Guide for PAYDAY 2: Crimewave Edition (2025)

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Misc Achievements Deathwish run

Misc Achievements

There are 2 achievements that will be separate to your Deathwish run (that I would advise doing at a high level due to the need for skills), on Day 1, you have a car and can fit 3 goats in the back of it. After a couple of minutes, a van will arrive in a random location on the map (you can sometimes find it by bumping into the collision box for it).

This achievement will be easier with 4 players on a low difficulty, as one can drive the car, and the other 3 can run dodge builds or just a Two-Piece Suit for speed and grab a goat each. Within 1 minute of the van arriving, you need to secure 6 goats, so this is why you want a bigger team. There really is no tactic to this besides learning where the goats can spawn and getting the longest ones first.

Goat In 60 Seconds

Goat Simulator - Secure 6 goats in the escape truck within 1 minute of it arriving.

Guide for PAYDAY 2: Crimewave Edition (1)

On the 2nd day, you need to escape within 4 minutes of the escape car being available. It will become available once the goats have all been picked up in the cage. I would advise one person bringing C4 for the door, to speed up the process later in the Heist. When the plane picks up the goats, all stand by the back of the truck outside of the barn. Get in the car as quickly as possible and drive to the bridge. This is where the C4 comes in handy, use it to open the door quickly, then press the button and make sure the cops don't reach it. Once the bridge has aligned with the road, get back in the car and quickly drive to the escape. If you managed this all in 4 minutes, you'll get the achievement.

Hazzard County

Goat Simulator - Finish day 2 within 4 minutes from when the escape car is available

Guide for PAYDAY 2: Crimewave Edition (6)

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Deathwish run

I'm going to be assuming here that you are a decent level and used to Deathwish. I say this, as this is probably one of, if not the hardest heist currently available. It's pretty much just an open environment, with multiple sniper spots and a lot of cops on the map at once.

Day 1

Solo/Co-op: Now I hope you bumped into a lot of the main goat spawns during your runs of Day 1, as this is going to be a very difficult day regardless, even more so without knowing enough of the spawns. Some are entirely random and just on top of random cars, in the park in the middle, in the alleyways and on random streets/street corners. The spawns that may change location but always essentially involve the same events are:

Apartment building - This goat will ALWAYS spawn here, so it should be ingrained into your memory by the time you come to the Deathwish run. The gist of it, you will have to manoeuvre through the building (it's mostly a set path) and put out fires to move up floors or clear blockages. Once on the right floor where the goat is, you need to grab him, set up the zip line and get out via that. There will a bulldozer on the floor with the goat, usually in the room leading into the one where it is.

Shop - There are 2-3 shops throughout the map where one goat will spawn and need the use of a drill to get into it. This is just a survival game whilst you wait for the drill to finish.

Electric Boxes - There are 2 (maybe 3) locations on the map where you will need to find the right electrical box to be able to free the goat, one is the scaffolding in the back of the map, the other that I remember right now is the shop on the right side where it will be on a fan. It's mostly simply, there are 3 or 4 boxes and you just need to activate the right one to get to the goat.

Lamppost - This one didn't always appear for me on Deathwish, so I guess there are around 20 different spawns, allowing some leniency for which will spawn at times. This one will be stuck on top of a lamppost in a few different spots on the map. You will need to use a placeable saw on it and wait it out till the lamppost falls.

Besides these 4, most are just spawns on the map such as the park, the hot dog vans in the map, random shops that can just be pick locked open and the other locations mentioned at the top of this day. For this day just get all of the goats and either run them to the truck or put them in the car and drive there. Once they're all in the cages, you just need to drive the car in to finish.

Day 2

Solo/Co-op: Okay, so Day 2. This day is just as brutal if not more so. I spent nearly an hour slowly making my way through each part in solo on this day as it's very dangerous throughout and requires caution.

You'll start out in a barn and be ambushed. This day picks up very fast. I would suggest if you're in a group moving the goats to the upstairs of the barn just to move them to a slightly safer spot for later. After a little bit, you'll be contacted and after another small wait, a cage will be dropped in 3 bags. Move these bags to one of the two possible locations (in front of the barn down the hill, or out back. The back is more dangerous). Once the cage is built, you'll need to move every goat into in then activate the beacon to get the plane to fly by and pick it up. Because the goats are just as glitchy as they are in Goat Simulator itself, some don't fully count being in the cage so you may need multiple runs. Oh, also, the plane sometimes misses due to complete RNG, making this part short or long due to things completely out of your control.

After the goats are all picked up, the big truck out front will open up with the escape car. Get in and follow the road (the road will have a slightly different route every time, but it's generally the same). Drive through as fast as possible to avoid dying until you reach the bridge. Now if you've done the 4-minute escape already, you'll know generally what to do here. Since this is Deathwish, it is unlikely one of you decided to grab a SAW or shaped charges, so you'll have to do this the long way with a drill you'll need to repair multiple times.

Get the room open however your group can and go in to press the button. You will want to camp out behind the building (opposite of where the door is) to stay relatively safe except for the odd sniper in a helicopter. If someone stops the bridge turning, get someone to run in and press it again and get out fast. Once it is turned fully, enter the car again and drive to the escape.

I've tried to give the best advice I can for this heist, but it is probably the hardest one that you NEED to play on Deathwish in my opinion, so it will take some tries regardless.

Coffee Stain

Goat Simulator - Finish the level on Death Wish or above.

Guide for PAYDAY 2: Crimewave Edition (11)

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20. The Golden Grin Casino Heist18. The Point Break Heists

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Guide for PAYDAY 2: Crimewave Edition (2025)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.