIP1) routing protocol.The Eclipse radio offersOSPF, RIP1, or RIP2.
RIP has a 15 IP-hop limitation, which means contiguous chains ofradios cannot exceed15 IP hops1without the use of routers tomediate. This hop limitation is a managementissue only, it does notaffect traffic. OSPF does not have this IP hop limitation.
Some radios such as the HSX’s XP4 and DART do not use routingtables.Instead they employ a simple IP forwarding or routingmechanism,meaning complex topologies where branching exists mayrequire the useof a router at certain junctions if the broadcastmode is not used.
1For radio links, which are back-to-back connected by anEthernet cable, each link represents two IP hops,meaning a maximumof seven hops before a routing intermediary is required. For radiossuch as HSX’sEclipse, its nodal concept means a maximum of 15 hopscan be traversed before the RIP limitationapplies.
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Summary IP Address Assignment Requirements
For detailed information on the establishment ofmanagementconnectivity and addressing, refer to the User Manual forthe radio type.
Device IP Address Requirements
Eclipse Node, Eclipse Terminalnon-protected, Altium, DART,DXR700, DXR 100, Spectrum II SNMP,XP4 non-protected
Assign an IP address to each device
Non-protected XP4 or DART linkconfigured with a single NMIoption
board(NMI board at one end of thelink only)
Assign an IP address to the NMI equipped radio only
Protected Eclipse Terminal (protectedIDUs) and protected XP4
Assign two unique IP addresses; one for each IDU in theprotectedpair.
Spectrum II, Quantum, M-Series, LC These are legacy radios. Alluse TNet, which is aproprietary protocol that cannot be transportedacrossan IP network without the use of an intermediary proxyagentrunning on a Windows NT-4 server. The proxyagent:
• Identifies the managed HSX TNet radios and AIU• Assigns asubnet address to each TNet radio and AIU• Assigns a radio addressto each TNet radio and AIU• Supports configuration of multiplephysical TNet
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Identify any requirements for third party equipment, such asrouters, switches, andcabling.
• Where an NMS needs to transit a PDH circuit at E1/DS1 or subE1/DS1, specializedmuliplexers or routers can be used. Please seekadvice from Harris Stratex Networksfor such requirements.
• Disjointed management networks may be interconnected viarouters/modems over
leased lines.
If further information is required, contact Harris StratexNetworks.
XP4, DXR 700, and DXR 100 Do not support loop topologies withoutthe use of routersto mediate. Please contact Harris StratexNetworks todiscuss.
VoIP EOW (Voice over IP EngineeringOrder Wire)
The IP addressing requirements may call for eachnode to beaddressed by every other node, whichmay differ from a managementnetwork whererouting is biased towards sending data to the NOC.
Device IP Address Requirements
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Golden Site Installation
A Golden Site is a reference site; a site where thequality of the workmanship and theinstallation practices used aredesigned to set the standard for all other installations inanetwork.
Typically it is installed under the guidance of an experiencedinstaller or trainer, and isparticularly effective if completed inconjunction with a formal training course, wherethe trainees aredoing the installation under the watchful eye of the trainer.
Usually a Golden Site is the first site of a new networkrollout, but may also be a sitewhere existing installationpractices have been found wanting and a new site standardisrequired for remedial action.
Upon its completion a Golden Site can be used to assist on-goingtraining of newinstallation personnel, both on-site, and in theclassroom using photographic recordsof installation procedures.
A Golden Site may also prove invaluable in setting andagreeing required standardswith installation contractors.Contractual requirements for standards and quality canbesimplified if there is a Golden Site to formally refer to.
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Chapter 3. Antenna Selection,Installation, and Alignment
This chapter describes the various types of point-to-pointmicrowave antennas
available for frequency bands 300 MHz to 38 GHz, theirinstallation, initial alignment,wind loading, andenvironmental protection.
Antenna Types
Many antenna types are available to meet various electrical andmechanicalspecifications. Most commonly used are the parabolicantennas (grid, standard, focalplane, and shielded). Other typesinclude flat plate (panel) and yagi.
Parabolic AntennasThere are two main types, solid (solidreflector) and grid (grid reflector). Grid antennasare available infrequency bands from 300 MHz to 3.5 GHz, at which point thereduced
wind and weight loading benefits of the grid type lose outto solid antennas on electricalefficiency.
Solid antennas are broadly categorized into three distincttypes: standard, focal planeand shielded.
Shielded types are often referred to as HP or high performanceantennas bymanufacturers.
Parabolic antennas are normally equipped with a mount to attachto a vertical112-115 mm diameter pipe (vertical pipe mount).
Grid Antenna
Grid antennas are typically available for frequency bands from300 MHz to 3.5 GHzwith diameters from 1.2 m to 4 m.Polarization is determined by the orientation of thegrids (and feeddipole). Grids horizontal for horizontal polarization, verticalfor
vertical. The feeder mostly used is foam dieletric coax(eliminating pressurizationrequirements). Performance (gain,beamwidth, cross-polarization discrimination,front-to-back ratio,and VSWR) is comparable with an equivalent sizedstandardsolidantenna.
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Figure 3-1. Grid Antenna
To compare with other antenna types, refer to Table 3-1.
Standard Antenna
Standard solid antennas offer an economic solution where a highdegree of back andside lobe radiation suppression is not necessary.A radome is not fitted, but is usuallyavailable as an optionalextra. Single and dual polarization options are also usually
available. Standard antennas are offered on frequency bands from1 to 23 GHz.
Figure 3-2. Standard antenna
To compare with other antenna types, refer to Table 3-1.
Focal Plane Antenna
Focal plane solid antennas provide an improved front-to-backratio specificationcompared to standard antennas. The reflector isdeeper and the feed optimized to thereflector. A radome is usuallynot fitted, but is available as an optional extra. Single anddualpolarization options are usually available.
Focal plane antennas are typically offered on frequency bandsfrom 1.5 to 8 GHz.
In North America the focal plane is generally called a “deepdish” antenna, and is aminimum requirement at 5.9 to 6.4 GHz tomeet FCC category A requirements.
Figure 3-3. Focal plane antenna
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To compare with other antenna types, refer to Table 3-1.
Shielded Antenna
Shielded solid antennas include a shroud (shield) around theouter circumference,which has an RF absorbing material fittedon the inside. They offer high back and sidelobe suppression and anoptimized radiation pattern specification. They are usuallyofferedin low profile, high performance, and ultra high performanceversions, whereultra includes a more highly specified feed foroptimum pattern performance. Singleand dual polarization optionsare available. Shielded antennas are offered on allpoint-to-pointfrequency bands from 1.5 to 40+ GHz.
Figure 3-4. Shielded antenna
To compare with other antenna types, refer to Table 3-1.
A radome is a standard inclusion to reduce the wind loadeffect of the shield, and, fordiameters up to 1.8 m, is usuallysolid plastic. For larger diameters, tensioned teflonfabric radomesare normally used.
Low profile versions, typically available for frequencies above7 GHz, provide a reducedvisibility antenna without seriouslycompromising radiation pattern performance.
The low profile shielded antenna is the type normally usedwithsplit-mount radio systems.
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Other AntennasTwo other types of antenna encountered on themicrowave radio bands are the FlatPlate and Yagi. Flat plateantennas are relatively new to the industry.
Flat Plate AntennaWhere low visual signature is aprerequisite, flat plate antennas with their compact, lowprofiledimensions provide a good solution. Their specifications fall intotwocategories:
• Medium gain with a relatively broad beamwidth on bands 2 to 13GHz
• Higher performance with a specification comparable to compactshielded antennason bands 23 to 38 GHz.
Figure 3-5. Flat plate 23 GHz high performance antenna
The lower specification antennas typically offer gains ofbetween 13 and 18 dBi andwith 3 dB beamwidths of 40° to 15°respectively. Front-to-back ratio andcross-polarizationdiscrimination specifications are approximately half those ofsmalldiameter solid parabolic antennas. This type of plate antennais most frequentlydeployed with 2.4 and 5.8 GHz unlicensed bandradios.
The high specification plate antennas offer gain, beamwidth,cross-polarization and
front-to-back ratio specifications comparable to a 0.3 m solidshielded (highperformance) parabolic antenna. Currently thesehigher specification flat plateantennas are seen most widely onbands 23 GHz and higher, though examples are
beginning to appear on the lower bands. Refer to Figure3-6.
Figure 3-6. Flat plate 5 GHz high performance antenna
8/19/2019 Harris Stratex Best Practices Guide
280-200019-001 Rev 005a June 2007 3-5
Best Practices
Yagi Antenna
Yagi antennas are offered for frequencies up to 2.5 GHz,where a typical highperformance 12 element yagi can provide a gainof about 17 dBi with a 3 dB beamwidthof 20°. Figures for crosspolarization discrimination and front-to-back ratios are oftennotstated.
For the 1.4 to 2.5 GHz bands the yagi is usually shrouded(installed inside aweatherproof protective tube).
Figure 3-7. 2.5 GHz shrouded yagi
For point-to-point microwave they have most application in lowercapacity ruraltelephony and utility networks on bands 300 MHz to1.4 GHz where their light weight,compact dimensions and low costprovide an attractive
Harris Stratex Best Practices Guide - [PDF Document] (2024)
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